Relapse Prevention Plan | MyPaperHub

Recovering from incidences of drug and alcohol addiction has been the biggest challenge among the addicts. This is where a plan is very crucial and equips a person with ways on how to prevent a relapse. A relapse plan helps one determine his behaviors hence will enable one to act against his outlined behaviors and characters. Below is a relapse prevention that I have formulated for my client Jed in order to help him prevent any occurrence of a relapse again in order for him to win the DUI case that he is facing.

Details of the Plan

1.    clients name and age- Jed 38 years old

2.    client’s family situation

He has been married for 8years and blessed with two daughters aged 8 and 6 years respectively. The situation in the family is not peaceful because his wife Emily does not tolerate the drunkenness behavior. She is full of confrontations which on the other hand makes him angry and defensive.

3.    What is the client’s agreement to stop using drug/alcohol? Be specific. For example, does the client commit to attending AA meetings? If so how many?

Jed has agreed to abide and live us per the plan. He has agreed that he will do his best in order to prevent consumption of alcohol. In effect to this he has also agreed to be attending AA meetings every Friday evening and Saturday in the afternoon. This will also help him avoid getting time to drink with friends. Many people consume much alcohol during Friday and Saturday making Sunday a day to plan for Monday. This agreement accounts for twice every week will Jed attend the meetings.



4.    If the client relapses, what is the client’s plan to get help?

If the clients relapse again, the plan is that he will be admitted to the most reliable rehab centers for at least 3 months. Rehabilitation will be the most efficient action after our plan has failed. In the rehab he will eliminate the high-risk situation that triggers a relapse

5.    What high risk-risk situation could trigger a relapse to the client?

The high-risk situation is being around his friends during his free hours or days. This is because most of the alcohol he consumes is when he is with friends at the bar. His friends impose a high- risk for him to relapse again.

6.    What high-risk behaviors or irrational thought could lead to relapse?

His high-risk behavior comes from him becoming angry when he is confronted by his wife about the drinking habit. And his defensive thoughts that he is not an alcoholic. And irrationally thinking he is better than his father. These behaviors and thoughts impose a very serious risk in him relapsing again. This thoughts and behavior may impose a bigger challenge to the relapse prevention plan. This plan will only work if he changes these behaviors and listen to the wife.

7.    What coping skills will help the client remain sober?

Jed will develop good listening and communication skills. This will help him have a conducive environment at home. Listening and having a good conversation with the wife and other advisers will help reduce arguments and confrontations hence help him remain sober.

8.    What new activities would the client could participate in to help replace old behaviors such as going out with his friends for a drink etc. after work? How many? How often?

He should organize for evening classes either taking course that will help him build his career more because he has good working reputation that is commendable even by his employers and supervisors. Three classes a week will consume most of his time hence he won’t find to be with his friends in drinks. On the hand, he can as well as go to the gym twice or thrice a week after work or during his off day and keep fit instead of imposing health threats to himself through alcohol. He should also pay a visit to rehab centers and listen to talks and experiences of other alcoholics who managed to recover from the addiction.

9.    How would Jed’s family be involved in his relapse plan?

Jed needs the support of his family to overcome any problem he may have. More especially listening to his wife’s advice and not getting angry when confronted for the same. He should feel obligated to spending time with his family. Instead of going for drinks, he can take his wife and daughters out on a weekend and spend some quality time as a family.

10. How would Jed’s family and ethnic culture impact his relapse plan?

Comparing himself with his dad or the rest of his family members including his brothers and sisters will never impose a positive change in his life now.  Jed has to look up to good examples of successful people who do not drink alcohol. He should find a good role model that does not drink alcohol. This will help him stop taking alcohol. He should fight against culture in order to for the relapse plan to work out well. Drinking because his dad drunk or other family members are alcoholic will hinder the plan from working. He should cut most contact with his family members with drinking habit for some time in order for the plan to work.

11. What resources are available in the community to help Jed prevent relapse? Use resources that are available in your community /area

In community there is a lot of milk since many of the people living in the community are cattle-keepers. This makes milk to be in plenty and affordable, Jed will replace his alcoholic habit for tea and milk. He should buying at least 2 liters of milk each day will be cheaper than consuming alcohol. Another crucial resource within the community is the availability of land. There are high lands in the community that one may engage in other investments such as farming and cattle-keeping. Engaging in this investments plan will reduce the time available for drinking. There is also treatment and rehabilitation centers in the community that will help Jed prevent relapse.

12. Develop a sobriety card that contain people and resources the client could call if he was at risk to relapse (e.g. sponsor, family members, and crisis hotline). Include why that person/ resource should be included.

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