Can I buy a written report assignment?
What is a Report
Yes, it is safe and secure to buy a report assignment online from MyPaperHub. A report is a paper written to a particular group of people and for a clear purpose. Typically, specific information and evidence are brought in, analyzed, and applied to a particular subject.
How do you write my report assignment?
• Once you ask us to write a report assignment for you, you should readily provide us with a brief set of instructions with provided guidelines.
• The report brief comprises a purpose, audience, and the issue that your report is supposed to address.
• The brief includes the format and structure that we're supposed to adhere to when writing your report.
Key sections we include in your written report
Title page
• Terms of reference (includes a brief explanation of who the report is directed, the purpose of the report being written, and why it was written (audience, purpose, and approaches).
• Summary also is known as an abstract (Includes aim of the research).
Table of contents
• An introduction should explain the aims and objectives of the report.
• Methods (which equipment was used and which procedures were followed)
• Results (This section will include a summary of your report. It will comprise graphs and tables to support the discussion).
• Discussion (We will use headings and sub-headings for a proper structure to be achieved. Also, we will discuss the facts and provide evidence accordingly).
• Conclusion (We won’t introduce any new ideas at this point. Instead, we will show the importance of what we’ve discussed by reminding the reader of the vital sections discussed in the report).
• Appendixes will include Unpublished evidence. In addition, we will include tables, graphs, questionnaires, surveys, and even transcripts).
• Bibliography (in alphabetical order, we will list the published sources)
• Acknowledgments (any person or organization that aided the completion of the report by providing their details & information)
• Glossary (in alphabetical order, we will list all technical terms with a brief and concise description of each term.
Can I buy an essay assignment?
Yes, it’s safe and secure to buy an essay online at our service. Here is how we develop a good essay introduction and conclusion when buying an essay assignment online at MyPaperHub.
The introduction
An essay introduction is your first paragraph, and it serves as a mapping of the essay by the writer. It generally involves the writer outlining the various arguments and essential points you have managed to develop in your essay; all this is concerns showing your reader what your essay is all about. Remember, we write for the reader, not for our purposes.
Most introductions start with a brief general statement, which shows the reader how the brief statement leads to much detailed information concerning the specific line of discussion. This is then followed by a thesis statement that we have already formulated, and of course, this answers the essay question. Then, what follows is an outline of the various argument presented in the essay; it's like a hierarchy that moves from the general ideas that can be viewed as broad spectrums to the most basic and specific details.
We write the body of your essay first, and then we write the introduction *last*. An introduction written before you know the argument is essential puts you three steps back at the outset. Once you've got your essay in front of you, it's easier to go back and tell your reader what they will be reading and in what order.
The conclusion
Not even your Professor will afford to introduce new ideas at this point because you will have to change the entire essay starting from the thesis statement. The only function of an essay conclusion is to reinstate the main argument, and it does remind the reader of the main strength of an argument. It brings forth reminding the reader of the primary evidence or supporting points of the main argument. This shouldn't be a summary, but it's just meant to strengthen the thesis, and by now, the reader has read almost everything, and we can only present the reader with a mirage of evidence presented.
Discover a conclusion checklist used by expert writers
• What are the essential aspects of your findings?
• What are the effects of your conclusion?
• What limitations to the approach have you used?
• What ideas or suggestions can aid in future research?
Can I buy a literature review assignment?
Buy a Literature review assignment online.
Yes, it is safe and secure to buy a literature review assignment online from MyPaperHub. A literature review is one of the essential elements of the research report. Two aspects of any credible scholarly article include the article having an abstract and a literature review.
In Literature Review, a student is expected to summarize the topic and critically analyze the subject using reasonable arguments, discussions, and approaches.
Understanding the aim of a literature review before writing it
• To show that you have read and better understand the significant published work involving a specific topic or question regarding research development.
• To identify and highlight crucial variables and to document the significant findings from old research.
• To cover all studies related to the research to understand the current practices.
• Show the difference in authors’ views concerning different issues.
• To show the importance of the chosen topic.
• To explain the choice of the research question.
• To provide the history of the study.
• To relate your research to the previous ones and show understanding of the topic.
A review article often called a literature review or secondary source, is a principal, constructive analysis of literature in a particular field of study sought through summarizing classifications, analyses, and comparisons. A review article is also a type of scientific text which purely depends on data or literature which has been previously published. Finally, a review article can be an independent publication whereby literature reviews and Ph.D. theses won't be given priority in this section.
Essential steps in writing your literature review assignment
1. The Title
The title has the function of aiding readers to decide whether or not they should commence reading the text. We ensure the title is relevant and can serve the purpose of being informative, and by doing this, the title should contain essential terms. The title should be brief and concise though a longer subtitle can serve as an option in cases where there needs to be a specification. The tense to be used in the title section should be the present tense since it emphasizes the validity of the outcomes and illustrates what the author is trying to achieve with the article text. The title length should be within the range of 8-12, and it can be in the form of a question if at all, the question does remain unanswered at the time of writing the review.
