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Strauss, L. J. (2017). Recent OCR guidance examines how HIPAA applies to cloud computing. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 19(1), 43–55.

            The use of technology in handling business activities helps in ascertaining accuracy with a high level of time and resource management. Other than the resource management and facilitation of accurate performance, as proposed by Strauss (2017), the technological use in business management is characterized by minimal errors. In this essence, the author suggested that the utilization of the technological inventions in handling legal and ethical compliance among healthcare providers would be associated with positive outcomes. The author observed that the technology use would provide an accurate result in observing and enhancing the legal and ethical consideration in handling healthcare management matters.

            The healthcare management is a collection of activities that must be given a relevant approach for the accurate and comprehensive result. The technology use is one of the more preferable means of handling technical issues within any business environment. For that reason, the engagement of technology in surveying, establishing, and reinforcing the enactment of the healthcare policies as well as legal provisions by the relevant security agencies would be associated with valuable results. The most important issue is the engagement of professional compliance in the management of the entire ethical and legal formalities using the technical aspects.

            The study activity intends to explore the best management practices that would positively impact the level of ethical and legal engagement among the healthcare providers. However, the author has proposed the utilization of technology in working out relevant activities associated with the management of the ethical and legal healthcare requirements. In that case, the importance of the article within the study process will be based on the nature of the information it provokes in handling the legal and ethical practices in most healthcare facilities. The healthcare managers would be in a position of understanding the applicability of the technological inventions in managing legal and ethical issues in the healthcare industry.


Fiedler, B. A. (2017). Chapter 5: Defining and Meeting Regulatory Challenges in Clinical Engineering. Managing Medical Devices within a Regulatory Framework, 73-90.

The enforcement of regulatory establishments is one of the most difficult tasks for professional managers. According to Fieldler (2017), the field of clinical engineering is critical, and as a result, is associated with several challenges pertaining to a quality outcome. However, the author suggested ethical compliance and legal regulation adherence as the only way to ensure appreciable clinical engineering implementation result. The problem only comes in the approach laid forward to handle the implementation of both the legal and ethical compliance process. In this essence, the author has proposed the use of technological inventions in handling a smooth ethical and legal regulatory establishment within a healthcare organization.

The management of medical devices is one of the clinical activities that requires a proper concentration of ethical and legal compliance among the healthcare professionals. The reason being, some of the clinical instruments used by clinical officers are technical and requires full concentration coupled with ethical and legal adherence to manage. For example, most of the medical instruments come with operation manual. It is ethical and legally encouraged that a medical officer goes through the manual before beginning to use the clinical equipment. Failure to go through will result in negative implication not only for the equipment but also to the accuracy in the performance of the instrument.

The study activity is aimed at ensuring a positive social change among the healthcare practitioners as far as their level of ethical and legal adherence is concerned. In response, the paper has proposed on the relevant implications associated with poor compliance with ethical and legal compliance among medical practitioners. In this essence, the article not only acts as a precocious document but also aid in facilitating acknowledgment concerning the importance of engaging in ethical and legal provision consideration among healthcare providers.

Jessica, M. G., Kelley, M., & McCarthy, C. (2015). A Model for Advancing Professional Nursing Regulation: The African Health Profession Regulatory Collaborative. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 6(3), 29-33.

            A collaborative management system is the best approach that can be utilized in handling ethical and legal issues associated with healthcare delivery services among the medical officers, as well as the related healthcare stakeholders. Jessica, Kelley, and McCarthy (2015) acknowledge that the collaborative management structure can be perfectly utilized in encouraging professional nursing regulations within the healthcare industry. The authors suggested that the collaborative performance brings different professional talents together for a quality performance in which ethical and legal compliance environment will be encouraged.

            The collaborative management system is associated with complete adherence to sharing of knowledge, ideologies, cultural understandings, and experience within a given area of work. Most importantly, the shared capabilities and understanding among organizational employees must be nurtured for single organizational objectivity. In that essence, the capability of the collaborative performance to factor a positive output is based on the nature of management approaches deployed to handle the different ideologies, capabilities and cultural understandings. The management system must be horizontal enough to encourage the engagement of relevant stakeholder ideologies for a positive decision-making process within an organization.

