An individual is fed with information
all through his/her life from different external influences, and this is how
one develops values, perspectives, and views, and it is from this that one
forms political views on the basis of what he believes in, or what others have
taught one to believe. There are various issues that comes into play during the
development of these views, where some are historical events, and others
include gender and socio-economic status. It is through the manner in which I
was brought up that I had an impact on my political socialization. Through my
upbringing, I gradually got instilled both consciously and unconsciously by the
beliefs of my father and mother. My parents beliefs laid a strong foundation
and provided a platform where my views to become molded further through other
external forces such as education and friends. I am an exceptionally
open-minded individual, and this carries over greatly into my views on politics.
I have developed strong feelings on a lot of issues such as capital punishment,
affirmative action, racism, poverty, healthcare, law & order, crime,
abortion, education, welfare, foreign/domestic policy, and in recent times,
civil unions. However, I make an effort to comprehend both sides, without
agreeing, but understanding.
I started looking into the working of
the United States government, as well as the political ideologies at the age of
14. Prior to that, I used to look at political events in terms of how they
benefit me instead of looking at it on the basis of my opinions, instead of
paying attention to the complexity of the policies and practices. I was able to
get this sort of information from viewing television and by means of the
Internet. I also used to read articles, journals, and newspaper and then
developing opinions of my own, something that had a positive influence on my
political socialization.
The first place where my political
socialization took place is by means of my family. The family that I come from
has played a major part in acting as an agent for the process of political
socialization. This is because it had the earliest admission and influence in
my life. It is through my parents that I was able to develop a sense of belonging
in terms of the political party that they were supporting. I think that I
developed my own political views the same way everyone else’s were developed. My
parents taught me the distinction between the democrats as well as the
republicans. In addition, they also informed me concerning what the functions
of the president are, as well as regarding the legislative arm of the
government. Most of these views were shaped by those that my parents had, but
had some little bit of objectivity. I was brought up on a relatively free rein,
where my parents promoted individualism and self-reliance, and therefore, I
learned how to think about different issues on my own, and then figure out what
my thoughts were about them. A further fascinating factor during my childhood is
that I grew up with no television, and therefore, if I wanted to get
information about what was happening in the political setting, I would read a
newspaper that my father usually bought.
The second place that my political
socialization developed is the schools I attended. I attended a fairly
progressive school, where my Social Studies teacher taught us more about the
local and centralized governments. Attending schools gave me a further general
look concerning what is up to the society’s standards. At the tender age, I
began to get the fundamental establishment of my political beliefs. In the
school, I was exposed to individuals from diverse demographics, and conflicting
views regarding politics, and they partly began shaping the ideals that I hold
as a young person. As a school-going child, I learnt a lot regarding my country
through civic education. This curriculum trained me as a young people about the
American history and taught me how to be a patriotic citizen.
There are also different standpoints that
I have developed in relation to many issues. They include:
Healthcare: My view in relation to
health care is that health insurance must make use of market-based dynamics so
as to cut down the costs that are incurred in delivering this service to the U.S.
citizens. There are people without health insurance, and the U.S., being a
super power, and it should ensure that all its people are covered. All the
States ought to be able to come up with an arrangement that matches their
definite situation. The US government should as well. The ObamaCare should not
get rid of the health savings accounts, but should instead enhance them.
Poverty: In the U.S., poverty ought not
to exist at soaring levels, as it is an economic giant in relation to other
countries. Poverty can only be present in a society where people have more to
live on than the poor. There is an ever-increasing gap between the rich and the
poor, and the U.S. government should make sure that this gap is significantly
reduced. One cause of poverty is connected to corruption, where a lot of public
funds go into individuals instead of being used to address poverty concern. The
government should use its policies in addressing the problem of poverty.
Individuals should as well be empowered through various projects so that they
can reduce poverty, and offset commercial activities that can earn revenue to
the government.
Racism: I consider racism as among the
deadliest infection that has ever traversed the earth. Despite attempts to
address and eliminate this vice, racism is still a persistent problem in the
contemporary society. For all people to live in a world that is free from
racial hatred, everyone should take the necessary actions to say “no†to it,
instead of pointing fingers to others. I feel that the prevalent concern in the
U.S. does not lie upon the racist, but by the American society that stand by
and give racism a conducive environment to prosper. People should be racial
tolerant, and ought to consider the Whites and Blacks as brothers and sisters.
Affirmative Action: I feel that an
affirmative action has outlasted its worth. A time has come for the modern
society to become colorblind, so affirmative action can be able to give equal
chances to the less fortunate, for instance in getting job opportunities,
receiving government contracts, as well as entrance into college.
African-Americans have a tendency of facing discrimination during activities
such as job search. Prejudice, whether it is restrained or explicit, it should
remain. Affirmative action should give the minority groups a fair chance for
them to succeed, and this will in due course lead to the ending of stereotypes
as well as prejudice.
Capital Punishment: Death penalty is
found in capital punishment. However, It does not take part in preventing other
people from murder. Therefore, since this is a non-effective approach in
dealing with criminal activities, the government should abolish it and search
for alternative ways of approaching this issue. Additionally, death penalty
seems only to work on the less-fortunate. It is very difficulty to hear that a
wealthy billionaire is in death row, leave alone facing death penalty. It is
very disturbing that there have been instances where innocent people have faced
the hangman’s noose because they did not have enough money to higher top
lawyers so as to put up a strong defense.
Law and Order: these are two ideas of
the goals of the U.S. government that have at all times been related. The U.S
government does spend so much money in ensuring that law and order is
maintained in all the States. The government generally makes use of laws in
order to uphold order in the country, even at the expense of the citizen’s
justice. For instance, during the war, the U.S. government felt as being
threatened by the local as well as by foreign doers in opposition to the
national security. In such a time, the U.S. government has the right to employ
the law so as to maintain order, even if the order comes at the expense of the
First Amendment rights of its citizens.
Crime: this is a highly complex problem
that is affecting the lives of many Americans. Soaring crime rates in different
parts of the United States have put the lives of many people at danger. There
are different causes of crimes in the U.S. I think that most crimes are as a
result of unemployment problems amongst the youths. However, it is significant
to assess the origin of criminal acts among many youths, and then attempt to
prevent criminal activities. The U.S. government should, therefore, come up
with policies that would reduce crime in the country, as security is
significant in the stability of all sectors of the nation.
In conclusion, I was not born with any
political ideas, nor did I manufacture them. I came to learn them by means of
the process referred to as political socialization. This is a process that
shaped my beliefs, values, as well as points of view in relation to many things
that are happening in the United States. This transpired from the time I was a
little child and has been going on in my life. Most of the beliefs and values
that I have are attributable to the influence I received from my parents,
teachers, friends, as well as the role models who inspire me. My political
ideology has an influence in the decisions that I make regarding party affiliation,
but not as much on selecting a political candidate for a certain position. My
ideology does not have an influence in my vote during the elections as I like
to support my vote on what the candidates running for political posts have to
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