paper explores the stem cells and its implication on medical surgery and tissue
transplant. In articulating appreciable concern to the research topic, the
paper has been established into three main categories. The categories include
the introduction, the study content, and the conclusion. The focus of the paper
is within the study content. The study content entails the various sources of
the stem cells within the human body system, the relevant types of the stem
cells, and the acknowledged importance of the stem cells in medical research
and healthcare issues. The main focus of the paper is to come up with a positive
social change in the establishment of the tissue transplant and surgery
activities among medical personnel. In that, they would understand the various
areas where the establishment of any form of surgery activity during the
transplant process can be performed.
medical transplanting is normally achieved with technicalities following
limited understanding and knowledge about the stem cells. In this essence, the
specific problem revolve around the inability of medical practitioners to engage in concrete implementation of the
concepts of the stem cells during the human tissue transplanting. For that,
matter, the paper aims at exploring the stem cells and their use in medical
concerns as well as any ethical issue associated with the stem cells in medical
implementations. The stem cells are biologically initiated cells that are
characterized by a continual self-differentiation. Here, the existence of the
stem cells within the body is associated
with the differentiation trait. In this essence, and following the
differentiation trait, the stem cells have been
utilized in handling clinical issues related to transplantation therapy.
are three sources of the stem cells within the human body system. Other than
the bone marrow, the stem cells are also found
in the adipose tissue, and blood.
Moreover, given the different sources of the stem cells, it is however evident
that the cells also exist in different
categories. In this essence, to understand about the stem cells and their importance in managing human health
activities, it is important to
acknowledge the different kinds of the stem cells, and their relevant sources,
after which, it would be easy to explore
how the stem cells can be utilized in the
laboratory for healthcare management. Therefore, the significance of the study is aimed at ensuring a positive social
change in the utilization of the stem cells for medical
A. Literature Review
establishment and the applicability of the stem cell ideology in medical
research have been subjected to many clinical attempts as far as human
healthcare is concerned. Calvi, Adams, Weibrecht, Weber, Olson, Knight, and
Milner, (2003) acknowledged on the use of osteoblastic cells as an important
component of the stem cells in regulating hematopoietic stem cell niche. Here,
the authors positively influenced their ideological understanding of the
differentiation trait of the stem cell as an important scientific perception
that has promptly acted in ensuring body tissue repair. Particularly, the fact
that the bone marrow forms a promising source of the stem cell perfectly played
a significant role in proving the specified area in which such cell replication
activity takes place within the body. In this case, in their article,
“Osteoblastic cells regulate the hematopoietic stem cell niche,†the authors
reasoned that the replication of the blood cells could perfectly work in
promoting a medical surgery and tissue repair in clinical surgery activities.
Fox, Ashton, and Middleton (2007) also achieved their research on stem cells by
exploring the mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and how to ensure body tissue repair
in the human body system. Here, the authors confirmed that mesenchymal stem
cells (MSC) are obtained from nonhematopoietic stromal cells. The authors
acknowledge that the formation of such mesenchymal tissues as ligaments, bones
tendons, adipose tissues, and cartilages are achieved from the mesenchymal stem
cells (MSC). However, the authors researched that the mesenchymal stem cells
(MSC) can perfectly work in managing dead and worn out human body tissues
within the mentioned body structures.
as suggested by Engler, Sen, Sweeney, and
Discher (2006) the stem cells can negatively influence the existence of soft
human body tissues. The authors claimed that the action of the stem cells on
human body tissue would negatively impact the well-being of the soft tissues in
human body parts. In support of the authors’ arguments, Bianco,
Riminucci, Gronthos, and Robey (2001)
also added that the actions of the stem cells in
the repairing of the dead and worn out tissue would on the other hand ham the soft
tissues underlying the damaged tissues to be worked on by the stem cells.
It is also suggested by Singh, Clarke, Terasaki, Bonn,
Hawkins, Squire, and Dirks, (2003) that
the ideology of the stem cells can be utilized in
maintaining and managing tumor clone. The authors acknowledged the sentiment by
exploring the relevant means in which the heterogeneity of the tumor clone and
the self-renewal, as well as the proliferative potential of the tumor clones. In this essence, it is acknowledged that the stem
cells can perfectly work in a medical laboratory or relevant healthcare centers
in motivating human surgery process. In that, the doctors will be motivated
that the existence of the stem cells within the human body systems would
promote the curing of the mentioned body skin by the healthcare personnel.
