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Philosophy as Mother of Sciences

The benchmark of the value that philosophy has is the extent to which it is related with life.Philosophy is mother of every sciences. In other words; in the absence of philosophy, science cannot exist.During the past, the relationship between philosophy as well as sciences were not understood in a better way. Science is very dependent on philosophy. Physical sciences illustrate the significance that philosophy has towards sciences. Sciences such as physics, astronomy, as well as chemistry analyze both the nature as well as well as the characteristics of energy. There are particular philosophical assumptions that are essential.

A strong correlation exists between philosophy as well as other science branches. As a result, philosophy can be referred to as the “Mother of Science.” The perception as well as knowledge that man has accumulated in relation to the world has been the compass and origin of his inquiries as well as aspirations.

What is science? Many people wonder what science actually is as well as what it is that scientists do. There are different definitions of science that different people have adopted. Science is particularly difficult to define.Science is a combination of ideas, discovery as well as invention. Science that relates to ideas is what is presently referred to as philosophy.Philosophy is simply the love for wisdom.Science affects philosophy in different ways. Philosophy makes inquiries regarding “big” questions such as why something exists instead of nothing at all, as well as the meaning of life. Science, being a systematic approach towards studying of the world that we live in. scientists gather scientific information and use it to draw conclusions in relation to the world. During the past, as knowledge was growing, a lot of debate by philosophers in relation to science involved the existence of matter as well as what matter is made of. Currently, science has made a lot of progress.

The term “science” is simply the search for knowledge. Science had been known as “natural philosophy” until the start of 1840’s. Philosophy refers to the science that study the primary characteristics of the nature of existence. It is the first science which does not need specialized capabilities or training for a person to apply in his life.As we know science today, it needs philosophy. It is difficult for science to achieve its objective without philosophy. Existence of science without philosophy is like attempting to drive a vehicle that has no engine. In sciences, all the conclusions that are arrived at regarding “what exists” are conclusions of metaphysics.

Science refers to a systematic approach in studying the world in which we live. This implies that scientists utilize systematic, or specific methods like observation as well as experimentation so as to gain a better comprehension of the world. They gather information and then utilize the information gathered to make conclusions as well as predictions concerning how the world works. In the contemporary world, scientists as well employ instrumentation to assist them in making observations that people cannot observe by their senses alone. During the past, prior to the modern science, people who studied science were referred to as philosophers.

All sciences originate from philosophy. The systematic approach that philosophical arguments employ is the same one that sciences borrow from while making conclusions from observations that have been made. Prior to science becoming science, it is initially philosophy. For an individual to answer a question in a scientific manner, one has to first come up with the question that ought to be answered. These questions originate from philosophy and become science after they have been backed up by means of scientific experiment.The concept of philosophy as being the mother of all sciences is the origin of knowledge-acquisition era of learning by human beings. It is the start of both inquiry as well as logic in all things, that is, from language to religion, to all the elements of life. Philosophy covers it all. There are various definitions of philosophy. In my opinion, philosophy is simple logic. Logic refers to a system of reasoning that helps in determining the certainty of propositions. Similar to epistemology, logic is an indispensable aspect in the scientific method.

The Greek philosophers who have had a great impact on both science as well as philosophy were Plato and Socrates. The most fascinating thing concerning these philosophers is that although they got other elements wrong, they made a contribution towards science by means of their use of rational as well as objective approach towards comprehending the manner in which the world works. Science makes progress by means of a series of differences regarding how things are. It is possible for individuals to unearth a lot of facts regarding the working of the world by use of reason, logic, as well as observation.

Philosophy is a mother of sciences in the manner in which philosophers pursue particular topics so as to uncover them, as well as exchanging ideas so as to comprehend the subjection that is under study. Philosophy attempts to build up theories which can be applied in the real world through science so that life may be made easier.  Philosophy is a mother to all the sciences as it is the first one to try studying the nature of the world. During the past, philosophy took part in the formation of schools that were responsible for evolving the earth. For instance, some of the contributions by philosophers are Democritus‘Atom theory and the study of space by Thales. The establishment of Physics (dynamics) was tremendously influenced by Aristotle. Newton as well had a great contribution towards the modern physics.

Philosophy is the origin of all sciences as it forms a foundation fora lot of the sciences that people study in the current world. If it was not for the early philosophers who made a lot of effort to form the foundation of most sciences, the world would not be looking as it is at the moment. Through continuous repetitions, philosophy opens new subjects for the sciences to discuss on. In the absence of philosophy, or the philosophical approaches in sciences, it is not possible to arrive at new information.Philosophy studies all things, ranging from physics to mathematics. It studies perception that is responsible for putting all other types of knowledge on the edge, since all sciences strongly relies on it.

The scientific method that was discovered during the 20th century was as a result of philosophical effort, and not from a scientific one. Philosophy is significant in all the sciences as it places emphasis on very essential questions such as what science is.There are manysuppositions that are in the field of science, for instance, the uniformity of nature. These assumptions represent the belief that natural processes takes place in a manner that is fairly consistent. This shaping belief is the foundation of natural laws.

Apart from affecting the progress of the specialized knowledge fields, philosophy is substantially enriched through the advancement in the concrete sciences. Philosophical statements are founded on a set of facts that are studied by sciences as well as the system of propositions and concepts by means of generalizing of the facts. The accomplishments made in specialized sciences are encapsulated in philosophical statements. Works such as the Euclidian geometry, and the mechanics of Galileo have influenced the minds of people for many centuries.

Science cannot exist in the absence of epistemology as its foundation. It cannot be in existence without the creation of metaphysics statements. As such, science serves the needs of philosophy, since it enables us to know what the world is made of. The thought that science applies repeated experiments in order to confirm a given hypothesis is wrong. Through philosophy, science is able to utilize the cognitive approaches in proving that a hypothesis is right or wrong.

In conclusion, philosophy has been a very significant pillar in the development of most of the scientific knowledge. As a result, philosophy has contributed considerably to the world and helped in making life to become easy. Therefore, the relationship between philosophy as well as sciences is a mutual one that is characterized by means of their ever expanding interaction.

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