Mexican Political System
Why and how Mexico's one-party regime
gradually made a transition to democracy beginning in mid-1970s
Mexico attributes its political
system to the Revolution that took place between 1910 and 1920. Their
constitution has existed since 1917 and serves as the sweeping document. It
captures the ideologies of the revolution and also reflects three generations
of Spanish colonial rule. The constitution being revolutionary means that it
aggressively protects the rights of peasants, workers, and their organizations
("Mexico - Government"). The constitution guarantees the right to
working eight hours per day, the right for female workers, and payment of a
minimum wage that is sufficient to satisfy the necessities of life. The
colonial influence in Mexico is evident with the high confining civil law where
the state has a heavy involvement in business and civic affairs. The executive
branch of the government has been relatively stronger than the other branches.
The history of Mexican political system has also been highly influenced by the
loss of half of the national territory to the United States, the foreign
military occupation and finally virtual dictatorship from a series of
undemocratic regimes (Wiarda, Howard, and Harvey Kline). In this paper, we look
at Mexico from a historical perspective, understand her political system
throughout the years. The paper will also explain the reasons as to why and how
Mexico transitioned from a one-party regime to a democratic state.
During his reign between 1924 and
1928, President Plutarco Elias Calles identified the country’s political system
along corporatist principles as a way of solving the latent social conflicts.
He expanded the government’s bureaucracy to mediate and resolve disputes that
arose between constituencies and to also distribute funds to the organizations
that were supportive of the official party. President Calles also created new
organizations that were the umbrella to various groups according to their broad
functionality. The organizations, however, depended heavily on state funding,
therefore, were required to keep strong ties with the party that was ruling. By
having the corporatist institutions, Mexico set its political path that was not
in any way like the other Latin American countries (Camp, Roderic Ai). With
this, Mexico was able to avoid the return of violence all over the country that
had dominated between 1910 and early 1920s. Consequently, the nature of Mexican
corporatism formed a firm foundation of civilian supremacy over the military
and as a result, separating the Mexican political system form the rest of the
The Presidents that followed Calles
maintained the same principles, however, one of his successors, Lazaro Cardenas
revived the populism on the national politics. The policy dictated, a
redistribution of land to the landless peasants under the state-sponsored
program. Additionally, President Cardenas, emphasized on nationalism, a force
that would make Mexico as a country expropriate the holdings of the foreign oil
corporations. As a result, nationally owned oil company were created. The
reforms made by Cardenas in the late 1930s reinforced the legitimacy of the
political system and further concentrated power in the executive branch of the
government and the Institutional Revolutionary Party (Partido Revolucionario
Institucional PRI) which was the official party. By the early 1940s, political process and institutions
that would define the Mexican political system were already established. They
would define the system for the next forty years. The primary characteristics
of this political system included a stable federal government that was led by a
civilian president and his loyalties in the ruling party. It was also characterized by a highly
structure corporatist relation between the organization groups sponsored by the
government to handle arbitration, and the state ("Mexico -
Government"). Finally, the political system had an interdependent
relationship between the official ruling party and the state.
The political system established by
Calles and fortified by Cardenas soon started falling apart in the early 1980s.
The falling apart was as a result of the financial crisis experienced in the
1980s. The economic crisis resulted in the death of public funding and as a
result, the state-funded organization groups dried up and the state’s role in
the economy that had been reinforced over the years scaled down. The
relationship that had been developed between the government agencies and the
organization groups over the four decades weakened (Ãlvarez Tovar, Jorge
Arturo). The president that took over during this period to revive the economy
for future prosperity took to himself to make structural adjustment program.
The program aimed to regulate the key industries in Mexico systematically and
to roll back the state ownership. The work of restructuring Mexico took two
presidents; Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado of the period between 1982 and 1988 and
president Carlos Salinas de Gortari of 1988 to 1994. Among the changes that
these two presidents made was the elimination of the protectionist legislation
that had made sure that Mexico was a closed economy (Ãlvarez Tovar, Jorge
Arturo). They also lifted the constitutionally dictated prohibition of the sale
of communally owned land. By doing this, they were able to open lands for more
efficient farming.
The reforms which were initiated by
President Madrid did not go unopposed; instead, they created a rift between the
populist and the technocratic members of the ruling party. The division was
partly also as a result of the difference in ideology on the market reforms and
the authoritarian system of the PRI dominated politics. The main counterparts
to Madrid’s economic reforms were members of the PRI’s core labor and agrarian.
