Slowly and steadily, holistic healing is
taking a center-stage in the Western Science, thereby institutionalizing the
same. In fact, several patients are seeking new therapy forms, from their
doctors and practitioners, in the Western countries. However, those
professionals and scientists once denied accepting the effectiveness of
alternative therapies, which are well-known in the Eastern nations. Apart from
meditation, even yoga has a special place in the alternative healing regime of
these nations. The main aim is to align the human beings’ spirit, body, and
mind. The paper therefore, intends to portray how Western countries can accept
the science of yoga and meditation from the viewpoint of Quantum Theory so as
to promote holistic wellbeing amongst the population.
Research Question
The research question for this paper is-
“to what extent Quantum Physics can support the idea of healing the mankind by
applying alternative medicines or meditation?â€
H0: Quantum Theory cannot support
meditation as a healing technique, for the patients.
H1: A strong relationship can be
established between the Eastern healing method, meditation and the Quantum
In the genre of Quantum Physics, unified
field theory is the most relevant one corresponding to the alternative healing
tactics. For instance, according to this framework, all the perceived matters
manifest from the collapsing of the energy field, based on the waves. Some of
the healing techniques such as Reiki and quantum touch therapy are based on
universal consciousness, which is again profoundly linked with the aspects of
Quantum Physics. In order to dissect the nitty gritty of QP, consciousness must
be understood. The ancient texts articulate how consciousness is more about an
omnipresent field, which is exactly like the universal ocean[1]. Thus, the
consciousness of the individuals is also similar to the ocean waves, which
Quantum Physics is conforming steadily. On the other hand, transcending is an
experience where waves settle down deep down in the ocean. An individual can
also recall the structure of mind portrayed by Sigmund Freud, long back. It
resembles the shape of an iceberg. The contemporary scientists compare the
body-mind relationship with a computer. For instance, millions and billions of
calculations are done by the microchips per seconds, inserted within a
computer. In a similar mechanism, the brain also possesses billions of
electrical circuits and processes, thereby giving rise to the consciousness of
the individuals. However, brain has a little role to play in the meditation,
rather only a part of the task is performed by the same. Since a long time,
people have tried to silence the mind, forcefully, during meditations. After
all, the brain is continuously active for its electrical mechanism. Therefore,
transcending is synonymous to deep rest and not complete sleep. It is the part
and parcel of meditation. In fact, it is that state which activates the human
beings’ self-healing energy. The Medical School of Harvard found that the
oxygen consumption is definitely more than the active state, in deep
Roger Penrose, the British physicist
linked between the consciousness and quantum mechanics, in 1980s.
Entrainment and resonance
Arguably, resonance is largely responsible
for the movement of subatomic energy to the galaxies. For instance, the sound
waves easily transfer the air from the strings to the guitar. The same
frequency objects always tend to resonate. The energy is transferred from one
object to the other when resonance is at play. On the other hand, two objects
at different frequencies but similar tune are in the hands of another energy
mechanism called entrainment. It is that process via which alignment of energy
and movement takes place so as to match the phase and rhythm. Unsurprisingly,
the same energy is also observable in the human being’s biological systems[2].
For instance, frogs and crickets find similar rhythm and subsequently
coordinate to one another’s sounds. At times, it happens with women sharing
their houses or living together often find that their menstrual cycle match
rhythmically and fall on the same date of a month. Similarly, when two objects
have distinct frequencies end up vibrating at same vibration, eventually. In
such a situation, the objects vibrating at lower frequencies will match theirs
with the higher ones or vice versa can happen too. If nothing then at least
their frequencies will meet somewhere in between. In alternative healing of
quantum touch, the healers learn how to increase their hands’ vibrations to tap
in cosmic energy via higher frequencies. As a result, it is also deducible that
the cosmic energy has higher frequencies.
Theory of entanglement
Interestingly, the body’s healing ability
which is innate in nature often gets taken for granted, according to the
Western civilization. Quantum entanglement occurs when groups or pairs of
various particles interact or generated, where each particle’s quantum state
can hardly be described independently. Physics revolved around solid state in
the initial stage of its evolution. However, Quantum Physics turned everything
upside down. The energy’s behavior is different at the quantum level, which was
confirmed by the double slit experimentation of Radin. On the other hand, the
human mind is never confined to merely its physical brain. The body itself is
the consciousness’s holographic projection. Thus, the individuals should have
robust control over their bodies, thereby showing a general intention to heal
the same. Alternatively, the electrons can sometimes behave like waves, while
other times they possessed the characteristics of particles[3]. On a similar
note, the human mind also encompasses the body’s blueprint, just like the
relationship of a molecule and an atom. In one study, it was deduced that the
telomeres were also moved by the mindful meditations. They actually shorten
with the growing ages. Therefore, meditation is the state where the human consciousness
can be elevated to the highest level for healing selves.
Entangles particles, in QP always remain
linked. As a result, when action is taken for one particle, the effect can be
seen on the other. The segregation created by distance also does not affect
this phenomenon[4]. Thus, the above-mentioned characteristics negates the local
realism doctrine. In this concept, it is considered that mediation only occurs
when immediate surrounding interaction takes place.
Lower frequency vibrations
The human bodies are merely made of
energy, if broken down from a matter. Further going down, only super strings
can be discovered, purely consisting of vibrating energy. In return, the kind
of matter formation also depend on the strings’ frequency of vibration.
The people suffering from chronic
diseases, stress, anxiety, depression, and other fatal illnesses are trapped
within negative energies, which can also be termed as lower frequencies.