2. Author list
The purpose of the author list is to provide a declaration of the intellectual ownership of the work by providing contact information. The elements of the list of authors are, first, the decision on authorship, which means everyone who contributed significantly towards the literature search, exploration, and the writing process, should be included. Secondly, there is an order in which the authors should be listed. The first author is the author who has contributed significantly to most research work and also written the most important sections of the literature. Between the first and the last author who have also contributed to the review, literature should be included and ordered alphabetically, indicating equality. The last author did manage the overall project, and they are the ones who had the original idea. We make sure that we have discussed this section early enough in our writing.
3. The Abstract
The function of the abstract is to inform the chief objective and the result of the review article for informative abstracts, or it can indicate the structure of the text in descriptive abstracts. The subject description is covered without any specific details for descriptive abstracts (used for narrative reviews). Remember that a descriptive abstract is just like a table of contents but in paragraph form. We exclusively use the present tense when writing an abstract, and the length stands between 200 words and 250 words.
4. The Table of Contents
The function of the table of contents is to make text organization clear to the reader; it also helps orient the reader among the different sections of text.
5. The introduction
The introduction provides information regarding the context, and it also indicated the motivation for coming up with the review. It does define the focus, the research question and explains the structure of the text. The present tense is used in this section. We use the past tense to classify methods and results. The elements of a good introduction are the subject background, which discusses the span of concern, the next is discussing the problem, and the final is the motivation, which indicates the reason of the author to review the literature.
6. The Body (first section)
The body encompasses the materials and methods used. Its function is to enable researchers to repeat the review. Information that should be made available at this stage is the data sources, search terms and strategies, and the statistical methods, among many other things that enabled the review analysis to become a success.
7. Body (second section-main)
The body should contain the section structure, including the methodical or systematic approaches, models, the extent of thesis support, studies that agree and disagree in chronological order, and the geographic location. The second section is the paragraph structure, which should follow specific rules: first, ensuring that only one idea is discussed per paragraph and that you have referred to several studies per paragraph, not just one. The third section is the links, which are just a way to link the findings from your research to the introduction question and making sure that you have linked all studies to each other, and go ahead to compare and discuss these relationships. The fourth aspect is tense to be used, and the tenses used are the present, simple past, and present perfect, which refers to an area of research where independent researchers were directly involved.
8. The conclusion
We make sure that we have answered the research question which was raised in the introduction section. This section should contain the effects of the findings, the author's interpretation, and the highlighting of the questions which ended up without being resolved. There are no citations at this point, and the length should stick at 10% or less of the main text, which encompasses the introduction, body, and conclusion.
9. Acknowledgments
It expresses gratitude and appreciation to all those involved with coming up with the literature, structuring of the material. At this point, we express indebtedness to the funding sources, and we specify the funding sources. We include full names of the people or agencies and make sure that we use the present tense but the past tense when citing agencies.
10. Reference section
The references ensure that the reader can easily find the literature mentioned in the text. It also acknowledges the work of other people in that field of study, which came up with various discoveries. This section aids in avoiding plagiarism charges. We use a maximum of 100 references and a minimum of 50.
11. Illustrations: Concept map
A concept map is used in review articles to visualize the topic structure to display the relationships between studies, models, and theories. It's a graphic organizer that aids scholars in the organization of a particular subject and, in this case, the organization of a review article by starting with the central concept and branching out, showing how the main idea can be broken down to specific topics.
A constant cycle of editing and re-editing your literature review
Once your Literature Review is ostensibly finished and it has 'blossomed’ to a plumptuous X number words, it’s time for us to dive into the editing part. First, our writers go back to the topic and check that whatever they’ve written explains and answers the question. Next, they go through the whole review to make sure everything is supposed to be. We check for grammatical errors, correct formatting style, make sure that the quotes (if any) are correctly cited, and check that the references are also correctly cited. Next, our writers conduct rewrites where necessary and ensure that the entire literature review works together from the introduction to the conclusion. Finally, writers go through the material until they are delighted with the outcome.
Can I buy an Argumentative Essay assignment?
Argumentative Essay assignment for college students
Yes, it is safe and secure to buy argumentative essay assignment online from MyPaperHub. Through persuasion, argumentative essays allow someone’s point of view to be the best and most respected among the other ideas during a discussion. It’s a type of writing which serves the purpose of persuasion, and in the end, the person or group of people end up believing what you believe in (idea or concept).
How do we structure your argumentative essay assignment for college?
• We start with a hook (we draw the reader closer by coming up with a killer introduction)
• We include background information (This will ensure that the reader knows what we’re about to talk about)
• We state the thesis (we sum up our points in one clear sentence that tells the reader what our position is)
• We do not discuss anything at the introduction point since all those arguments belong to body paragraphs.
Can I buy a Reflective task assignment?
