Tommy Hilfiger 4Ps Marketing Model Strategy & Mix | MyPaperHub



The company chosen for this paper is Tommy Hilfiger. It mainly deals with apparels, accessories, perfumes and other high end fashion products. Tommy Hilfiger actually originated in American. The corporation was established in the year 1985. It is quite crucial to understand which marketing strategy will work for an organization and what will not. More importantly, the tastes and preferences of the customers are changing globally. As a result, continuous change in strategies whether it is pertaining to marketing communication or other mixes of marketing is necessary to cater customers’ demand. The new concept that is relevant to marketing these days is “act locally but think globally.”



Selection of the company

            Tommy Hilfiger has emerged in the recent era vividly. Industry such as music industry is often linked with the company so as to market its products vividly across various nations. One of the best marketing techniques that have been adopted by the company is sponsorship. Therefore, various music events have been sponsored by Tommy Hilfiger. However, since the year 2000 several new branding techniques have been largely embraced by the company. Thus, the company started to work on its branding so as to enhance sales to a large extent. Moreover, its main focus remained clothing as well as fragrances. Even though the brand has been bought yet it still remained the same thereby attracting several people around the globe. In fact, CSR activities are again business strategy to increase footfalls of the customers in stores. As a result, it is important to understand that advertising these green activities can be considered as both marketing and blue ocean strategies. Therefore, consumption area of Tommy Hilfiger is perfumes and apparels. It is quite important to understand that addressing various customers’ demand will help a brand to reach the zenith of success. As a result, in this paper local people’s changing requirements, preferences and tastes must be addressed explicitly. Social network is another gateway to reach the customers elaborately. Fragrance such as Tommy Girl is one of the most sold products of Tommy Hilfiger. In fact, girls around the world love the perfumes largely. The tagline of the company is “for the people.” On the other hand, USP of the company’s products is nothing but cool American style. Both high end and medium range products are sold by the company in its retail stores to a large extent. Strong recognition and distribution network are two primary aspects established with the help of various marketing strategies.


Analysis and research of the current marketing strategies’ effectiveness 


            Services are provided by the store assistants within the stores to all the customers entering. Moreover, it is one of the most important aspects that can glue the customers to brand for longer period of time. It is also evitable that Tommy Hilfiger provides services inside the stores such as free measurement for clothing, trial facility and others. As a result, Tommy Hilfiger’s customers are actually satisfied with the same and that is why after brand restructuring footfalls of the customers is increasing in leaps and bounds.


4Ps of Tommy Hilfiger’s Marketing Mix

            Price is one of the most integral aspects that every company should look at so as to retain loyal customers thoroughly. As a result, the brand, being in the premium range it is important to understand that primary pricing strategy adopted by the same is nothing but premium pricing. It helps to decipher both classiness and sophistication largely. Furthermore, carrying products of Tommy Hilfiger is a status symbol.


            Products of the brand include accessories and mostly perfumes as well as apparels. Women luxury cloth section possesses exclusive items and they are unique in nature too.


            Place is the prime factor in marketing mix as customers can reach the brand via stores that are located in distinct locations of America and other nations. Most of the Tommy Hilfiger stores and flagship stores are located inside the shopping malls, departmental stores and hypermarkets.


            Promotion is done by the brand via different platforms, both online and offline. For instance, sponsorship programs, social networking sites and direct marketing to the loyal customer can often be witnessed from Tommy Hilfiger’s end.


Identification of the organization’s target customers

            The main target customer group of Tommy Hilfiger comprises of upper urban segment’s young both women and men. On the other hand, it is important to understand that music industry celebrities also comprise of one of the widest customer segment of the company. For instance, subculture patterned dresses portray that the brand’s apparel corresponds to different music genres. Other than that, the brand must be more responding to the changing customers’ demand.


Disadvantages and advantages of recent marketing strategies pertaining to reaching target audiences

            The brand message cannot be conveyed by Tommy Hilfiger properly. As a result, it is important to understand that target audiences may not buy when they want to attain music concerts or programs. In fact, the company cannot utilize the social media sites at their bests.  Furthermore, loyalty programs are yet not enough developed.


