How poverty effects student's academics and behavior in the school system. | MyPaperHub

Poverty is a major factor that influences the performance of children in a school system. There is a direct correlation that exists between the performances of children within a school system. The aspect of poverty is one that is becoming a constant reality in many families in America. It is a social factor that is still growing, and more and more children are being affected. The aspect of poverty is one associated with the lack of access to resources. Such resources include physical, psychological, emotional, financial spiritual and many other forms of resources. Children with poor backgrounds are mostly affected with strains in accessing most of these resources and it is an aspect that hinders them from achieving their ultimate goals in class and life in general.

The gap that exists between the poor and the rich is continually increasing, and many people in the society are affected by poverty which directly reflects down to children who are affected by the low parental income. It usually reflects in their grades and productivity in class. Most of the time kids from low-income household start school later than the rest or school time are interrupted by particular financial reasons. In the long run, such interactions reflect regarding reduced attention and time in class. There are two main factors that greatly affect a child's performance and all are based on poverty and they include; the mother's education for which it directly lowers a child's performance especially if it is low and also the source of income which moderately affects the child's performance.

The problem of poverty and its effects on performance at school needs a sustainable solution that would ensure children at school have the environment for maximum productivity.

The federal government has several measures to ensure the effects of low income have less impact on the performance of children in of the measures include the "No child left behind the law" which was based on the use of teachers to be more involved with their students. It involves the hiring of teachers with more experience and more educational qualifications. the expectation is that these teachers will be more equipped with experience to identify and manage better children with poor backgrounds. However, the policy is associated with negative impacts of low teacher hiring because of high qualifications needed. This is a measure expected to ensure that teachers are more learned and have a better understanding of the issues affecting children from poor backgrounds but it is a more top down approach that indirectly addresses the issue and is very likely to be unsustainable. Teachers play a great role in the lives of the children but have little to no influence in the improvement of their socio-economic circumstances.

Another measure involves classroom strategies aimed at quick identification of children with poor backgrounds through approaches such as tests and finding effective avenues to increase the children productivity in class. This is a measure that involves trying to bridge the poverty gap in class through giving maximum literacy to children from low income families. This is a more direct approach than the first measure and it aims to ensure that children receive maximum attention in class and get the best education despite their economic challenges.

However, this does not change their socio-economic challenges but merely postpones them. The government needs a better analysis of this problem in order to find the best and most sustainable way to solve it. Schools are in the best position to provide records of performance of children in school. Collaboration between school, parents and guardians would also help provide more details about a child's socio-economic background. These are details expected to assist in the analysis of the issue.

These are some of the measures are expected to have adverse positive impacts in the life of children in school who are affected by poverty. They are measures that need a holistic approach to ensure a sustainable way of eradicating the issue in the society. However, these are merely top down approaches that do not address the issues directly. The main issue is that poverty is becoming a major problem in the country and it is affecting the education system of the country. It is an aspect that needs a lot of attention for it to be eradicated. The above measures do not tackle the issues directly but merely postpone the problem. However, this is a problem that needs a more direct approach for it to be effectively eradicated. 


Tissington, M. L. (2011). The effects of poverty on academic achievement. Educational Research and Reviews.

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