Driving age should be raised to 18 | MyPaperHub


Driving age should be raised to 18

The legal age at which an individual can drive is different in different nations, but in most of the countries, it is lower than 18 years (Irvine). There are some American states that have a legal age of driving as 15 years. Normally, one is permitted to take a driving test at least a year prior to being allowed to vote or drink alcohol. Nonetheless, there have been many debates on the essence of raising the legal driving age to 18 since young drivers are more likely to have accidents. The driving age ought to be raised to 18 years so that the country may boast of having responsible drivers who are less likely to cause accidents on the road.

Young people who are below 18 years are more technologically able and are most prone to be distracted by mobile phone while driving than older people. In spite of the fact that the use of mobile phones while driving is illegal in some States, it is common to see teenagers between ages 16-17 years texting or calling while driving. The use of mobile phones or tablets while driving is a serious concern that normally leads to causing accidents (Escobales). In the United States, young drivers, who are below 18 years have an increased rate of being involved in fatal crashes as compared to drivers belonging to any other age group, with an exception of those who are at least 80 years old. There is a relationship that exists between the number of young drivers as well as the number of fatal vehicle collisions that take place in the United States. This is because of some of the activities that young drivers engage in while driving such as driving under the influence and over speeding.

In another study carried out by Great Britain Parliament report (38), it also shows that the use of cell phones while driving is one of the causes of fatal vehicle crushes. The problem is attributable to many causes such as the higher likelihood of a young driver to use their cell phones while driving as compared to elder drivers. This is because the usage of cell phones while driving acts as a distraction during driving. According to Bettivia (13), the increase in the level of texting while driving seems to be contributing to the alarming rise in the fatalities from distracted driving.

Driving is regarded as an 'adult responsibility' comparable in nature to acts such as voting, drinking or smoking cigarettes, and it should, therefore, carry a similar age restrictions. Few nations consider 16 and 17-year-olds as grown ups who can be able to vote, drink alcohol or even smoke (Aksomitis 22). Nonetheless, most of them are allowed to get behind the steering wheel of a car, although it is a risky weapon in immature or reckless hands. The Society normally perceives 18 years as the age at which teenagers become adults. Driving ought to be amongst the privileges, as well as responsibilities of adulthood.

Many of the studies that have been carried out in relation to this field illustrates that younger drivers are much probable to be involved in severe accidents, and raising the age will make the roads more safe. Human life is valuable and whereas driving remains to be amongst the most dangerous things that many individuals does on a daily basis, the government ought to do everything reasonable so as to prevent deaths, including increasing the legal driving age to 18 years. Raising the legal driving age will lessen the number of accidents that take place on the roads. In the year 2008 alone in the United States, there were 6428 fatalities that involved young drivers, as well as passengers aged between the years 15 and 20. Raising the driving age by at least a year will significantly reduce these accidents as well as deaths.

The Government has a duty to limit the driving age so as to make people be more safe. In many nations there are strict standards that govern who is as well as who is not permitted to drive. For all intents and purposes, the foundation is now there to implement an increment in as far as possible – one of the fundamental points of the Metropolitan Police in the United Kingdom is "Seizing uninsured and unlicensed vehicles" - as far as possible for permitting has no impact on the Police's capacity to authorize the law. Governments as of now confine heading to make it more secure through laws concerning liquor utilization, protection and as far as possible as of now set up. Making as far as possible higher would basically add to this effort to make the streets a more secure place.

Changing the driving age to eighteen is a smart thought on the grounds that fewer deaths, as well as accidents, would come about. As indicated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 3,827 drivers between the years 15 to 20 passed on in 2002. One hundred eighty less passed on in the same age section in 2003. A few nations have done studies on raising the driving age and found that the most youthful individuals begin driving, the more probable they will crash. It additionally demonstrated that on the grounds that more youthful individuals' brains have not grown totally, and that diminishes their capacities to be a mindful, safe driver. This is one motivation to raise the driving age to eighteen.

Wilson  asserts that “increasing the driving age to eighteen years would provide teenagers with ample time to know how to drive as well as increase their driving experience” (12). Numerous nations have utilized the use of the Graduated Drivers' Licensing System (GDL). The GDL has given extremely encouraging results, with an uncommon lessening of auto crashes. The GDL framework lives up to expectations in light of the fact that it first obliges that adolescents take both a class based, and street-based course with qualified educators. At that point, once teenagers have passed that parcel and get their permit,  they have numerous points of confinement and confinements set. Some incorporate the times you are permitted to drive, to keep up a BAC (blood liquor substance) of under 0.01%, and the quantity of travelers under eighteen you may have in the auto with you. Gradually, these bans are lifted over the long run, bringing about all around experienced drivers. This strategy has been connected in Germany, and numerous different nations with extraordinary achievement and fewer mishaps on the streets.

One last motivation to raise the driving age is on the grounds that sixteen and seventeen-year-olds have little experience driving. It has been demonstrated over and over again that the more you learn and work on something, the better you'll be. The absence of experience is the most obvious motivation behind why teenagers are in mishaps every year. The reason? Sixteen and seventeen-year-olds haven't managed climate entanglements, development zones, and creatures out and about, so they don't know how to respond. Seat belt utilization is additionally most minimal with adolescents, notwithstanding the way that they ensure the wearer, and they are needed by law in Ohio and numerous different states. Sixteen and seventeen-year-old drivers likewise have not had involvement with street anger, which more established, more experienced drivers would have figured out how to manage.

In conclusion, it is necessary for the government to raise the minimum legal driving age to 18 years so as to protect people. Most of the accidents that teenagers under 18 years old have caused is as a result of careless driving, lack of experience, and over speeding. Maturity is a very imperative aspect when it comes to driving, and as a child enters into adulthood at the age of 18, he or she is more mature to drive and thus, less likely to cause accidents on the road. Any teenager who is under 18 years is not ready to be a responsible driver on the road, therefore supporting the claim that 18 should be the minimum legal age for driving.


                                                              Works Cited        

Aksomitis, Linda. Teen Driving. Detroit [Mich.: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Print.

Bettivia, Rhiannon. The Middle Schoolers' Debatabase: 75 Current Controversies for Debaters. New York: International Debate Education Association, 2011. Print.

Escobales, Roxanne. "Driving age increase to 18 and curfew for new drivers mooted."The Guardian 11 Oct. 2003: n. pag. Print.

Great Britain Parliament. The Cost of Motor Insurance: Fourth Report of Session 2010-11. London: Stationery Office, 2011. Print.

IRVINE, MARTHA. "Teen Driving Age Should Be Raised, Says Auto Safety Group."Huff Post 10 Oct. 2008: n. pag. Print.

Wilson, Mike. Drunk Driving. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2007. Print. 


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