They rejected the elimination of the subsidies on goods and services for the
consumers. The naming of Salinas who was educated in the United States as Madrid’s
successor in power was rejected by a faction of the PRI leadership causing more
rift. The internal division, however, saw the development of the first
defection from the PRI when Cuauhtémoc Cardenas Solórzano from the party.
Solórzano (son of the former president) left the PRI party to form a coalition
that would challenge the ruling party for the 1988 presidential elections
(Hiskey, Jonathan).
Despite the opposition, Salinas went
ahead and became the president wherein his tenure he liberalized the electoral
system. The primary goal of his administration was to restructure Mexican
economy by integrating it into the global market. Although he was not aiming at
democratizing the political system, Salinas found himself making electoral
reforms. The reforms were not easy to come, and it took both domestic and
international pressure for Salinas to set a democratized stage that allowed
competitive presidential and congressional elections of 1994 (Camp, Roderic
The 1994 elections saw yet again the
prevailing of PRI as the world’s longest-ruling party as Ernesto Zedillo Ponce
de Leon won the August 1994 elections. The winning, however, presented the
party with a challenge of handling the Mexican dislocated economy and political
realignments. The domination of the PRI in the Mexican political arena was,
however, decaying where the mid-1990s was dominated by a pluralism of the
political activity. It was clear that Mexico was not ready to go back to a
single ruling party, therefore, a need for transitioning.
Mexico attributes its transition from
the one-party regime to a democratic state to a number of factors (Camp,
Roderic Ai). The factors include;
· Formation of groups of elite who
pushed for democracy within the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)
· Creation of civic and social movements
with the goal of addressing incompetence in the government resulting from the
earthquake of 1985
· Widespread fraud that took place in
the presidential elections held in 1988
· Formation of a section of elite group
who disintegrated from the PRI to form their opposition party in 1989 that went
by the name Party of Democratic Revolution (PRD)
· Introduction of new electoral laws
that reinforced independent electoral process in the 1990s
· The uprising of Zapatista Army of
Liberation in 1994
· Introduction of new political actors
from establishments and opposition that had strong influence at the local
levels and were in support of democratic governance.
Unlike other states like the Russia,
Mexico took longer to transition. It is due to a number of reasons. One could
argue that its proximity to one of the most democratic state in the 20th
century which is the United States. Through this, Mexico gave greater
credibility and legitimized its unique one party ruling as a vehicle for
Mexican independence and nationalism from their historical enemy (Ãlvarez Tovar,
Jorge Arturo).
Although events such as the student
movement of 1968 could be said to have been the beginning of the transition,
the real transformation started in 1982 with the reign of president Miguel de
la Madrid. Miguel’s presidency was characterized by increased global economic
ties with other countries in the world. He started by signing the General
Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) in 1986. GATT was the organization that
came before World Trade Organization of 1995. Miguel had also tried to introduce
electoral integrity 1983 for the local elections. The elimination of the
election fraud led to many victories for the opposition parties like the PAN
(Camp, Roderic Ai). Miguel’s attempt to straighten the electoral process was
met by opposition from the elite in the ruling party hence backfired. Given his
other problematic policies like the mounting debt and inflation, Miguel quickly
reverted his electoral liberalization policy. He devoted his time and efforts
to other issues like that of macroeconomic issues that would have brought a
widespread of dissatisfaction among the citizens. When exiting the office,
Miguel selected Carlos Salinas to be his successor, a choice that was met with
considerable opposition from the elite dissension in the party. The elite
discord is usually one of the components for most democratic transitions for
any authoritarian regime (Ãlvarez Tovar, Jorge Arturo). Salinas was a
technocrat just like Miguel and a product of Harvard Business School with only
knowledge of the world of economics and very little of the political world.
Carlos unlike his predecessor, showed very little interest in the
liberalization of politics (Hiskey, Jonathan).
Salinas decisively chose economic
liberalization over political one. In his pursuit, Salinas accomplished two
policies. One he was able to reverse Portillo’s (Madrid’s predecessor who was
the president between 1976 and 1982) decision to nationalize all banks in
Mexico which had resulted to 80% of the economy being controlled by the state. Madrid
had attempted to do the same in his tenure, but after analyzing the
repercussions it would have on the political environment of the country, he
decided to drop the pursuit. Salinas sold shares of these banks back to private
owners, a move that cemented the support from entrepreneurial capitalists
("Mexico - Government"). The move earned him loyalty from the new
bank owners in Mexico. The second step is where he decided to strengthen the
country’s economy by persuading the European Union (EU) into accepting Mexico
to be part of it. However, the EU rejected his proposal, a move that saw him
make treaties with Canada and United States (North America Free Trade
Agreement- NAFTA), believing that the future of Mexico’s economy would succeed
from the economic bloc that was formed with the two major countries in the
region (Wiarda, Howard, and Harvey Kline).
