Currency Dominance | MyPaperHub

The U.S dollar has enjoyed prevalence in international transactions as the world’s primary reserve currency and has been the dominant currency for the last couple of decades. Skeptics believe that time is ripe for the shift of dominance to occur since the U.S dollar is no longer proving to be a ‘safe-haven currency,' especially after the 2008 global financial meltdown. The financial crisis led to the downfall of giant banks and financial companies with U.S witnessing the largest bankruptcy in its history as a result of the downfall of Lehman Brothers. The Euro or Chinese Yuan could very soon be the most dominant reserve currency.

Critics have often dubbed U.S dollar as “unhealthy for the global economy” and “everybody’s problem”. Financial markets have been made the new battlefield in the 21st century as currency wars ignite. China recently renounced the U.S dollar by making swap agreements with 26 countries to boost trade between them and even the European central bank. Some of the countries that have injected billions that can change the Chinese yuan’s global status include; Canada, Russia, Switzerland, Brazil, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand.

In November 2015, the Chinese yuan officially became a world reserve currency. Beginning October 2016, the yuan will account for 10.92% of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) total reserve currency. This move will make the Chinese yuan the fifth reserve currency after the Japanese yen, British pound sterling, Euro and US dollar. Soon enough, the Chinese yuan will match the U.S dollar as a primary trading currency since it’s currently the second most popular choice in trade finance. According to Derek Han of North Square Blue, the dimensions and strength of the Chinese economy are enough to make the RMB an alternative to the U.S dollar.

On the other hand, Euro’s metamorphosis into an economic superpower is still thriving and might also lead to the diminishing of the dollar’s share in global money supply. However, the ability of the Euro to counter the U.S dollar is still questionable. The RMB remains more likely to be a counterpart and alternative to the U.S dollar.









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