Book bags | MyPaperHub

Need Statement

·         Book bags are produced with various designs and features that provide customers and  objective of book bags is to eliminate the other heavy school bags that deform children and do not offer customer satisfaction and be the leading in customer service

·         According to statistics, Book bags were first invented in the year 1967 by Greg Lowe

·         However, there are some limitations such as: the books are only meant for academic essentials. Not like other heavy bags which were for multi-purpose,

·         they are smaller hence cannot carry many books

·         They are made up of a cloth and two strips that are attached over the shoulders to the back















Goal statement

Book Bag

Product description

-          These are special bags that are designed to carry books, laptops and other academic essentials

Key Business Goals

-          Product introduced in the stock in the year 2002

-          60% profit margin

-          20% share of the bag packs and school bag market by 2006

Primary Market

-          All students

-           teachers

Secondary Market

-          Office workers

-          Lecturers

-          Hikers


-          Worn at the back

-          Protect the books from damage

-          They carry only books and documents

-          They are durable

-          They are better than other bags


-          Consumers

-          Legal department

-          Intermediaries such as retailers

-          Sales department



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