Research Content
A. Background
of the Research
The healthcare issue is achieved through a proper and
concretely established research activity aimed at ensuring appreciable response
to human problems. The research and use of the stem cells ideology have
significantly influenced the manner in which the transplantation of relevant
human body parts is factored. The stem cells are biologically initiated cells
that are characterized by a continual self-differentiation
Other than the bone marrow, the stem cells are also found in
the adipose tissue, and blood
B. Sources
of Stem Cells
The stem cells that are normally used in the laboratory are
normally obtained from different sources within the human body system. However,
the sources of the stem cells differ from adults to children. Among the sources
of the stem cells in the adult, as already indicated include bone marrow,
adipose tissue, and blood. On the other hand, the sources of the stem cells
among infants include placenta, amniotic sac, and amniotic fluids.
a) Bone
The bone marrow is always the most known source of the stem
cells. The bone marrow on its one usually is known to produce a specified type
of the stem cell as will be discussed later. Here, the extraction of the stem
cell from the bone marrow is always established through a mechanism known as
harvesting. Of course, the bone marrow is normally located within the central
part of the human bone. For that matter, the harvesting process of the stem
cell is normally achieved through a proper drilling activity into the bone. The
most commonly used bone system is the femur and the iliac crest.
b) Adipose
Other stem cells are specific for the tissues. Among such
tissues include the lung, brain, liver, and the adipose tissue. The adipose
tissue is found in the human skin. In this essence, the adipose always acts as
a potential source of the stem cells. The establishment of the stem cells
within the adipose tissue is factored based on the differentiation trait of the
adipose tissues. Here, it is acknowledged that the adipose tissues are capable
of undergoing complex transcriptional and non-transcriptional cascading events.
Moreover, it has also been biologically confirmed that the
stromal cells with the preadipocyte trait are isolated components of the adult
adipose tissue. Therefore, given the traditional activities of events that take
place within the adipose tissue, it is evidence that such differentiation
results in changes within the hormone sensitivity, cell morphology, and the
expression of the gene. With such ideological perceptions in mind, it
concretely confirms that the stem cells ensure the establishment of the complex
activities within the adipose tissue. For that matter, the adipose tissues act
as a potential source of the stem cells.
c) Blood
Blood is an important
component of the human body system. Other than transporting the oxygen to the
entire human body system, the blood also aids in ensuring important nutrients
into the body of human beings. In this essence, it is evident that other than
the existence of the blood-red blood cells within the body through the
differentiation process, the blood cell is also found in the nerves of the body
system. However, the blood cells normally undergo replication or
differentiation to increase its capacity within the body system.
For example, the fact that the blood cells within the bone
marrow can undergo the differentiation activity to form another blood cells of
the same kind indicate that such cells contain stem cells. Of course, it is
already acknowledged that the stem cells are characterized by a systematic and
continual differentiation in forming another stem cells of the same kind.
Meaning, it is the existence of the stem cells within the blood cells that
initiate the replication or the differentiation of the blood cells within the
bone marrow to form the blood cells of the same kind. Therefore, based on such
arguments, the blood cells act as a potential component of the stem cells.
d) Placenta
The placenta is an
embryotic component that holds blood during pregnancy. The placenta has always
been acknowledged to act as an important source of stem cells due to the
existence of the hematopoietic stem cells. Reason being, it has been
scientifically approved that the blood within the placenta normally increases with
time during the pregnancy period. The increase in the blood level within the
placenta during the pregnancy is evidence that the existence of the stem cells
initiates such blood level increase through the differentiation process. For
that matter, the placenta is also another source where one can claim the
existence of the stem cells.
e) Amniotic
Sac and fluid
The amniotic sac is the
fluid-filled sac within the womb that works by ensuring proper protection of
the embryo during the pregnancy. The amniotic sac is acknowledged to contain
some segment of the stem cells known as amniotic stem cells. The amniotic stem
cells are achieved based on the fact that the amniotic fluid and the amniotic
membrane contain the stem cells as its structural constituents. Here, the
presence of the amniocentesis within the amniotic sac ensures the extraction
process of the stem cells. For that matter, given the observed acknowledgment
as far as the amniotic sac in motivating the establishment of the stem cells is
concerned, it is thus evident that the amniotic sac is a prominent source of
the stem cells.
C. Types
of Stem Cells
The establishment and the
source of the stem cells have encouraged the existence of different types of
stem cells. Here, among the stem cells lately acknowledged include embryonic
stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and tissue stem cells. However, the
categories of the stem cells are based on the various sources of the mentioned
a) Embryonic
Stem Cells
The embryonic stem cells are associated with the structural
components derived from the placenta and both the amniotic sac and fluid. The
embryonic stem cells are achieved through the inner structure of the human
embryo. However, the embryonic stem cells are normally characterized by the
pluripotent ability. In that, their existence and establishment are achieved through
the differentiation activity from the mother stem cell into other stem cells of
the same kind and nature. The differentiation is normally achieved through
three major layers of germs. The three germ layers include endoderm, ectoderm,
and mesoderm. Given the differentiation trait exhibited by the embryonic stem
cells, the cells can always develop and result in more the 200 stem cells of
the same kind.
