The ability of men and women to recall words, events and
also experiences are a result of the memory that they have of such events and
capacity to recall them. Recalls in memory are the mental processes that
involve the retrieval of the information that is essential in the present and
yet was stored in the past. There has been growing evidence hypothesizing that
word recall is better in females than males. The research methodology taken up
by the study is the experimental method of research. The study involved 39
participants of whom 19 were male and 20 females. There was the direct
manipulation of the variables that existed in the experiment so as to
scientifically test the hypothesis. The results indicate a significant
difference in the words remembered with gender differences, and also, age
becoming very apparent. The research further found out that across all the
sexes, ages and also educational levels, there was a significant indication
that the individuals mostly remembered the words presented at the beginning and
the end of the study. Therefore, the study confirms the hypothesis that word
recall is better in females than males.
Key words:
Word recall
Memory refers to all the processes that
are involved in the acquisition, retention and later retrieval of information.
It is our memory that enables an individual to access information or even words
that they have come across in the past. There are also some several aspects of
the human characteristics that are considered to be genetically predetermined
and also innate in the evolutionary terms. Over the course of time, there are
several psychologists that continue to assert that there are significant sex
differences in the short term memory and also the episodic memory which is a
type of long-term memory based on personal experiences for the women over the
men. The ability of men and women to recall words, events and also experiences
are a result of the memory that they have of such events and capacity to recall
them (Gotoh, 2012). Recall in memory
are the mental processes that involve the retrieval of the information that is
essential in the present and yet was stored in the past. It is one of the three
core processes of the memory going along the encoding and storage of memories.
There are three types of recalling that is the free recall, serial recall, and
the cued recall (Murdock, 1962). The free
recall is engaged in describing the process in which a person is given a list
of words or items to memorize and then asked to remember as many words randomly
in any order as they can be able to remember. The free recall has a high level
of indications of the recency and primacy effects than any other of the three
types of recall (Murdock, 1962). Cued recall,
on the other hand, involves a person being given a list of items or words and
is then tasked to remember them through being given some Cues to the material.
The serial recall is the capacity to remember things, events or words in the
order by which they occurred. If the words were lined up in a certain order,
the individual is required to recall them in that given system (Murdock, 1962). The ability of each person to
remember things as stored in the memory is the cornerstone to the acquisition
and use of any language and also for communication. Imagine a case of
remembering segments of a sentence but in the wrong order. It would result in
distorted language and hence bar the discussion.
Literature review
There are clear individual differences
in the acquisition of language and also in other demonstrations of the capacity
of an individual to recall things in certain order. Some children acquire
language than others; some people remember things faster and better than others
and can even learn more in a shorter time frame than others (Gotoh, 2012). It is all dependent on the individual
differences. However, there is research that indicates that gender differences
are a significant factor to language acquisition and also in memory. From an
early age, the girls have been documented to outpace then boys in language
acquisition as they demonstrate a larger vocabulary use as compared to their
male counterparts of the same age. The presence of the disparity on language
acquisition is what may point to a distinction in the memories of the men from
that of the women.
Two Psychologists named Agneta Herlitz
and Jenny Rehnman from Sweden asserts that there exists significant disparity
between men and females in their episodic memory. It is because; they carried
out an experiment whereby they tested whether the sex of an individual affected
their ability to remember events that occurred in their lives. To their
surprise, the women were better at remembering the events in their lives as
compared to their male counterparts (Guillem & Mograss, 2005).
The precise results pointed to the fact that the woman excelled in verbal
episodic memory tasks that included remembering words, objects, everyday events
and also pictures. The men were found out to be better at recalling
nonlinguistic, characteristic information referred to as the visuospatial
processing. A man would be in a position to remember their way out of a huge
thicket or woods than a woman would be able to perform. However, the tasks that
require verbal and visuospatial processing the women outperform the men (Guillem & Mograss, 2005).
