Civil rights
events that have influenced a sense of social responsibility in the American
government today
The 20th century (especially
the last half) saw a rapid expansion of civil rights and liberties in the
United States to address several issues primarily on the matter of race through
massive protests. In January 1961 at the University of Mississippi, a black
student named James Meredith had been denied admission because of his race. The
applicant filed a lawsuit against the court. However, Meredith finally became
the first black student at the University of Mississippi after a ruling by the
Supreme Court in September 1962. Twenty days later, Civil Rights Division attorneys
and federal marshals escorted Meredith to the school. 97 federal prison guards,
federal marshals, and U.S Border Patrol officers were attacked within an hour
by a mob of around 2000 people. Federal troops, totaling to 16,000 were
deployed to end the violence which cost the lives of two people and left 160
people injured. 28 marshals had also been shot by then. Later on, the passage
of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination in public schools basing
on their color, gender, race, national origin or religion. Affirmative action
was initiated to promote equal rights and social equality and is being used
until now and is supported by local and state leaders. The president at the
time, Lyndon B Johnson also signed a civil rights bill that prohibited racial
discrimination in public facilities, workplace, interstate commerce, and
housing. According to the leadership conference in 1965, affirmative action
would involve taking positive steps to curbing discrimination and prevent its
recurrence while creating new opportunities that were previously denied to
minorities (Garrison &Modigliani,
Second, the Voting Rights Act
of 1965 is considered to be the most successful fruit of civil rights
legislation that was ever adopted by the Congress. The act states that no
individual can be denied the right to vote on account of their color or race.
The act made such great strides on the rights of voters and abolished literacy
tests as well as poll taxes imposed as soon as the 15th Amendment of 1870 was
ratified hence granting blacks the vote. President Johnson also signed this act
that would ban certain requirements in southern states that used to
disenfranchise African Americans. Today, both blacks and whites have a right to
vote for their favorite candidate irrespective of the candidate’s race in all
levels of leadership (from local to national).In fact, the outgoing president
of the United States, Barrack Hussein Obama was the first African-American to
be elected to that office.
Media events that have positively or
negatively influenced the public's opinion of a government agency
The media is known to affect
the views about issue importance and government agencies among the general
public as well as government policy makers. A 1981 study indicated that it was
not the change in public opinion that led to policy changes but collaboration
between government staff members and journalists (Tyler et al 1983). Television
news serves to alert viewers of events and issues same as the radio. Print
media also remains a significant source of news as it provides more contexts
for analysis. Also, the country’s social, political and economic elites rely on
detailed print coverage to inform and influence their views on pertinent public
matters. The internet is also becoming a primary source of news. Blogs are also
an important news aspect that allows individuals to comment on news and drive
essential stories that missed the limelight. Some of these media events
negatively affect the opinion on the public about government agencies. For
instance, the media was at the forefront of publishing material in print and
all over the internet including videos that the NASA moon landing was a hoax by
the U.S government in a desperate race to defeat Russia in the space race. On
the other hand, the media was able to positively influence the public opinion
over the United States Navy after its successful mission to kill the al-Qaeda
founder and terrorist Osama Bin Laden after publicizing the matter.
Differences between the Democratic and the Republican parties that
may have an ethical impact on the American people
America’s political landscape
is dominated by two major parties, the Republicans, and Democrats. The two
parties were created after a robust two-party political system was established
in the United States. The Democratic
Party began in1824 while the Republican Party (Grand old party) was launched in
1854. Although there are significant differences between republicans and
democrats, it’s almost impossible to classify every individual based on
political issues, but there are certain important points that all members of
each party agree with. These critical points are generally found in each
party’s platform. There are core differences between the two sides based on
very strong political beliefs. Some of these differences may have an ethical
impact on the American people as mentioned below.
The first difference between
republicans and democrats is on their views towards social issues. The
Democrats are progressive in their views and tend to favor gay marriage and
abortion. They also support strict gun control laws that limit ownership. On
the other hand, Republicans tend to be conservative on this issue. They
advocate for marriage between man and woman and are opposed to gay marriage since
they see it as unethical. They also promote the right to gun ownership and
oppose abortion. Republicans seek to promote governance while upholding high
moral standards and values for its citizens like it was in the past. They
believe that marriage was ordained for man and woman and only this type of
marriage is morally right. On the contrary, not all the public would agree with
this since some are attracted to the same sex and would argue that they have a
right to same-sex marriage. Democrats believe that in the contemporary world,
things should be done different and such people ought to be given an
opportunity to love and commit to each other.
the two parties differ on the issue of crime and capital punishment.
Republicans, in general, believe in harsher penalties for criminals including
those selling illegal drugs. They also prefer capital punishment and favor
systems with many layers to ensure proper punishment has been dispensed. While
this might sound like a good policy to govern the public towards exercising
ethical behavior and upholding high moral standards, the Democrats see it from
a different perspective. Their views are more progressive since they believe
that crimes that don’t involve violence like selling drugs ought to have
lighter penalties and rehabilitation. They also strongly oppose capital
punishment in any form.
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