Unveiling History: Chronicles of Jewish Legacy, Medici Power, and Marco Polo's China Adventure | MyPaperHub

Preservation and Power: Delving Deeper into Jewish Chronicles, Medici Influence, and Marco Polo's Exploration


Video 1: Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites: By the Rivers of Babylon


This is a video that provides details about the Jewish people. It is mainly associated with their historical backgrounds and most of all the ways through which they managed to preserve their history and cultures for so long. The video provides a chronological account of certain aspects of the Jewish religion and traditional characteristics. It also provides great information about the process of the documentation of their history which led to the development of one of the most influential books in human history; the Hebrew Bible.


The Jewish people were a group of people living in the Middle East and had great problems. They were a nation that was concurred very many times and their entire existence close to deletion in many instances. Their exile by Babylonians created the need to document their historical backgrounds and culture, and this began their efforts in the preservation of their cultures at times where other nations tried to exploit them through conquering. The book was developed to be more than just a historical account of the Jewish people. It also had aspects of the way of life as prescribed by Gods will. The video shows that the Kingdom of David was not lost but found effective ways of preserving itself (Kingdom of David, 2015).

Video 2: Medici: The Medici Popes


The video shows the development of a great family in history and how they accumulated power and influence so many years. It also shows the great contributions to society and great developments that came by as a result of their power. The video is effective in the description of this family as a powerhouse in Italy, Europe and the rest of the world and explores the great contributions as well as the influence they provided to the society. The video provides details of their rise as a family and the many aspects of society they used for their success in Italy and the rest of Europe.


The Medici was a powerful family from Florence Italy consider as among the richest in Europe as well as influential in the world. They are considered to have financed the Renaissance period of art in Europe which brought with it great revolutions in art. Their influences spread throughout many important aspects of the society and gave rise to four popes. Their influences were so great that they dominated Europe for more than three hundred years. They had great influences in the government and other institutions, and this gave them great control over the country. They are also well known for the Medici banks which led to great developments in accounting and access to credit. (Medici: The Medici Popes, 2003).

Video 3: Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed


This video describes the life of a young man from Venice Italy and his journey east towards China. Marco polo was a merchant and great traveler that spend more than twenty years in China and served the Mongolian emperor Kublai Khan. He tells his stories of China after returning to Venice and finding it in a war with Genoa. He gets imprisoned and told his stories to a cell mate. The video describes the great empire of the Kublai Khan at a time Venice and other cities in Europe had no idea of the existence of such great civilizations. It explores the geographic, cultural and political aspects of China.


 Marco Polo wasn't the first person from Europe to visit China and many merchants before him were attracted to the great wealth of the region. His visits brought home the stories of the great silk roads of China (Marco Polo, 2004). It brings out the fact that Europe considered itself successful as region in terms of development culture and civilization, there were still other greater civilization in existence that few knew about. The story brought about great emphasis of the origin of silk and brought about great explorations of the silk roads in China



Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed, Episode 1. Directed by Jonathan Finnigan. 2004.

Medici: The Medici Popes . Directed by Justin Hardy. 2003.

Kingdom of David; {part1} By the Rivers of Babylon. 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1MQmAEIFMA&t=529s.


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