Yes, it is safe and secure to buy any sort of reflective assignment online at MyPaperHub. Our writers will come with a written assignment that’s both reflective and descriptive.
Can I buy expository, descriptive, persuasive & narrative essay assignments?
It is safe and secure to buy expository, descriptive, persuasive & narrative essay assignments online, all from MyPaperHub.
Expository Essay Assignment
Buy an expository essay assignment online at our service for the best-structured piece of writing. Expository writing is a type of discourse that can be oral and also in a written form that emphasizes giving information (inform) and also at the same time describes and explains. This type of writing or orally relayed information is different from the others since the creator of this type of written text isn't supposed to assume that the audience or a particular group of people to whom the text is addressed to have any know-how or an idea in regards to the subject matter being presented. Therefore, the creator should provide direction for the reader, and at the same time, they should use words that firmly tell the reader what is being talked about rather than try to explain what is being discussed.
How we develop your expository essay assignment step by step
• We use short and precise words.
• We come up with a unique style in developing your essay. This can be: compare and contrast, analyze, or even cause and effect.
• We come up with an excellent thesis statement.
• We have different topic sentences for each paragraph
• We come up with emphasized points that are of most importance to your essay. These points are based on facts and ought to be true.
• We ensure that our conclusion restates the argument by summarizing key facts.
• Our writing is brief and to-the-point
• We ensure that each idea covers one paragraph to avoid a mix-up of ideas
• We play with transition words accurately and only when necessary. Transition words include: However, nevertheless, with regards to and so on.
Descriptive Essay Assignment
Buy a descriptive essay assignment online at our service for a well-structured piece of writing. A descriptive essay is an essay that permits the reader to understand a subject of an essay of metaphorical language. It entails the use of sound, a feeling, and even emotion. You use descriptive essays to help you illustrate something so that the reader can feel, see or even hear what you are discussing.
How we structure your descriptive essay assignment as fast as 123
• We ensure that we have used a wide range of sensory details that paint a picture and do appeal to the sense of sight, sense of hearing, sense of touch, sense of taste, and smell when appropriate
• We ensure that we have used analogies, similes, and metaphors, which are symbolic language types that help paint a picture in the reader's mind.
• An excellent descriptive essay uses specific language, which means that the use of general adjectives, nouns, and passive verbs does NOT play any part in descriptive writing. Instead, we ensure that we have used specific adjectives, nouns, and verbs, which are vital for the picture we’re trying to paint to have life and a sense of reality.
• Organization when it comes to descriptive essays is a must-do. A descriptive essay can be organized regarding time (chronological) location and order of relevance or importance. This means that when describing an individual, we can choose to describe the person's physical properties first, followed by how the individual thinks, behaves, and relates to other individuals.
Persuasive Essay Assignment
Buy a persuasive essay assignment online at our service for a skillfully written piece of writing. Have you ever wanted to convince a friend that your point is more valid than theirs? That’s what persuasive writing is all about. A persuasive essay tries to reason out that a particular idea or point of view is more valid than the other. Is persuasive writing simple? Of course, it is as long as you use reasonable logic, and you use facts and not just mere talk or writing.
How we develop your persuasive essay assignment in 5 easy steps
• We take a position on which side of the conversation we are willing to take.
• We make sure that we understand our audience- We ought to know which side lies with more facts and is easy to take a stand with because when you fail to take the suitable stand, the audience might not support you.
• We undertake thorough research- We research the topic and have evidence that’s enough to compel a crowd.
• We ensure that we have answers to these questions: 1. what is the structure and organization of our essay. 2. In what order will we ensure that we present our findings and evidence so that it is understandable to our audience.
• We develop enough compelling evidence: We prepare our evidence well and back up our points with enough evidence to sway the audience into taking our point of view. Evidence can be in statistical data, which is readily available in government offices or newsrooms, observations, and even personal experiences. Also, we ensure we have examples for illustration purposes.
Narrative Essay Assignment
Buy a narrative essay assignment online at our service for the best-composed piece of writing.A narrative essay tells a story, which is entirely open since it can include telling a story to friends/peers or even reading out literature text from great people who were storytellers like Shakespeare. Most people have taken part in narrating a story from sources such as movies and YouTube videos. However, most people despise narrative essays, and you might end up asking, “How will this narrative essay about a boat ride apply in my career? The answer is that it does.
Once you go for an interview, you might be asked to write about a proposal or report regarding your fieldwork, and you will need to write that on the spot to secure a job as a way to prove you have excellent communication skills, technical knowledge, and management skills as well.
How we structure the key sections of your narrative essay assignment in 6 steps
We employ a curious opening hook to grab the audience's attention (Use the ABCDE method-Action, Background, Development, Climax, and Ending.)
• We acutely draw the characters.
• We come up with an interesting chain of events (plot).
• We stick to the use of proper and exciting descriptions of people, events, and settings.
• We cleverly use dialogue.
• We employ clever use of tension.
• The climax covers the best parts of our story.