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1.    Observation of behavior and its interpretation

Observation is mostly used when trying to assess a person’s behavior. Behavioral observation methods do not base on people’s perception of behavior. Instead, it involves watching and recording an individual’s behavior in typical environments like classrooms ("Behavioral Observation Methods - Personality Assessment - iResearchNet", 2018). When recording observations, I find it hard to consistently measure specific characteristics throughout the process of behavior intervention. It’s challenging to accurately account for durations, intensity, or frequencies of problem behaviors of individuals in class. However, the interpretation part which involves giving data or information meaning is much simpler for me. Given statistics, it’s easier to explain why things happen in a certain way. It’s important to be tentative and provisional about interpretations to give meaningful information that is not misleading.

2.    Potential short and long-term effects on workplace bullying

Workplace bullying is a vice that adversely affects the health of an employee as well as their productivity. Sadly, most perpetrators (70 percent) are senior staff members victimizing their juniors, which makes it difficult for the victims to respond to these acts. Short-term effects of workplace bullying include increased risk of accidents, reduced morale, and increased absenteeism (Swartz, 2018). Long-term effects on the victims may include mental health issues such as panic attacks, depression, compromised memory, severe anxiety, and complex PTSD. Physical health issues linked to persistent workplace bullying include; chest pain, migraine, high blood pressure, heart attacks, irritable bowel syndrome, and headaches. In most cases, the employers also lose due to greater employee turnover and high costs associated with using Employee Assistance Programs ("Workplace Bullying: 4 Harmful Effects on Employees | Hennig Ruiz Law Firm", 2018).

Workplace bullying requires more than just one individual to combat. Efforts are required from all stakeholders including the managers, supervisors, and employees. While the management should make communication channels easier, encourage 0 tolerance to the vice, and process complaints quickly and fairly, employees should learn to communicate about bullying to the management and authorities and practice respectful behavior. Luckily, I’ve never been a victim of workplace bullying.



Behavioral Observation Methods - Personality Assessment - iResearchNet. (2018). Retrieved 19 February 2018, from

Swartz, M. (2018). How A Workplace Bully Can Harm Your Staff! | Monster Hiring Resource Center. Retrieved 19 February 2018, from

Workplace Bullying: 4 Harmful Effects on Employees | Hennig Ruiz Law Firm. (2018). Hennig Ruiz Law Firm. Retrieved 19 February 2018, from

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