Importance of Embryonic Stem Cells
The fact that the
embryonic stem cells can initiate the limitless differentiation and replication
of its own clearly indicate the capability of the cells to be utilized as a
tool for conducting medical research and coming up with medicines that can
perfectly aid in motivating human health.
Moreover, with the capability to factor an unlimited differentiation and
replication of its self, the scientific ideology has promoted the establishment
of the ES cell therapy that has perfectly worked in ensuring both tissue and
cell replacement in case of any injury or disease in human life. Among the
diseases that have been perfectly handled with the ES cell therapy include
cancers, immune system and blood genetic diseases, Parkinson’s spinal cord
injuries, Parkinson’s blindness disorders, and juvenile diabetes infection.
There are ethical concerns associated with the embryonic stem
cell therapy in clinical health. However, other than the ethical concerns with
the embryonic stem cell therapy, another factor of great concern is the
technical problem associated with graft-versus-host infections during the stem
cell transplanting
b) Induced
Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)
The induced pluripotent
stem cells are similar to the embryonic cells except that it is only applicable
to adults. In that, they can be directly extracted from the adult cells. Like
the embryonic stem cells, the induced pluripotent stem cells also achieve an
indefinite propagation and is capable of ensuring all kind of human body cells
upon differentiation. In this essence, they can be perfectly utilized in
replacing damaged cells or diseases. Of course, the embryonic stem cell is
another type of the induced pluripotent stem cells. The fact that it is only
applicable in ensuring transplantation in embryos makes it somehow irrelevant
in categorizing the actual factors that would influence its applicability in
medical activities. However, the induced pluripotent stem cells can be utilized
in transplanting tissues among embryos. The only important factor is to ensure
appreciable response to match factor.
The identity of the induced pluripotent stem cells is
achieved based on their cellular properties, pluripotency, and epigenetic
reprogramming properties. The cellular biological property is achieved based on
such biological aspects as morphology, growth, stem cell makers, and telomerase
activity. However, the pluripotency property is achieved through neural
differentiation, cardiac differentiation, teratoma formation, embryonic body,
chimeric mice, and tetraploid complementation. On the other hand, the
epigenetic programming is identified through promoter demethylation, DNA
methylation globally, and Histone demethylation.
Importance of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
The induced pluripotent
stem cells can be perfectly utilized in handling clinical matters. The induced
pluripotent stem cells have performed an encouraging task in medical research.
Here, the induced pluripotent stem cells have perfectly ensured modeling of
diseases and development of drugs, synthesis of organs, repairing of body
tissues, red blood cells research, and clinical trial activities. However, the
establishment of the mentioned research attempts has been negatively influenced
based on certain problems. Among such problems revolve around the formation of
tumors during the application of the induced pluripotent stem cells in medical
activities, spinal cord injury during the medical tissue transplantation
activity, less safety with tumorigenic effects as compared to the use of hESC,
and low level of efficiency in the demonstrated medical attempts
c) Tissue
Stem Cells
The tissue stem cells are
found in the human tissue systems. Of course, the stem cells are always
characterized by differentiation in forming more body cells. In this essence,
the repair of the worn out or damaged tissues is evidence that the stem cells
exist within the human body tissues. For example, in case an individual get cut
or is engaged in an accident that has resulted into existence of body bruises,
the bruises always disappear after a certain first aid aimed at promoting
clotting of the platelets. The disappearance of the bruise is associated with
the growth of given body tissue to cover the part that had been removed by the
existence of the body bruise. The growth of the body tissue is associated with
the differentiation and replication of the body tissue within the human skin.
The tissue stem cells are
particularly found in most of the commonly known human tissue systems.
Particularly, as already discussed, the tissue stem cell is normally
concentrated within the adipose tissue within the human skin as compared to the
other body tissues. The adipose tissue is normally known for its attempt at
promoting body moistening. Here, the given the fact that the tissue stem cells
are always non-pluripotent with the multipotent trait, they can only support a
limited number of specialized types of cells that are specific to the origin of
the supported organ system. In this essence, their application in medical
research is normally restricted to a given user. However, the applicability of
the tissue stem cells is validated in surgery activities and other related
medical research activities.
The stem cells act as important sources of cell replication
in most of the human body tissues. In that case, the implementation of the stem
cells in tissue transplantation can perfectly work in maintaining the tissue
cracks caused by medical therapy activities. For that matter, the achieved
knowledge aids in confirming the actual places within the body where any
medical surgery can be performed. For example, it has been confirmed that there
are some contents of the stem cells in the adipose tissues. However, the
adipose tissues are always located within the human body skin. Meaning, any
surgical operation conducted within the skin will always achieve a positive
response to the restoration of the cut tissue within the skin cells. The only
important issue to consider is the relevant mean of achieving medical surgery
or tissue transplant in the area that has been acknowledged to have some
challenges or problems. Otherwise, the knowledge concerning the stem cell
perfectly influences the establishment of body tissue transplant and medical
surgery activities.
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