There are gender differences noted in
the past studies indicating that there are differences regarding language
abilities, memory, cognitive processing style and also neuropsychology across
the genders. However, there is still unclear research on whether the gender
disparities would be present t in the recall of neutral and also emotionally
arousing words. Allen and Baddeley (2009) conducted
a research on 71 students from the University of Johannesburg. She presented a
list of words to the participants. The words were related regarding valence and
arousal (Gotoh, 2012). They
were used to test the recall of the neutral, negative and positive emotive
words for the participants. The study indicated that the statistically
significant difference between the female and male participants in the
recalling of the neutral words and also the total recall of the words existed
in a major way. The female participants recalled more words than the male
Dan Yarmey (1991) asserts that women
are in a better position to remember their mistakes than the men do in most
cases. Dan Yarmey (1991) conducted an eyewitness study and found out that the
women provided mire weighty and accurate information when it came to recalling
the scene as it looked. Moreover, after a presentation is done, there are
indications that the crowd is in a position to remember the information taught
by a female presenter more than that taught by a male presenter. It is because
women have better acoustics when it comes to their voices. They are easily able
to range from a high tone to low tones, and it is the range achieved by their
voices that result to an increase semantic encoding because the pitch of their
voices is capable of stimulating the auditory aspects of the brain (Guillem & Mograss, 2005). It is this that further
creates a real resonance with the ears and also helps the people to maintain
their attention better and for longer within the presentations. As the pitch
changes, there are also words that stand out and therefore are easier for
storage in the memory and also in the creation of cues that are essential at
memory retrieval and recall later. Then recall is easy because there are also
associations made between the words and the sounds produced during such a
speech. However, the gender disparity in this context is that the females
respond better to nonverbal cues whereas the males respond better to the verbal
cues. As a result, the women pay more attention to the body language and also
the gestures used in the communication whereas the men pay more attention to
the words used and the emphasis that is put on such wordings to create their
cues (Herlitz & Rehnman, 2008).
Justification of the study
Some researchers have attached the
premise that women are better at recalling words than the male counterparts to
some theories. One of the most significant explaining theories is the
desensitization approach that involves the falling of response to the
emotionally arousing material as a result of the continuous exposure to the
aversive stimuli over time. Another major explanation attached to the
difference in gender on recalling was that the sexes are different and
therefore are subject to individual differences as well (Herlitz & Rehnman, 2008).
Critics to some of the researchers also point out that most of the words
used by the researchers in such recall studies may not have had words that are
all holistic and that they may not have had the desired effect on all of the
participants hence the difference in response. It is this that led to the
recommendation of the future researchers to develop a database of words that
can be rated concerning the valence and also arousal by the sample of the
population of interest. The language proficiency of the participants also needs
to be ascertained and taken as a variable during the research.
Aim of the study
The study aims at determining whether
word recall is better in females than males through developing research that is
objective e and also free from any form of variables. It aims at closing the
gap left by the former researchers criticized of conducting studies by use of
words and listings that are not objective and also do not cause an equal effect
to all the members. It also aims at considering the level of education and
hence the degree of language acquisition of individuals and also their age
before making a generalization since they are some of the extraneous variables
that were not previously considered.
Null hypothesis: Word recall is not better in females than
Alternative hypothesis: Word recall is better in females
than males
The research methodology taken up by
the study is the experimental method of research. There was the direct
manipulation of the variables that existed in the experiment so as to
scientifically test the hypothesis. There was also the establishment of a cause
and effect relationship after a careful measurement was conducted on the
existing variables. The researcher took up the methodology because it offers an
objective view since it dies not encompass the opinion of the researcher but
just measures the data as is collected and presented for analysis and drawing
of inference. It is therefore more valid and has less bias. Te experiment was
also a field experiment because it was done in the real life of the
participants that were sampled. The researcher manipulated the independent
variable but within the real life settings. It was conducted in the manner to
ensure that the participants are comfortable and also are more likely to
reflect the real life experiences as they are in the natural settings. Their
comfort would also offer a higher ecological validity since they were less
tense. It also reduced the effect of the demand characteristics since it
requires the individuals to act as natural as possible unlike if they are in a
set up where they feel they are pressured to perform and hence may lead to
biased results and also affect their performance. However, the control left
extraneous variables was very difficult in the study and hence its replication
as I engaged one participant after another was very difficult.