            The research activity is intended to ensure accurate and appreciative management performance that is associated with both ethical and legal formality compliance among the relevant healthcare stakeholders. However, in response to this, the article has encouraged the utilization of a collaborative performance within healthcare organizations as a potential way of encouraging appreciable ethical and legal formality adherence among healthcare providers. Therefore, the importance of the article will be achieved based on the provoked means of encouraging a collaborative management structure in handling both legal and ethical compliance in healthcare systems.

Jonathan, J. M., & Wendy, L. C. (2013). Cloud computing and trans-border health data: Unpacking U.S. and EU healthcare regulation and compliance. Health Policy and Technology, 2(4), 229-241.

            Cloud computing is one of the currently used management approaches in most of the prosperous business organizations around the globe. According to Jonathan and Wendy (2013), the utilization of cloud computing in handling health matters is achieved through acknowledgment of relevant health information through the use of such technical devices as computers, tablets, and mobile phones. In this essence, the relevant legal bodies can acknowledge medical providers concerning the relevant health laws and regulation through the cloud computing. In that, the medical officials can easily go through the medical regulatory provisions with a click on the internet enabled technology device without having to travel or wait for the right time.

The authors also explained that the cloud computing allows a regular visit to the regulatory provisions, thus encouraging a positive ethical and legal compliance among healthcare providers. Of course, the cloud computing is associated with the engagement of internet in the storage of information within a given web page in a way that authorized users can easily log into the websites to access the information without harming or complicating the information within the internet. However, the access to the information is only guaranteed through internet-enabled technology devices such as the computers, mobile phones, and tablets.

The engagement of the information in the article would thus be of great significance to the purpose of the study activity. The purpose of the research process is to come up with a positive social change in the incorporation of both ethical and legal compliance among the healthcare providers. In this essence, the article would positively influence the understanding of how to use the cloud computing in acknowledging health care providers on both ethical and legal provision compliance within the healthcare industry. Moreover, the article has also influenced the primary knowledge of the relevant managers in which the study activity can be influenced by the analytic decision-making process.

 Paulette, L., & Seana-Lee, H. (2017). Chapter 5: Privacy and the Hi-Tech Healthcare Professional. Health Professionals' Education in the Age of Clinical Information Systems, Mobile Computing and Social Networks, 91-110.

            According to Paulette and Seana-Lee (2017), even though relevant attempts have been laid forward in handling unethical and unlawful attempts by healthcare providers, the violation of the healthcare professional privacy rights have been violated up to a given content. The authors argued that most of the technological attempts that have been put forward to examine the conduct of healthcare providers lack appropriate mechanisms that prohibit illegal access to the healthcare providers’ pieces of information.  As a result, the authors argued the legal and ethical compliance among healthcare providers should also be practiced by the relevant authorities legally granted the access to the healthcare providers’ information.

            The practice of the legal and ethical compliance is a broad activity that must be given a strict focus by the concerned parties. Just as exclaimed by the authors, it is also important to preserve the legal rights of the healthcare providers while accessing their information during the investigation process. The relevant security must also be legal and ethical compliance during their legal exercises to ensure proper protection of confidential information of the healthcare providers. The authors argued that most of the security personnel seem so superior above the law during their investigation attempts about the loyalty of medical officers during their clinical professions. Therefore relevant precautions must be put in place in monitoring the activities of the law enforcement officers while investigating legal and ethical concerns about the healthcare providers. 

            The study activity is aimed at promoting appreciable legal and ethical conducts among the health providers. In this essence, the study activity would go the extra mile of viewing all the activities of the concerned parties in managing ethical and legal compliance among healthcare providers. In this case, given that the author has found out that the law enforcement officers must also be ethically liable to improve the performance the healthcare providers in maintaining the same in their own places of professional performance, it is in the best of interest to use the article in acknowledging the same to the security personnel involved. The article would, thus, influence the study activity during the analysis stage of the research activity. 

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