The security of this country is increasingly in
the world today. As such the topic of gun control and arms proliferation is
increasingly attracting concern from major international bodies and
organisations. It is with no doubt that Peace and war have an interrelationship
that seems to show the indifference of their connectivity. Gun control refers
to the measures that control and limit war. The experience of war calls for
need of peace while experience of peace follows the impacts of war. As such,
the perception of peace and war is critical since war may write off many years
of peace experienced in any epoch. Given a chance to define, one may summaries
war as the absence of peace and peace as the absence of war. As such, this
presents the conflicting aspect of peace and war. This paper, therefore,
advances to illustrate the conflicting war and peace in a community focusing on
the presence and absence of war and peace.
Tracing the history of this local community
confirms that arms control, especially gun control has a significant
relationship to human civilization that was built from many years of productive
peace that enabled the development of agriculture, rural areas, as well as
expansion of peaceful trade with neighbouring communities. However, the
recklessness and irresponsibility of those handling arms such as guns pose a
threat to the security of the people in light of civilization and development
in these aspects. Instances of rage and war have provoked people to use arms
recklessness to harm others without considering the consequences. Rage and war have
an optional vision of peace construed by actions of war. Although it is taken
that the attitude towards the conflicts of peace and war is complex, a lot of
regard is given to efforts of identifying peace.
between War and Peace amid guns
Warfare in the history of the world dates back
to 221 BC marked by nobility, custom restraining, and command of larger
populations, which translated in development in their agricultural activities
like. The warfare atmosphere experienced a reducing number of rivals. Eventually,
unification of rival society brought peace and development symbolized by hoeing
and festivals. Experience of the breaking of the feudalistic government system
brought a new type enjoyment in the autonomy of the court, schools and
traditional orientation of their lifestyles.
The notion elicited during this period advanced
that agriculture and war were a necessity foundation for a successful society. In
the same line, the use of guns with controlled measures enables one to be
guaranteed of his or her own security. In fact, military leaders currently
apply this thinking as a significant text that safeguards the assets of the
citizens against any future wars. This implies that even at the time of making
peace, one is construed to prepare for war. Furthermore, it was illustrated in
the confusion school.
In undertaking any tasks, arguments or
discussion, one tends to retreat signifying the high level of awareness of the ones
responsibilities as well as level of provocation that may lead to vengeance,
anger or retaliation. In an effort to enhance peace and security through gun
control, it is important to enhance the welfare of the citizens in terms of
food and security through limit access and use of guns too. Such a situation
presents a likelihood of peace being altered by war. The aggression caused by a
united population free from poverty or hunger and may result in overthrowing
the society leadership. On the other hand, when the situation is stable, the
government is assured of a united population that is cooperative with the
government guidelines, rules and restrictions.
Confucian strategies advanced to benefit
citizens and human nature construed to goodness and interests of the citizen
even in times of chaotic struggles of warring society. A ruler who goes for
peace would endeavour to create a healthy relationship with the neighbouring communities,
having the best interests of the people who want to have improved livelihood.
This is similar to the notion by many authors on security that corrected
interplay of two words of the same meaning may imply of war.
As such, the responsibility of the feudal rulers
determines the conflict of war and peace. Where they improperly share their
views and push for their interests, a small or big group would attack, and
another would join in rescue ending up in war. At such instances, the defensive
walls of the states become defective and call for repair through peaceful
A government that has increased commitment to
handling conflict-affected areas caused by diverse factors such as gun
proliferation, in an effort to sustain domestic economic development and
territorial integrity. As such, the
country has undertaken critical principal measures on foreign policy that
facilitate healthy political interrelationships. This is a strategic method of building peace
within the country boundaries as well as beyond.
The security of this country is increasingly in
the world today. As such the topic of gun control and arms proliferation is
increasingly attracting concern from major international bodies and organisations.
It is with no doubt that; Peace and war have an interrelationship that seems to
show the indifference of their connectivity. The conflicts of war and peace
might be invisible, but their ultimate interconnection is the most important
role during the prevention and rehabilitation stages of a conflict. Conflicts
of war and peace encompass the causes of war and need for peace. Again, using
the causes and factors of violence repel against the frameworks and
utilizations of the legitimate use of violence as instruments of war. The ultimate quest to determine the
interconnection of war and peace is to weight the benefits accruing from peace
with respect to the merits and demerits of war.
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