The two economic moves formed a
crucial part of the democratization the political system in Mexico. Salinas’
pursuit of the economic strategies was meant to increase Mexico’s economic
growth and in doing so benefit his political stature and that of his party by
earning favor from the large Mexican Population. He believed that pursuit of
political reforms was less significant as compared to economic growth which was
essential to the state. Ironically, Salinas did not seem to recognize the power
of economic growth and increase in education to the choice the people made.
According to research conducted by a scholar and published in the early 1970s,
the higher the income and education one had, the more likely they would vote
for the opposition. It is in direct contradiction to what Salinas hoped by
bettering the economy that he would get more supporters for him and the ruling
party. The proposition is evident in the 1982 election. PRI received 55%
support in regions that had high income while 82% in low income-earning areas.
The fifty-five percent further dropped in the following six years to 37%. The
same can be used to explain why in the mid-2000, PRI had a huge support only in
the poor and rural regions of the country (Wiarda, Howard, and Harvey Kline).
With this, Salinas increase the number of opposition supporters without
intending, while the main aim of the opposition was to get a democratic
government, he was slowly enabling them achieve that.
Although he did not intend to make
any political changes in Mexico, Salinas initiated one political change which
promoted the democratization process. In 1992, Salinas made reforms on the
constitution that restricted a lot of Catholic Church practice. Prior to the
change, Mexico had been violating human rights by the way they were treating
the Priests and nuns of the Catholic church. The violations were also against
the agreement Mexico had made with the United Nations. Although the Catholic
church did not lobby for these reforms, they were a starting point for the
change that would revolutionize the environment in which the religious
organization operated. The church even though did not advocate for any
political party in its masses and official documents, it helped educate the
citizens on their civic duty in a democratic setting which was voting. The
church is cited prior 1994 to have even warned they followership to vote as it
was a sin not to do so. By this, a lot of church members participated in the
transformation of Mexico to a democratic state through voting (Camp, Roderic
The period between 1982 and 1994 was
marked by three major events that made a huge impact on the political system of
Mexico which contributed towards the efforts of democratization. The first
event was the 1985 major earthquake that took place in Mexico City. The
disaster was not the main focus but the reluctance of the government to acting
upon the problem by offering help to those who were affected. As a result, lots
of movements were formed in protest, demanding the government to change housing
relief plans and help accelerate the reconstruction of houses for the victims.
The second event took place in 1988 when the Salinas and the PRI used fraud
means to get the presidential seat. By doing this, it proved to the opposition
that they could actually win an election hence cementing their quest for
fraud-free polls and a move closer to democracy. The competitiveness of
opposition during these elections demonstrated that there was a shift from one
party State to a multiparty country (Ãlvarez Tovar, Jorge Arturo). It is
evident when the National Action Party (NAP) obtained two hundred and forty
seats out of the overall five hundred. The same event forced the PRI to
negotiate new electoral laws with the opposition which would see the first
fraud-free presidential election in Mexico that took place in 1994. The final
event was the Zapatista uprising that took place in January 1994. The rebellion
was followed by the assassination of PRI's presidential candidate. The two
events changed the world’s image and perception of the country which Salinas
had work hard to shape through the media. It showed that the political system
in Mexico had some faults (Ãlvarez Tovar, Jorge Arturo). The movement mobilized
thousands of the citizens to air their frustration that resulted from the
semi-authoritarian political system which had dragged the development for
Unlike his predecessors, President
Zedillo who took over after Salinas was committed to supporting democratic
changes leading to an easier process than that of the early 1980s. Zedillo
played a crucial role in opening Mexico to democratization. He also continued
Salinas’ work in development of Mexico’s economic despite being seen as a weak
president by his fellow party members. By the end of his tenure, it is clear
that he had worked on seeing a multiparty country where the winner of the
elections would win fairly. As a result, a leader from the position was elected
for the first time in the history of Mexico (Hiskey, Jonathan). The election
and swearing in of a president that was not from the PRI party only showed how
Mexico succeeded in becoming a democratic state with free and fair elections
despite having taken the country a long time to achieve this.
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