The three selected topics were not limited to the self-concept, social cognition, and social influence research studies. What motivated the choice of the topics is the ultimate anticipation of the negative influence of technology on human behavior and mental process. Self-concept study is where an individual’s emotions and deeds covered in perfectionistic expectations. The study found that the majority of populations impose on themselves the burden of demands (Nevid, 2011).
Nonetheless, they are blind to the fact
that acquiring a perfectionistic status requires emotional maturity and
patience. Without achieving their demands leads to withdrawal from life challenges
lowering their ultimate esteems. The
study proposes a well thought out personal expectations based on an
individual’s strengths and weaknesses a reality to the dynamic world (Nevid,
2011). Christians who recognize this
problem shift their focus to God to seek for solutions to their worries.
The second topic included social cognition.
Social cognition challenges the need for constant approval, i.e., an individual
tends to always receive social ratings within and without. Ellis & Ellis
(2011) propose that an exaggerated need for social approval is a perquisite for
lowered self-esteem. He urges the readers to substitute irrational needs with
the ultimate approval with rational ones (Nevid, 2011). The Bible, on the
contrary, encourages self-love regardless of external influence.
Finally, social influence formed the third
topic choice. It encourages individuals to dissociate from comparing Facebook
profiles with their own. The research found out that students who utilize their
spare time in going through profiles perceived their counterparts to be
enjoying better and happier lives (Nevid, 2011). An individual with fewer
friends feels socially incompatible, lowering his or her self-esteem. In the
biblical world, everybody is created in the same image and likeness to the
creator. Through utterance of similarities of all humankind, the study is in
contradiction of biblical teachings.
the way you are expressing your points are of a certain higher level especially
the challenge you had with the obedience psychological concept. To be sincere,
Stanley Milgram is a good choice to bring to reality the psychological
obedience to authority concept. The study, for instance, demystified the myth
that a good person will always do everything right. The study in contrast
showed that good people flopped in their endeavors at certain scenarios when
they are blindly following the authority (Nevid, 2011). The morality of the rule, nonetheless,
makes the’ good people’ have relief in their conscious that what they have done
is morally right.
‘Working in front of others’ is greater psychological concept and the way you
support your points are motivating. Social loafing and social facilitation are
two concepts that argue against each other in a manner that the reader understands
the point of argument (Nevid, 2011). The parallel argument, I assume,
provoked the biblical parallel you indicated at the end. However, it could have
had a very unique appearance if you included social freight or stage tension
and the manner that Charles (2009) has tried to study management of stage
tension or fright. Charles (2009), the psychology of stage fright, for
instance, deduces that emotions build to the extent that poor mental
coordination suppresses speech. World biblical views can be traced to Jesus in
the book of John. He challenged Peter, one of his loved disciples, on the belief
in oneself. To dig a little bit deeper on the scripture, Peter had a doubtless
friendship with Jesus. Jesus mocked the friendship to the extent that He
foresaw Peter denials just to save his life from the authority (John 18:13).
The three studies if blended together will triple up into a more comprehensive
report and apart from earning you more marks can also broaden your scope.
The psychological concept, obedience,
is a greater topic both in the biblical world and the ordinary world. To mean
it cuts across believers and non-believers and that it is more appropriate to
be discussed in highly regarded ‘Christian life seminar.' The choice of the
study is thus relevant to the topic under discussion. How you bring in personal
expectations and the real study concept shows a clear understanding of the
subject matter. My understanding of Milgram Experiment in obedience in
psychology depicts a scenario where there is a conflict between self and the
authority. The aim of Milgram was to
assess how easy it is for an individual to obey instruction especially those
instructions which involve harm to another person. He used the example of world
war two (WWII). On reading your post, the points are well elaborated. Nonetheless, in typical scenarios, possible
solutions to an existing conflict make the research have flavor relieving the
reader of unnecessary anxiety (Nevid, 2011). Although you have mentioned the
concept of morality- as the equilibrium point that a good person performing
evil activities for the sake of the authority is consciously cleansed- it
doesn’t come out vividly.
Narrowing down to biblical context will make
the paper very relevant in the biblical world which you have done
appropriately, but your biblical relevance seems to create another conflict
with the authority. People will pity authority against biblical teaching. Scriptures like the story of Moses (in his
leadership of the Israelites teaches the benefits accompanying obedience
without questioning the word of scripture while at the same time underrating
the pharaoh decree. The result was confrontation with the royalty and triumph
in equal measures (Deutronomy 5:6).
The concept of attraction shows the
tendency to be drawn towards another person or object. This inclination makes
one develop positive responses towards the other person. People who share
similar interests tend to have a firm attraction. The choice of this study
relates to the topic. Attraction can also be characterized with an outlook of a
person and similarities in terms of personality and interests. The physical
attraction of a person is drawn from their sexual appeal and our sense of
judgement. How we look influences choices made by people concerning attraction.
The more handsome and beautiful one is, the more attractive they appear.
Research also indicates relationships becomes stronger depending on the
physical appeal of the opposite partner. Feminine attractiveness incorporates
their facial looks ranging from the smile, hairstyle, skin tone and the general
appearance. In men, the scenario is similar since men with pretty faces are
considered attractive. For instance men with youthful and redefined looks are
suitable unlike old and masculine features. Raters opt for smooth, childish
facial expression since they show attractiveness. Certain communities consider
attractiveness of a person based on their physical outlook. For example plump
women, in some communities are regarded as attractive and in others they are
not. In men slenderness is a values aspect of attractiveness. Additionally, the
concept of matching hypothesis plays a major role in determining whether two
people will end up together or if they are appealing to their opposite
partners. People use the theory when they are seeking partners with similar
features and attractions. However, when there are mismatches in physical attractiveness,
the other partner seeks financial compensation. In the long run, the appeal is
given by God, and it should not be limited to physical and romantic factors but
to far-reaching experiences such as friendship. Judging people based on their
looks and their financial aspect tends to restrict the scope of interaction.
J. (2011). Essentials of psychology: Concepts and applications. Nelson
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