There are various presentations on research as well as new
ideas with regard to the improvement of the hospital design as well as care’s
quality. The quality of a health care design in terms of the physical
environment may influence the patient medical results as well as the quality of
care. A significant drive for the mounting international consciousness of the
design of health care facilities has been growing scientific proof that
particular environmental design approaches which can enhance improved result while
other strategies can degenerate patient health (Devlin & Allison). This
reflects a shift in the mainstream medical community from the narrow pathogenic
model of disease and health, to the direction of a broad view that includes
placing emphasis on experiences that are health-enhancing. The customary
pathogenic perception implied that major need that is placed on health care
facilities ought to be interpreted narrowly as the lessening in disease risk
exposure. The new broad perspective in the field of medicine calls for a strong
emphasis on both the psychological in addition to the social needs of the
patients, along with conventional economic concerns including functional
effectiveness in the management of care actions and design of the health care buildings.
In most situations, the discussions on how to cut down costs
in health care have neglected the health care building, the physical
environment where the patient care takes place. Health
care design entails more than selecting the appropriate wall colors or the
materials. In the instance where it is done in the correct manner, as well as
responsibly, the design and planning of the health care facilities has the
capacity of impacting on the safety, as well as the activities of a particular
organization. The changes that take place in the health care physical
facilities provide actual opportunity for improving the safety of patients and
workers, as well as the quality of services. There is a renewed interest among
health care facilities to place emphasis on their design, which makes them to
be considered as ‘therapeutic conditions.’ The therapeutic value of health care
facilities is associated with their physical and social design (Maynard, Eric & Joan). They provide benign environment for
the promotion of patient recovery as well as healing. In consideration of the
latest designs of health care facilities, Dunn, Theo & Rose (1) states that
the law on health care reform places emphasis on both value and the improvement
of quality. This paper presents a methodical
assessment to some aspects of health care services and their contribution to
both the health as well as safety of patients. The conception of healing environments argues
that the physical surroundings of the health care setting can promote the therapeutic
process as well as patients’ sentiments of well-being.
Therapeutic design: Health care facilities include a wide array of different
types, ranging from small to fairly simple medical hospitals to large,
compound, as well as costly hospitals for both teaching and researching
purposes (Devlin & Allison). Large health care centers might entail all the
supplementary types of health care that are at many times independent
facilities. The design of a health care facility puts across a message to
people who attend it such as the patients, workers, visitors, vendors, as well
as volunteers. The therapeutic design of a health facility as well communicates
a stream of signs concerning the organization in addition to the medical care
that provided. During the creation of a
therapeutic environment, every person who is involved in the design team such as
the engineers, architect, and interior designer, are accountable for the use of
the influence of design in coming up with solutions that will influence both
the staff and patients in a positive way. There are different definite design
criteria that are under study or which are being utilized.
The finishes, signage, as well as
artwork are required to be cautiously decided on, well coordinated, in addition
to integration. Considerate design is able to help in ensuring that the
appropriate first impression is created as well as sustained. The design that
is adopted by health care facilities is administrated by a lot of regulations
as well as technical necessities. It is in addition influenced by many needs
and pressures that are less defined (Dunn, Theo & Rose).
Evidence-based design:
Possibly, the most prominent depiction of the effect of buildings on people came from Winston Churchill: “ We
first shape the buildings, and these buildings will eventually shape us
(Maynard, Eric & Joan).†The Center for Health Design asserts that
Evidence-Based Design refers to the process of making decisions on the subject
of the built environment on reliable research so as to realize the best
feasible outcomes. Evidence-based health care design provides a secure as well
as therapeutic environment for patient care in addition to encouraging family
participation. It promotes effective performance of the hospital staff and is
also curative for workers who are under stress.
there has been a mounting interest on conception of evidence-based design since
it moves from the wide-ranging notion of particular designs on productivity,
patient morale, as well as patient outcome. Evidence-based design arises from
the acknowledgment that the physical environment has the capacity to have a
quantifiable influence on the well being of the patients, particularly in
health care. According to Zborowsky & Mary, an appropriately designed
environment is a crucial component of care. Significantly, evidence-based
design is concerned with attempting to lessen the stress which experience
during their stay in the hospital environment. In addition, evidence-based
design is important in reducing the errors in medication, and also the average
length of stay in the hospital (Devlin & Allison).