Design: The research was done in the natural
settings of the individuals whose consent was first required and were also
assured of the confidentiality of the information and that the data they
provided would not result to any incrimination on either of the individuals.
There were 15 words presented to the participants to read and recall while a
timer was set for 15 seconds as they named the words that they could recall.
The words that were presented included: Diet, Drama, Key, Fountain, Library,
Truth, Mirror, Whistle, Staple, Pyramid, Aid, Sea, Mostly, Bandage and Water.
The recalling of the words was a free recall whereby the participants were
allowed to remember any words in any given order. The words were however
presented in the order listed above with the Diet being the first word and
water being the last word in the listing for all the participants. There was no
order of remembering the words that was required. Every word was presented for
one to two seconds to ensure that there is uniformity and also to reduce the
extraneous variables. The individuals selected were also individuals that were
conversant with English language and could communicate orally.
The independent variables were the
genders that are either female or male, the education level of the individual
and also the phonological familiarity of the words. The dependent variables
intended to capture the success of learning the words and also the recall
accuracy of the individuals within 15 seconds of the presentation of the words.
The responses of the individual were coded with a tick for every word
remembered, and it is these ticks that were later calibrated and recorded on an
Excel sheet to that contained the other information such as age and educational
level of the participant. Therefore, the dependent variable was categorical in
nature and also distributed in a binomial manner.
Participants: The researcher randomly selected 39
participants from the general population. The participants were randomly
selected and by the end of the research out of the 41 participants, there were
20 female participants and 19 male participants to engage in the study. The
female and male participants were selected from all ages and their ages
recorded before they are presented with a list of names and then the words
recalled after 15 seconds recorded accordingly.
All the participants in the research were native language speakers. All
the learned the same words to ensure that there is uniformity and also to
eliminate the possible extraneous variables.
Procedure: Each sampled participant was read out
the particular words one at a time in a given order. Each word was read out to
the participant at least two times, and the participant instructed to say the
word out loud. Upon being read to, all the 15 words, they were requested to
begin recalling the words they had read over 15 seconds. A timer was set so
that they start with its pressing and with its beep they stop. The researcher
ticked all the words that the participants recalled accurately in any given
order, and the number of words was recorded at the end of the experiment.
The major questions
that drove the analysis of the results were the following:
there a significant difference of gender on the ability to recall words?
the education level have an effect on the capacity to remember words among the
male and female participants of the study?
age cohort was able to recall the majority of the words across the genders?
there a relationship between, gender age and the educational level of the
ability to recall words among the participants?
the presentation of words have an effect on the capacity of either gender to
recall words?
The results of the study are indicated in the table below: (email us for the table)
was a significant difference in the words remembered with gender differences,
and also, age becoming very apparent (Table 1). The young participants between
the ages of 17 and 35 from both sexes were able to recall more words than their
older counterparts. The youthful male participants were able to remember more
words than their older male counterparts, but their words were less than those
of the female counterparts. However, the young male individuals were able to
recall more words even than the female older participants (Table 1). The older
male counterparts were the ones that could remember the fewest words out of all
the cohorts in the study. That us they recalled fewer words than the female
seniors and also than the male and female juniors.
dependent variable of the educational level did not have any significant effect
since there was no noticeable or significant difference in the words recalled
according to the educational level differences (Table 1). Individuals from high
school, HS Diploma, Bachelors, and some college all remembered varying words
depending on the person and not their educational level (Table 1).
