Greenhouse gases
are as a result of many factors which are as a result of human activities which
are on the increase and therefore increasing the rate at which these gases
develop and hence causing menaces as far as public health is concerned. Climate
change due to the increase of these greenhouse gases lead to the increase of
health relates issues in the third world countries more than any other
countries due to the issue of damaged public health infrastructure in most
third world countries.
vulnerability to outdoor and indoor air pollutants and allergens is one of the
main effects of climate change as far as public health is concerned. Climate
change leads to air pollutants which affect the public health of people who are
exposed to the various pollutants which are as a result of varied pollutants
which may be directly or indirectly connected to climate change.
Public health is
affected in the sense that various diseases are caused due to climate change
which triggers heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases. All
these diseases are as a result of the various changes in the normal climate and
therefore altering the weather of a place among other factors.
maladies and ailments caused by biochemical and biological contaminants also
come by as a result of climate change and therefore making the health of many
people be at danger since most of these illnesses are lethal and somehow not
curable since they cause chronic diseases for example cancer.
Altered patterns of infections caused by
bacteria, viruses and other pathogens carried by mosquitoes, ticks, and animals
are as a result of the drastically changing weather patterns, and they lead to
the various disease caused by the various insects and animals which in turn
affect the public health of the larger human population.
In developing
countries, increase in temperatures is associated to more recurrent and severe
heat stress leading to the reduction in air quality that often accompanies a
heat wave that can lead to breathing problems and worsen respiratory diseases,
i.e., epidemics of meningococcal meningitis. Increases in the number,
intensity, and period of heat waves during the century are projected to
challenge further cities that currently experience heat waves, with potential
for adverse health impacts. Results of climate change have already been
documented in Europe. They include retreating glaciers, longer growing seasons,
species range shifts, and heat wave-related health impacts. Also, the spread of
mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria may increase in areas projected to
receive more precipitation and flooding. Increase in rainfall and temperature
can cause spreading of dengue fever.
The repercussions
of climate change on Agriculture and other food systems in developing countries
can increase rates of malnutrition which is a health issue that impacts public
health. By the beginning of the 21st century, African countries including the
Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, and Zimbabwe, had heightened food
shortages which required urgent situation help. Soaring temperatures and
drought may reduce water availability and crop production leading to many
health problems in parts of Europe since
the countries involved cannot be able to produce enough food which will be
enough to supplement its population and therefore to maintain the health status
of the people.
Climate changes
lead to illness related to extreme cold and heat events which affect the public
health leading to various illnesses such as meningitis among other diseases
which can cause death and health complications. With the changing climatic
patterns areas where there was cool climate with average temperatures
drastically change leading to high temperatures being witnessed due to high
emissions of carbon into the atmosphere for example due to the burning of
forests which also help in the absorption of the gas which is the main cause of
global warming.
for industrialized countries can comprise of the countries meeting their aid
commitments to attaining the Millennium Development Goals , respect and
straight away put into practice treaties of deep emission cuts in the Kyoto
Protocol and its treaty afterward in Copenhagen, share and transfer the
available technology and new adaptation actions with the developing world and
create an enabling environment for poor countries to limit their emissions
while maintaining their rights to growth.
Other recommendations that may include the
grasping of policies planned for the decline of the overwhelming population
growth, enhancing good governance and fighting corruption. Furthermore,
emerging economies such as China and South Africa should be included in
emission cuts in the Kyoto Protocol when it will be renewed.
for less industrialized countries can include the increasing of vegetal cover
in territorial land by carrying out reforestation and should be able to plan
and execute to the later, sustainable population policies to slow down
population growth rate and buy time for economic development. The countries
should slot in climate change initiatives with early warning systems into
national Millennium Development Goals to ensure sustainable growth, therefore,
being able to prioritize renewable energy sources while being conscious of
their various advantages. There should be the diversification of national
economies with less dependence on fossil fuel and provide a special gap for
youths at various levels.
The existing
plans for mitigation and response discussed are practical and would work
towards attaining proper climate that would make the world a better place to
live in. Consequences of our activities affect the earth as an entity. This
means that when people in America drive their cars, their actions have
consequences to rural communities in Central Africa, farmers in South Africa
and slum dwellers in Lagos.
B. (2008) Conflict Diagnosis, Conflict
Prevention and Conflict Management in Contemporary Africa. Ibadan: Ababa
(2001) Technical summary in Climate
Change: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Third Assessment Report.
Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press.
D. & Robey B. (2000). Population
and the Environment: the Global challenge. Population Report Series M 15. Baltimore. John Hopkins
University School of Public Health, Population Information Program 2000
S. J. (1995) Population Environment and
Food Security. Issues in Agriculture No.7 Consultative Group on
International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
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