Characteristic matrix: Matrix management in healthcare facilities refers to a
method of supervising an organization(s) (such as hospitals) by means of a
series of double-reporting relationships rather than a traditional linear
administration structure (Devlin & Allison). Contrary to the manner in which
most organizational structure organize managers as well as employees through
function or product, the matrix management brings together the functional as
well as product departments into a two authority system. The term “matrixâ€
comes from the representative structure of the matrix management system, which
is similar to a rectangular arrangement, or a grid of functions.
Among health care organizations, the
typical organization structure takes the form of functional organizational
structure. The main characteristic of this form of structure is its
pyramid-shaped hierarchy that defines the responsibilities that are carried out
as well as the main management positions that have been assigned to those
functions (Dunn, Theo & Rose). For instance, large organizations such as
the hospital systems or academic medical organizations are likely to encompass
a deep vertical structure that reflects the organization’s different levels of
administrative control. Another characteristic that is linked with this functional
structure entails a firm chain of command as well as the line of reporting that
makes sure that all the communication and assessment f tasks are performed in a
linear command as well as control setting.
Lighting needed for each space: A hospital contains a number of specialized
rooms. There is also specialized lighting as well as HVAC considerations that
exist for every kind of space.
Patient Rooms: the lighting that is provided in patient rooms ought to be
designed so that it meets the needs of the patient as well as the care giver.
The patient ought to be able to control the amount of lighting by use of the
integrated window-shading as well as day lighting systems (Dunn, Theo & Rose). The care givers also need to examine the lighting at
torso level so as to facilitate patient assessment. Studies show that the
presence of LED lighting in the patient rooms is beneficial to both the nursing
staff and the patients.
Operating Rooms: lightning is a very critical aspect in the
operation rooms, and lighting in these rooms is going through a fast
technological change. Currently, the operation rooms are equipment-intensive,
high quality, consistency, long-life, heat reduction and energy consumption are
significant lighting characteristics. Some of the biggest hospitals opt for the
use of LED operation room system. The deep LED lighting is especially important
to surgeons who have to carry out operations in deep cavities.
Hospital Support Spaces: Often, many hospitals have large kitchen,
storage, as well as laundry spaces that have for a long time been using T12
fluorescent lighting. However, this lighting is very energy inefficient in
comparison to the modern products. As a result, health care facilities ought to
think about replacing the T12 lighting so as to reduce energy cost and
maintenance (Maynard, Eric & Joan).
Natural light
study: Light is crucial to the functioning of human
beings in that it facilitates us to perceive things as well as carry out
activities. However, it is as well critical since it influences human beings
both psychologically and physiologically. Many studies have documented the
essence of light in the reduction of depression, decrement of fatigue,
enhancing attentiveness and treating illnesses such as hyperbilirubinemia in
young children (Walshe & Judith). Furthermore, the presence of windows
within the work environment as well as access to daylight has been associated
with an increase in work satisfaction (Ulrich).
Natural light in health care facilities
is a very significant aspect that has various influences. In this case, natural
light finds its way into a hospital building through the windows as well as
skylights. Sunlight refers to electromagnetic radiation in terms of wavelength
range, and which may be absorbed by the photoreceptors that are found in the
eye. It provides a balanced spectrum of colors that have components in every
part of the perceptible wavelength range. Natural light impacts the health and
performance of human beings through facilitation of the performance of visual
duties, influencing mood and perception, control of the circadian system of the
body, as well as enabling direct absorption for vital chemical reactions in the
body (Ulrich 2).
Natural light is significant in the
reduction of errors in the hospital
environment, particularly for the nurses and doctors. The work setting that
nurses as well as physicians is very stressful as they are required to carry
out an array of complex tasks such as charting, filling prescription, along
with performing other crucial patient care duties. Insufficient lighting and a
hectic environment are probable to compound the weight of stress, which may
lead to errors. Therefore, whereas health care facilities should always be
supplied with adequate lighting for the purpose of surgical operations, there
is a need for incorporating a greater utilization of natural lighting as well
as a more strategic lighting (Dunn, Theo & Rose). The joint use of these
lighting has the capacity of accelerating patient recovery and improve the
productivity of the work environment.