all the genders, ages and also educational levels, there was a significant
indication that the individuals mostly remembered the words presented at the
beginning and the end of the study. The first three words and the last four
words were easily remembered by the majority of the participants regardless of
the gender, sex or the educational level (Table 1).
is increased evidence that the women outshine the men when it comes to
recalling words in lists over a short time frame. Such lists and information
stored over a short period are stored in the short-term memory, and the women
have consistently been found to have an advantage over their male counterparts (Guillem
& Mograss, 2005). It is a hypothesis
that has been proved and also demonstrated in the research above and also as
indicated by the results. The women despite their age are better at storing of
words and subsequent recalling over a short time frame over the male
counterparts in the same age group. The research was able to identify other
areas that were subject to criticism over the assertion that the women were
better at recalling listed words. The critics argued that it was possible that
extraneous variables such as the level of education of the participants may
have affected the previous researchers (Herlitz & Rehnman, 2008). However, this
research has proven that despite the degree of education, the women were better
at recalling the listed words than the men. Moreover, they were all studied in
a grouping of individuals that are fluent and also native English speakers with
the words presented being familiar to all the participants and still held the
hypothesis that the women could spell better than the men in the same age
participants were also able to recall the words presented at the beginning and
the end more than the words at the middle of the list. It is due to a
phenomenon referred to as the serial position effect (Guillem
& Mograss, 2005). The serial position
effect is the tendency of an individual to recall items at the beginning and
also the end of a list at best and remembering words at the middle of the list
are the worst remembered. Hermann Ebbinghaus coined the after performing a
series of experiments on himself. It is very much common especially in the case
of the study where the participants were asked to free recall the words
presented. The Serial Position Effect is divided into the primacy and recency
effects on individual’s ability to recall listed words. The participants were
able to recall the last few words that were presented with ease and therefore
this phenomenon is called the recency effect. The primacy effect on the
individuals was visible when the participants were also able to remember the
words on the list that were presented the first ones more than they could
recall the middle words (Burman, Bitan & Booth, 2007).
research further indicated the increased deterioration of the ability to recall
among the individual, as they aged. The women remained the best at recalling at
all ages but their ability to remember the words lessened with age, and so was
the case with the male participants. There is an overwhelming research
agreement to the assertion that recall performance across the genders declines
with aging (Craik
& Salthouse, 2000). As individuals age, their ability to
remember also goes lower as a result of other factors such as reduced attention
for the case of the short term memory and also memory decay in the event of the
long-term memory. Therefore, the research is in agreement with the assertion.
research was instrumental in addressing the criticism leveled against the
hypothesis of women being better at recalling than the men. It presented a
variety of variables that were considered to ensure that there was the
elimination of a possible bias based on some of the extraneous variables such
as age and also education level (Burman, Bitan & Booth, 2007).
It was also able to make an analysis of the gender differences that are
cross-referenced and compared against all the other dependent variable that may
be affecting an individual so as to ensure that the hypothesis is objective and
also can be generalized. However, the primary challenge and shortcoming of the
research were that it did not consider the learning styles of the participants
while presenting the words to them for memorization and then recalling (Craik & Salthouse, 2000). Some of the individuals may be slower at the
hearing and also mastering of the words and hence the individual differences
presented a challenge. Moreover, the learning styles of the participants were
also not put into consideration since each person has a unique way that they
learn and master things. The research made the assumption that all the
participants were comfortable with the auditory style of learning as the words
were read out to them. The participants that are more visual or aesthetic may
have been overlooked and hence resulted in a biased result of the number of
words they could master.
is overwhelming evidence from the research that point to the hypothesis that
word recall is better in females than males. It is as a result of addressing
the concerns of some of the critics regarding the assertion that had previously
been proved by other researchers in the field of psychology. However, the
research presents a problem on the factoring in of the learning styles of the
individuals when conducting the experiment. It is, therefore, imperative that
future studies on the issue to illuminate on whether the learning styles of
individuals have a significant effect on recalling across the genders (Guillem
& Mograss, 2005).
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