School Intervention Program | MyPaperHub


A social relations intervention program will be used in helping a child facing rejection within the school setting. This social relation intervention is aimed at inhibiting violent responses as well as stimulate social problem-solving thoughts that are adaptive to the rejected child. The intervention will comprise of training in positive social skills in addition to cognitive behavioral aspects that enhance deliberate and non-impulsive skills in problem-solving.

Description of the Program

The program is intended to be applied to a child who is facing rejection at school. It aims at providing training in social skills so as to enhance pro social behaviors as well as social problem-solving skills.

The elements of the program are designed to change the rejected child’s low peer acceptance as well as respond to interpersonal conflicts. The program will be delivered twice a week in 16 sessions that last for 30 minutes each. The child is provided with a feedback regarding his social behavior.

This social relation intervention will utilize cognitive-behavioral therapy processes that have an extra anger-management component. The staff will comprise of a trained male psychology practitioner.

Evaluation Program

Approach: on the basis of the scores from peer nomination, the child is randomly assigned to the intervention or control group. The assignment of a child to a control group will receive normal school counselling service.

The researcher will collect pre-intervention data through administering of a self-concept scale to the child and request his teachers to fill a behavior checklist on a daily basis. During this point, the child will have completed the peer nomination procedure.

Results: the results of the intervention program will be evaluated in terms of showing whether there is a reduction in the social rejection of the child after the conclusion of the intervention program. The intervention program will as well be assessed in terms of how effective it is.

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