Effect of Environmental Characteristics
on Health Results:
Sunny Rooms- sunlight is known as the primary source of natural light and which
has an influence on the outcome of the health of patients. There are findings
from two studies that increase the likelihood that when the rooms of patients
face the direction of sunshine, as compared to cloudy or dull conditions, there
is fostering of outcomes that are more favorable (Silvis 1). These two studies
were carried out in a hospital that is located in Canada, which is on the
northern latitude with extensive winters and fairly few hours for daylight. The
first study found out that patients who were being hospitalized for serious
depression had relatively short stays when they were assigned to sunny
conditions, in place of dark places. On the latter study, patients suffering
from myocardial infarction demonstrated reduced mortality when they were kept
in rooms that had exposure to sunlight (Fijan & Sonja). On the basis of the
first finding that sunlight-lit rooms seem to lessen depression, there was a
speculation among the researchers that the means that account for the reduction
in mortality involving the patients with myocardial infarction was as well
depression mitigation. With regard to employees in health care facilities, it
has been found out that staffs have a preference on working in areas whose
illumination is from the sunlight instead of cloudy conditions. However, the
response by the employees and the patients is different (Maynard, Eric &
Health Care Facilities-
Textiles: In relation to other objects that go into
healthcare organizations such as those that are used for floors, and walls, the
fabrics that are used as furniture seem to have a secondary consideration.
Consequently, furniture fabrics might not get the consideration they are worthy
of. Fijan & Sonja defines textiles as a representative a regular material
that are found in health care facilities, and it is, therefore, significant
that they do not act as a tool for the spread of pathogens to patients in a
health facility or even the employees. However, they are still an significant
element of any health care facility. The following are the basic factors that
are important while selecting furniture fabrics to be used in health care
Durability: There is different types of standards that are used for
durability. It is not unusual for a long-lasting rating covering of the office
chair to be used in auditorium cushions that calls for a much different as well
as higher rating. A manager in a health care facility may consult with the
jobber and select a fabric that is appropriate for an office chair but
inappropriate for the auditorium seating. The manager ought to research the
subject sufficiently so as to ensure that he is makes an informed decision.
The fundamental standard for the health
care industry is referred to as "double rubs," which is the number
that illustrates how long a material is going to last. In this industry, about
30,000 double rubs is regarded as heavy duty, but most of the manufacturers
strive to obtain from 50,000 to 100,000, which depends on the usage as well as
protection in opposition to wear and tear.
Commercial Code Ratings:
One of the commercial code rating aspects in the textiles or fabrics that are
used in health care facilities is the requirement for fire safety. The Consumer
Products Safety Commission is the body that has the setting the standard for
the textiles used in health care organizations such as hospitals. The type of
fabric recommended may vary from one state to another. The fabric that a health
facility selects should be in adherence to both the local as well as state
material: There is a growing body of knowledge
that provides the benefits for patients when different kinds of flooring
materials such as carpets as well as hard or glossy materials are used in
health care facilities. However, there is an increase in suggestions that carpets
are a superior flooring material from the viewpoint of particular
patient-centered thoughts (Maynard,
Eric & Joan). Elderly patients tend to walk more
effectively and efficiently; that is greater speed and long steps, on floors
that have been carpeted in comparison with vinyl surfaces (Jones & Bartlett).
According to Joseph,
he found out that the family members, as well as friends to a patient paid more
and longer visits to health care centers when the patients’ rooms are covered
with carpets in comparison to vinyl composition flooring (1). These findings
substantiates the assumption that carpet covering in patient rooms, along with possibly
waiting areas, may enhance improved patient results through an outcome of
increasing social support from those who are visiting. The study as well
revealed that most of the patients have a preference on carpet flooring to
vinyl flooring for motives like slip resistance as well as perceived comfort.
However, most employees in this study favored vinyl composition flooring, 83%,
particularly to the increased ease while cleaning up spills (Jones & Bartlett
Selecting Paint Colors: The determination of the shades of
paint that are to be used in painting a particular space ought to be carried
out with a lot of considerations for both the type of facility, the department
being painted, as well as the people who will be making use of it. Lack of
proper consideration may lead to for instance use of bright colors in
unnecessary areas. There are different types of process that are necessary
during the selection of the correct color scheme. Depending on if the facility is a hospital or
if it is a nursing home, this can offer a basis of determining whether a specific
color of paint is suitable. However, there are particular colors that are
highly recommended in various health care setting. In this case, there is a need
for a balance of both the warm as well as cool colors. The cool colors have a
tendency of being more calming and bring a sense of peacefulness.
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