Therefore, higher cosmic energy, rather universal consciousness is needed in
order to eradicate the human beings’ diseases and negative energies[5]. Some of
the Eastern energy healing methods are Qigong, Meridian Tapping, Reiki,
Therapeutic Touch, and many more. They all are based on the harmonization of
bodies energies.
Case study
The studies expound how the bio-photonic
emissions indicate the individuals’ illness or health status. In other stances,
it has been identified how the meditative practices can extensively regulate
those emissions. Thus, the case study will portray the very possibility of
transferring energy between two parties, with simple fortification of
intentions. Interestingly, the process can be also be documented via use of
proper tools. For instance, one of the healers used TsaRlung, a meditative
practice of Tibet on a healthy individual. The tools implemented for this
project were the FUTURE and FAST video cameras. On the other hand, the setting
chosen for recording the energy-transfer experience was an empty room[6]. Both
humidity and temperature were also kept under control. Earlier, the two
participants of the experiment never came in contact. The results indicate
glimpses of energy shifts from the giver to the receiver, in those active
sessions. As a result, the nature of this case study was purely observational
in nature. It also implies an intentionally created energy is prevalent in
bio-photons emissions form. Other than these, the energy can be created by
human beings themselves. In fact, the study opened a pathway to conduct more
experiments on these emissions. However, sophisticated and detailed recording
tools are needed to conduct these types of researches. Alternatively, it cannot
be denied that high amount of investment is also needed for the same. Indeed,
these energy-related experiments are worthy to save the mankind from
destructive lower frequency energies.
Further discussion on the case and
There is hardly any organism which does
not emit a weak spontaneous light. It mostly occurs when no such external
photo-excitation is evident, which is a part and parcel of the metabolic
process. The naked eyes are unable to reach those emissions. In many parts of
the globe, the scientists have conceptualized the study related to bio-photon
emission as the measurement of bio-fields. They can be applied to understand
the health condition of human beings. Even it can also be held responsible for
the inter and intra-cellular interaction. Previous researches were conducted on
the plant species. In fact, it was noticed that the mechanical injuries increased
the outflow of bio-photonic emissions. Whether it is in human beings or plants,
the injured or stressed cells tend to emit higher number of photons in
comparison to the healthy cells.
In another study, where the respondents
were divided into three distinct groups, deciphered that the no-meditation
group emitted almost 17 and 27 percent more bio-photonic emissions than the OM
and transcendental meditation clusters, respectively. In fact, the team which
engaged in chanting OM emitted the most relaxing vibrations.
Energy systems in human beings
In Eastern medicine, light is derived from
both the five elements and the human mind. As a result, the same genre also
supports the idea that light can be emitted by the human body. One of the
profound concepts related to this mechanism is subtle energetic physiology,
which actually refers to an individual’s energetic system and its flow of
energy[7]. For instance, both meridians and chakras discussed above are amongst
the energetic system of human beings. Therefore, the alternative practices go
deeper into the cell and work. The healing process is also relatively slower
but long-lasting.
TsaRlung practice, chakras and strength of
authentic intentions
Conversely, less familiar practice of
Tibetan TsaRlung revolves around Tantric principles. Apart from Tibet, other
Asian countries such as India and China also implement this method for
spiritual growth and healing. However, TsaRlung teaching is transmitted from
one generation to the other, orally. In this case, the transmission of energy
is both conscious and intentional, which takes place via heart and hands.
Intentions are set by the healers through visualization. The cosmic energy is
transmitted via different channels such as the head (crown chakra), heart, and
palms. It also means that the healer himself is also benefitted by the same.
Furthermore, the deep meditations also induce the production of both delta and
theta rays, which is pivotal in relaxations. Once more even in this scenario,
entanglement is highly observable, as one particle’s destiny is determined by
the other, no matter what their distances are. Moreover, the recent dimension
of space as well as time is not linear, rather the smallest action is potent
adequately, to create far-fetching consequences. A cell biologist, Bruce Lipton
has also demonstrated that the human beliefs are responsible to create the
individual biology, thereby negating the incorporation of pharmaceutical drugs
and chemistry as the primary methods, in healing and health sectors. The physical
world, also known as the perception of matter helps an individual to stick to
the perception of time, rather the opposite is truer in every sense[8].
Contradictorily, a healer is able to penetrate the illusion of both time and
space, so as to assist recover a person from illness. For instance, in theta
healing mechanism, the practitioner pacifies the brain waves of self, to reach
the lucid dreaming stage.
It can be inferred from the above-study
that the meditation methods utilize the subatomic and atomic energies, present
in the universe. Most importantly, the blueprint of universe can also be
observed within the human bodies, where brain is the controller. For instance,
it directs the higher cosmic energy to travel inside the body and heal an
individual. On the contrary, string theory states that the electrons may
decipher the features of either a particle or the waves. Arguably, required
amount of oxygen required for healing can be consumed by the individuals when
they rest in deep meditative state. In fact, the same is more intense than the
delta stage of sleep. The body has an innate capability to provide healing or
higher vibrations to the cells possessing much lower frequency of vibrations.
Undoubtedly, it is that technique which Easterners call energy healing.
However, in midst of all these technicalities, the primary role is yet played
by none other than the human beings’ true and strong intentions. Hence, here,
the spirit is an individual’s intentions, whereas the mind is the deeply silenced
meditative state, which can channelize their energies for recover the ailments
of human body. In simple words, it can be argued that the Quantum Physics
establishes how everything is tied together, within an energy field. It also
consists of various responses and realities possibly manifested from the human
beings’ feelings and thoughts. Last but not the least, the mind-body alignment
is the major aim of Eastern healers, which the Western medical science
completely negates. After all, the Entanglement theory says how the two
particles can remain bonded beyond time and space, if they are linked with one
another, in some or the other way.
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