Global Education Corruption [1200 Word Essay] | MyPaperHub

Global corruption ( Education corruption)

Question 1 :Why does education corruption have the greatest global impact?

Question 2 :How to solve the education corruption?

Question one

Global corruption: Education corruption

No single organization is immune to corruption; hardly a week goes without occurrence of an incidence of corruption. Most countries, especially the developing ones, corruption is associated to high rates of inflation and cost of living and very little salaries earned. In the recent past the prices have been hiking to the ceiling while there is a minimal or no increase in the salaries to keep in pace with the rise in the economy. This has seen people wanting to generate funds in most controversial ways which definitely yield to corruption. Corruption has penetrated through many areas in the society with education sector being among the most affected.

Corruption in this sector is not only associated to individual students, teachers, faculty and institution but has spread all over the whole country (Altbach, 2015, p.39). Surprisingly, some actors in this sector voluntarily conspire in the act even when they are aware of the harmful results of the vice. According to Osipian, A. (2009) corruption results from the pressure to secure positions in prestigious universities and to succeed thereafter, where parents do not even care if the marks were fairly earned or bought. As a result many teachers take advantage of their position and receive money for their illegal deal in an effort to raise extra income. Many teachers receive little salaries and have a broader responsibility to meet; this in return makes them the most vulnerable engage in dishonest way of collection money.

Also corruption starts at the very initial stage of pre-unit level during admission process. Many teachers would refuse to accept new kids with a invent reason that their premises is too small to accommodate new kids (Altbach, 2015, p.55). Surprisingly the act is conducted in front of the young kid who gets a clue that one has to bribe to attain some rights. This act has negative repercussions to the kid who finally grows into an adult fully equipped with strategies on how to conduct the act. The cycle continues by passing the knowledge of corruption from one generation to the next. Henceforth, the efforts to fight corruption are made unsuccessful as it is in almost every persons mind even the kid’s children.

Amazingly, Others parent are willingly bribe teachers to emphasize on their children’s learning progress in school. Some parents would go to the level of rewarding teachers’ great deal in order to give undivided attention to their children. So sad to say, children whose parents didn’t bribe get little or no attention at all in class. This has an adverse effect to the education of the less fortunate who have no idea on what is cooking. Funny enough, others rewards teacher to coarse them to award their children high marks to enable them secure good position in college or universities, even when they are not  of worth it.

Students, especially those in college and university, relax and don’t take studies seriously throughout their college time. They are well aware on how to conduct the act of corruption where they lure the lectures into their charms by bribing them to be awarded best results. According to a recent report, some female students graduate by acquiring sexually transmitted degrees (OECD, 2012). Corruption therefore leads the production of unschooled ill trained work force in the society. They are   so many people in the society who are baptized big titles regarding to their educational excellence which were not fairly earned and as a result offer very poor services to the society. Some higher education bodies operate within fake accretions obtained through counterfeit accrediting bodies. Students’ end up losing heavily having invested a lot of their time in studying only to find it was a sham institution.

It is so devastating for the students to come into conclusion that school and university admissions and marks can bought, as this would jeopardize the country’s political and economic future. Corruption is education is a plague that needs to be dealt with from all angles otherwise the vice might turn education into mare socialization ground where no professional skills are gained.

Question two

How to solve education corruption

Recent studies conducted reveled that situation of corruption is even worsening in the education sector and highlighted insight of the seriousness of the situation (Segal and Jacobs 2005). Hopefully, all is not lost as there are some possible ways to rectify the situation or tame corruption in the sector.  Some of the most recommendable ways include a sound system of determining the root,   systemic cause for the corruption, and the legal framework in the education sector should be developed.  A common saying goes that the best ways to deal with diseases is to cure the cause.

            Hallak and Poisson (2002) insisted that, pointing out the shortcomings that ignites and fuels malpractices which yield to corruption is indispensable way to aid in the fight for corruption. This involves pointing out the gaps in the financing requirements, legal requirements and regulatory structures that enhance corruption. The deficiencies in these areas put the students, parents and teachers in a more tempting situation to commit the act. Addressing and covering these gaps tends to curb or tame corruption at a greater level.

Server legal actions should be formulated in an effort to mitigate corruption. These include acts like penalties fines and imprisonment for those caught in the act. A widespread and vigorous process of awareness of the adverse effect of corruption to the public should be initiated. To combat corruption in education, there is need to improve skills in management, accounting, monitoring and the audit presses surrounding the system. Thorough training of administrative staff and all other stakeholders at all levels would play a major role in reducing corruption. Also creating awareness and access to the information for the public at large will offer a platform for public participation and social controls. This ensures that the public, school and all other stakeholders are sufficiently informed on ways to defect fraud and to claim what they rightfully deserve.

The government should form commissions on ethic, transparency and integrity in education sector. These bodies would pray a vital role in formulating the best practices on integrity and transparency in education, create awareness, and engage all the stakeholders to commit to positive ethical practices and to develop solutions to tackle corruption in the system (Collectif, 2015).

Addressing teachers’ management and professional codes of conduct is an important area of reform in the sector. Teacher’s management process should incorporate ways to address remuneration issues as these are some of many ways which initiate involvement in malpractices. In regard to the professional codes, national and legal framework should be established to discourage the perpetrators and protect the victims of corruption (Osipian, A.2009, p.57)

 These codes would improve performance and enhance professional behaviors as well as address malpractices resulting from corruption such as absenteeism and sexual harassment

Integration of education management information system (EMIS) should be given first priority. This system enhances genuineness in the area by offering a more robust way of collecting, analyzing and making available education data in a genuine manner (Segal and Jacob 2005). EIMS generates reliable data which in return makes the inequality and discrepancies in the system more evident and make decision making process more productive in a given context.

Although the vice seams to spread all over the education system, there is still some hope for remedial process. As stated by Washburn (2006) the events that give rise corruption should be addressed to help in mitigating the act. Formulation of ethical practices and adherence to the same prays a vital role in fighting corruption.






Altbach, P. (2015). A New Initiative: The Higher Education Corruption Monitor. International Higher Education, (39).

Collectif. (2014). Ensuring quality education - Recommendation CM. Council of Europe.

Hallak, J., & Poisson, M. (2002). Ethics and corruption in education: results from the expert workshop held at the IIEP, Paris, 28-29 November 2001. Paris, International Institute for Educational Planning

ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT. (2012). Strengthening integrity and fighting corruption in education: Serbia. Paris, OECD.

Osipian, A. (2009). Glossary of Higher Education Corruption. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Segal, L. G., & Jacobs, J. B. (2005). Battling corruption in America's public schools. Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press

Washburn, J. (2006). University, Inc.: the corporate corruption of American higher education. New York, Basic Books.

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