Genetically modified foods have been
splashed in the news recently, with different people as well as public
interests groups actively protesting in opposition to the GM foods for a long time.
The latest controversial studies in relation to the consequences of
genetically-modified corn upon the monarch butterfly caterpillars have made the
matter of genetic engineering to the front position of the public awareness in
the U.S. (Harris 23). Genetic modification is not a new
thing. Foods, as well as food crops, have been manipulated by human beings for
a long time, by means of methods such as fermentation. Genetic engineering is
merely the most recent form of biotechnology- and still the most precise one.
There are a lot of benefits which may be derived by human
beings from the use of genetically modified foods.
There are no intrinsic differences that
exist between the foods that are produced from plants that are genetically
modified as well as those that are from non-genetically formed crops. According
to Wilson, Julie & Bill, “Every living thing has DNA that
contain the similar four building blocks, referred to as nucleotides†(67).
Through the movement of the DNA piece from one organism to another by the
scientists, there is no introduction of any “foreign†substances. The newly
introduced gene simply stimulates the organism to articulate a desired
characteristic. Corporations that desire to release a genetically modified seed
or crop have the obligation to test how safe that product is. In case the
product is manufactured from an organism that contains an identified allergen,
it needs to undergo safety tests. There is no individual who has ever died, or
become ill as a result of GM foods consumption.
GM crops help in easing the negative
impact of agriculture on the environment. As it is practiced currently,
agriculture destroys the environment above any other activity by human beings.
Crops that are genetically engineered can ease this negative effect. Wilson,
Julie & Billstate
that “GM crops that are insect resistant, for instance those that have
bacterial Bt gene (that makes the plant to be toxic to particular pests),
permits farmers to intensely cut down the application of sprays against the insectsâ€
(75). The next-generation seeds might allow the farmers to retain high yields
whereas using less chemical fertilizer, as well as water. Potential concerns
with GM crops, for instance, the production of “super pests†are exaggerated by
opponents, however, to the level that those dangers are actual they may be
managed as well as averted. For instance, farmers may keep off promoting
Bt-resistance among insects through the planting of non-GM acreage close to
every GM plot.
world’s total population is increasing with each day, due to this there are
overstretching and exhaustion of resources in terms of land for agriculture.
Due to this, approximately 34% of the world’s population according to WHO is
facing risk of starvation while another 842 million people is already facing
starvation in accordance to WFP (Forman 44). To counter this issue of food
insecurity in the world, the idea of having genetically modified food should be
supported as this very same technique has been proven to maximize production.
Therefore, the number of people under starvation will continue dwindling when
this technology continues to be implemented.
Malnutrition: In the world
predominantly in the developing nations, there are high cases of malnutrition
due to lack of a balanced diet in majority of the families. This is due to
limited access to nutritive food which can be attributed to low, production
supply and high demand which causes prices escalation. Ruse
& David asserts “Most
people in these regions depend on one crop such as maize as a major staple food
in their diet†(212). Nevertheless, maize does not have enough amounts of every
essential nutrient that may avert the malnutrition. If the maize could undergo
genetic engineering where vitamins, minerals, as well as other nutrient
deficiencies, are introduced, malnutrition could be averted. In addition, due
to this there is reduced purchasing power of food in the market that is a high
contributor to malnutrition. To counter malnutrition, there is a great need to
increase food supply in the market. This can be achieved through embracing
genetic engineering in crop production that will satisfy the increasing demand
of food in the market.
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