$2000 Niche No Essay Scholarship | MyPaperHub

$2000 Niche No Essay Scholarships


MyPaperHub.com Scholars Foundation supports more than 1,800 High-School Juniors & Seniors, College & University students each year with support from local and international companies, charitable organizations, advocacy groups and professional organizations which have shared values with MyPaperHub and share the same idea of making students to have a significant impact on their schools & community.

The impact of free scholarships cannot be underestimated and the impact national scholarships have brought can be felt worldwide. Most students rely on academic scholarships to have a chance to pursue higher education (Undergraduate, MBA, PhD) and this ideally helps students to concentrate more on studies rather than how they will have to finance their education you can be certain the tuition fee waiver can really have a student boast self-confidence, peace of mind and focus more on studies and other college related activities. Most students work in order to finance their studies and working take up most of students'' time and a lot of stress might befall someone due to the fact that work also accounts for stress since there are goals and targets that have to be met. This can lead to delayed graduation time, missing a lecture which ultimately leads to low grades and possible failure and as studies show, 25% end up dropping out of University/College. We believe that when students have the access to scholarships, they will end up having high grades and also graduating as scheduled.

Graduating while having an education loan haunting you can be the most stressful thing after college. You expect to get a good job and start saving up for your dream home or car but when you are faced with an educational loan which in itself is a financial baggage, then you have to postpone your dreams for a latter period when the storms have calmed down and you are left with a net salary void of deductions and don’t forget even tax itself is a baggage but why add more financial baggage when you can get a quick and easy scholarship? 2/3 of students graduate and are left to deal with students loans which on average can sum to $23000- best believe that the federal loan programs was meant to make college more affordable for most Americans and that is why Hillary Clinton was realistic when in her campaigns said that she would significantly cut interest rates so the government never profits from college student loans. Student aid has a very high interest rate amounting to a rate of 6.8% or higher depending on which year you were awarded with the loan especially for Masters & undergraduate loans. Though revising the interest rates will help, logically speaking, this won't have any effect on loan defaults, it will only make loan repayment to be more manageable as the Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan-Economics Department, Susan Dynarski, indicates.

National $2000 Niche No Essay Scholarships for College Students Including Minorities

Since most students never qualify for federal loans which entirely focus on low-income students who are not able to fund themselves for higher education, then private scholarships can be a solution to fill the gap for those students who fall in the gap between high income students and low income students also for minorities. We at MyPaperHub.com- Scholars Foundation& in partnering with coca cola as a third-party scholarship service, we believe they also deserve a chance since it''s quite unfair to offer scholarships to the needy students and also high merit students while each and every student has the potential to be great. Our scholarships are wide-range and we give everyone an opportunity especially women who are interested in studying Undergraduate studies, we do consider them as well and by doing that we empower the girl child by giving mothers enough free money for college. By providing this wide range of student full-scholarships on our sites, then we believe that all those graduate students who will benefit from these full ride scholarships will learn to be philanthropic and also help other students in search for grants in future and we believe that by 'giving back' we can all Can Make The World A Better Place.

Below is a list of the available types of college scholarships our foundation offers and learn how to apply for college grants under MyPaperHub.com- Scholars Foundation

Basic Scholar Requirements

Applicants ought to be currently enrolled in high school, college or any accredited University.

Applicants must be having plans to attend a 4 year course at University or college level (2 to 4 years).


$2000 Niche No Essay Scholarships Terms and conditions




There are a range of reasons which make our services worthwhile as compared to the competitors available in the market. A few of such reasons are as follows:

Applicants must be USA citizens or permanent residents, 14 years of age or older as of the date of entry to be considered for MyPaperHub.com- Scholars Foundation scholarship awards. Also there are a wide range of minority scholarships (which considers racial and ethnic diversity) aimed at international students, Latinos and Hispanics living in the USA.

You must provide your email address and also a mailing address for us to send you some form of paperwork to fill-in if you are selected as a scholarship beneficiary

In order to benefit from our scholarships, you ought to enroll at a recognized college or university located in the USA. The scholarship proceeds will be released to that school before the student reports back especially during the summer period. Scholarship beneficiaries will need to complete a form that indicates the details of the college/university that the proceeds should be channeled to. If this form is not dully filled, then the award will not be released.

We only offer No Essay Scholarships and therefore scholarship applicants will not be required to submit any form of written essay as a base-line to grant any form of scholarship.

For a fair and unbiased selection process, MyPaperHub.com- Scholars Foundation may use the services of a third-party scholarship supervisor to randomly pick and inform scholarship beneficiaries, to confirm applicants'' information, and to dispatch scholarship receipts to a recognized university or college. MyPaperHub.com- Scholars Foundation or its preferred 3rd party scholarship selection organization has the sole privacy of selecting the grant beneficiaries.

Note that merit in college/university level is not prerequisite for this scholarship and great merit ability will not be a factor to consider in determining who the award winner is. This is a Non-merit based Scholarship

MyPaperHub.com- Scholars Foundation does reserve the right to change the scholarship programs during any time, including the available scholarships, their respective time-lines & requirements, specific amounts that will be offered for a specific award or other scholarship information.

Personal information that relates to you ''the applicant'' is safe with us. MyPaperHub.com Privacy Policy, applies to all MyPaperHub.com- Scholars Foundation scholarships. Since this is a privately financed scholarship, we have tried the best way we can to make this online scholarship very easy and simple for everyone and therefore, the eligibility requirements for each scholarship applies to all other scholarships as long as you are only applying for a particular level of study and a specific course (if at all you're in College/University).

-Please take a look at the list of available scholarships here

-All scholarship applications must be sent to our: Regional Scholarship Team.

-Kindly note that applications for the 2018 College Scholarship Program have finally been closed.

-All notifications were sent via email on May 20th, 2018.

-If you yet to receive a notification e-mail, kindly check your junk mail. If you still have not got any email notification, kindly

Contact  our scholarship support team



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