            Advantage of sponsorship programs is that the brand can actually communicate with the customers at a much larger scale and moreover they can also emotionally connect with the brand itself. On the other hand, disadvantage includes that the customer may not receive correct brand message and thus, these potential customers may interpret the same differently.


Satisfaction level and effectiveness of current marketing strategies in respect to American society’s changing consumer behavior

            Moreover, the change in customers’ taste is definitely addressed by the brand to a large extent. For instance, customers like to interact directly with the company and other loyal consumers. It has become possible due to use of social media. Thus, this method is effective. Loyal customers share their experiences in various social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs and others.


Appeal of the company’s marketing communication strategies used

            The marketing communication is definitely appealing as all the young customers are addressed explicitly by the brand. On the contrary, it can be understood that appeal may not only come from how the same is used but ways the customers are accepting the technique (Mackinney-Valentin, 2013). Definitely, the customers of Tommy Hilfiger are appealed by the same and therefore, sales are taking place at the fastest rate possible since restructuring.


New marketing strategy suggestion on the basis of current strategy

            Marketing should be done locally so that all the local customers are appealed by the same. On the contrary, the brand was using one standardized strategy to market its products to varying customers (Ko and Megehee, 2012). Thus, it is important to adapt various techniques such as changing the mixes of marketing before broadcasting the same to the target customers.



            For instance, some parts of the country may feel that offline marketing is hazardous for the nature and that is why no paper should be taken into consideration. Moreover, the brand’s products are largely significant for portraying culture and subculture of various regions which can be accomplished only with the help of choosing right pricing and product rolling out strategies.



            The demographics of America are quite mixed where number of immigrants has increased in the past few years. As a result, products should be customized accordingly so as to match varying tastes and requirements. 



            Subcultures such as indigenous American culture, Hispanics, Asian Americans, hippies and others can be vividly witnessed by individuals (Tommy Hilfiger, 2017). Therefore, it is extremely important to understand how product types and promotional strategies play integral role in addressing the entire landscape of America.



            The motivation to purchase a brand’s product comes from witnessing the interest of company to address customers’ needs largely. Moreover, customer purchase motivation is the result of a brand’s intention to communicate with them vividly. 



            Perception about a brand can be formed mainly because of image and reputation that are created by the company. On the other hand, it is quite crystal clear that customers dwelling locally want the prices to be adjusted as per the economic condition over there (Parente and Strausbaugh-Hutchinson, 2014). For instance, the average income of New York City customers is different from that of Mexicans’ average income.



            The attitudes of the customers towards a brand are the result of three mixes such as beliefs, behavioral intentions and feelings. Therefore, new marketing technique will be instrumental in changing the belief system of customers pertaining to brand’s intention to communicate with them (Aghekyan-Simonian, Forsythe, Kwon and Chattaraman, 2012). For instance, the brand’s carefully formulated marketing techniques and attitudes are going to change how customers’ perceive Tommy Hilfiger. It may require changing both product and pricing strategies.



            The customers can learn about any product via the contemporary media such as social media sites. Therefore, product knowledge is crucial to drag or motivate the potential customers to stores of Tommy Hilfiger.



            In this paper, it can be understood how Tommy Hilfiger’s intention to match the subcultures is actually helping the same to a large extent for catering customers’ demand. However, change in strategy will definitely fulfill the local customers’ demand more authentically. Furthermore, the brand cannot market its products in similar fashion in varying places of America because of distinct cultures.


Aghekyan-Simonian, M., Forsythe, S., Kwon, W. S., and Chattaraman, V. (2012). The role of

product brand image and online store image on perceived risks and online purchase

intentions for apparel. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(3), 325-331.

Ko, E., and Megehee, C. M. (2012). Fashion marketing of luxury brands: Recent research issues

and contributions. Journal of Business Research, 65(10), 1395-1398.

Mackinney-Valentin, M. (2013). Face value: Subversive beauty ideals in contemporary fashion

marketing. Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, 1(1), 13-27.

Parente, D., and Strausbaugh-Hutchinson, K. (2014). Advertising campaign strategy: A guide to

marketing communication plans. London: Cengage Learning.

Tommy Hilfiger.(2017). Spring 2017women's runway show. Retrieved from: .

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