Corporate Governance in U.S Over The Two Decades. | MyPaperHub

The unit cost or unit price assess the expense per dollar, per pound, per liter, per grams, etc., of the items you want to buy. With the unit price, just divide the cost of the commodity: Example, 3 liters for $6.90 is $6.90/3 liters = $ 2.3 per liter or when comparing the prices of the unit can be the most precise way to find which the “best buy.” is Example, what is good 3 liters of milk at $ 6.90, or 2.5 liters of milk at $ 5.25? In such a scenario, the unit is 1 liter, and the unit prices are: $6.90 / 3 liters = $ 2.3 per liter or $ 5.25 / 2.5 liters = $ 2.1 per liter which concludes that the lowest unit cost and the “best buy” or best bargain price is 2.1 liters at $ 2.5. (Guizzardi, 2017).

     Dividends, higher operating costs are some of the key components governance issues facing corporate governance in the U.S in the most recent growth and expansion with the “best buy” or best bargain. For instance, higher costs will lead to lower supply, and the supply will exceed demand and shortage of goods which will bring monopoly exploitation between corporations. Hence high price will distort the market and will eventually lead to oversupply.

     In conclusion, best buy can be attained by the government of U.S maximizing prices whereby they set clarity for the market to reduce the price when is too high. The reasons for imposing maximum rate control is to ensure that: the essential goods for the daily bases their prices will be reduced so that every person can be able to afford the products and which also make stable supply not to affect the price control; hence no fall in quantity supplied. (Parker, 2013).

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