One of the significant
accomplishments in the history of civil war and revolutions is the ability and
also the fact that slavery was abolished decades ago. However, slavery is still
present in communities and globally in the contemporary society only that it
has changed its face and also its manifestation (Aronowitz, 2009).
Human trafficking is the modern-day form of slavery and continues to be a real
issue in society. Every year there are thousands of individuals both men and
women that fall into the hands of the brutal and grievous crime against
humanity of human trafficking. They are victims of the offense in their
countries and also abroad as the market continues expanding. With the existence
of organized crime around the globe, there is an increase in the human
trafficking over the course of time as there is ease of accessibility for the
markets and also demand the crimes.
There is also not a single
country in the world that is immune or even free of the human trafficking.
Every country is either the origin, the destination or the transit point for
the victims of the heinous crime against humanity. The United Nations
identifies the existence and the prevailing rate of the human trafficking
offenses in the world. It has led to the definition of human trafficking as any
form of recruitment, transportation, harboring and also the receipt of persons
by the use of threat or any other oppressive means such as coercion, deception
or fraud for the purpose of exploitation. The exploitation of persons is also
defined to include any form of sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, servitude,
removal of organs and even exploitation for prostitution (Zimmerman
et. al., 2006). It is, therefore, clear that human trafficker’s underlying goal
is to profit from another person’s exploitation of any form. Therefore, human
trafficking is a very assorted practice that needs the attention of every
member in society, the governments and other stakeholders locally and globally
to accord it the necessary attention for effectively combating.
Current situation: the
Human trafficking in Europe
and also on the global scene is a practice that is rapidly growing. It is also
not a unique phenomenon to the current society but has existed for centuries
where it took the form of slavery. However, slavery was different from human
trafficking in that it was legally accepted whereas human trafficking is
illegal all over Europe since it contravenes with the fundamental human rights
of individuals (Kligman & Limoncelli, 2005). The European Union just
like the other international conventions condemns the existence of trading of
people in any region of the globe and is also subject to a directive in the
European Union. It also recognizes the need for the entire member states to
combat the trade within their borders and also engaging in the international
frameworks to combat the crime.
The human trafficking also
continues to be a major issue of concern since the fall of Communism. The
economic hardships in some of these regions have been the major reason that has
led to the increased thriving of the trade. it is because most of the
traffickers lure the victims with the promise of a better life, prosperity and
also success in other parts of Europe and also the world. Although all the
forms of human trafficking are in existent around Europe, sex trafficking is
the most rampant. The exploitation of girls and women continues to get a lot of
attention around Europe. Between the
years 2003 to 2004 over 85% of the victims that were rescue from human
traffickers had been subjected to sexual exploitation (Aronowitz, 2009). The
continued existence of organized crime, poverty, inefficient counter measures
to the trade, corruption in the governments leading to collision with the
criminals and also risen criminal entrepreneurship are the major reasons that
have resulted in the growth of human trafficking in Europe.
Impact of human trafficking
The effects of human
trafficking are psychological, social, and economic and also health-related and
may significantly cripple the continued growth of Europe as a region. The psychological
impact of human trafficking may be as a result of the treatment and also the
exploitation that the victims go through. Some of the victims are recruited
while still young and are then subjected to gross mistreatment. As a result, it
leads to their inadequate mental health and may suffer from self-esteem issues,
disorientation, depression, post traumatic stress disorder and also some
emotional disturbances (Zimmerman et. al., 2006).
The physical and
psychological tortures may also affect the general health of the
individual. According to a book by
Alexis Aronowitz, titled; 'Human Trafficking, Human Misery' (2009), over 80% of
trafficking victims are subjected to sexual exploitation and even prostitution.
As a result of the forced multiple partners, such victims may face other health
complications and diseases such as HIV/Aids that may in turn pass on to the
partners that they are forced to sleep with. As a result, it causes a real
health problem affecting the public health dynamics in the region.
The existence of the
trafficking trade may result to some social issues since it goes against the
moral fiber of some individuals. Existence of the individuals for sexual
exploitation and other forms of exploitation may lead to increased prostitution
in society thus destabilizing the social sphere of society and also the morals
(Aronowitz, 2009).
Moreover, the trade has
serious economic repercussions in the region (Aronowitz, 2009). It
is because of the increased generation of money through the trade that lead to
the increased cases of money laundering that may in turn affect the economy in
a major way causing inflation in some cases. Moreover, the existence of cheap
and free labor in some cases may lead to the decreased employment opportunities
that subsequently reduce the per capita income of such a country.
The public, government as
well non-governmental interventions are necessary. It is because, the crime is
extensive and also involves a lot of players hence the need to include all the
stakeholders in combating the trafficking. The government should play its role
in making policies and laws that actively abolish the trade and also try to
c0onmtrol and close down the loopholes that may be existent to allow for the
continued thriving of the trade. The government should also institute very
strict regulations against all the traffickers caught engaging in the crime. It
is also imperative that all government within Europe create special policing
units to fight the crime and such units should have regional mandate and
therefore, the European Union should be at the forefront at creating such a
body to ensure that the transnational trafficking is combated. The public on
the other hand should remain vigilant and also on the lookout for any
suspicious acts since the trafficking victims are taken to the same
neighborhood and homes that we thrive in. therefore, there should be collective
and community policing for the crime. The Non-governmental organizations should
also actively be engaged at offering support systems to the victims and also
educating the public on some of the ways tp protect themselves from falling
victims to the trafficking. They should lobby for the rights of the victims and
also engage in research and creation of awareness on the crime.
In conclusion, human
trafficking in Europe as is the case globally is an issue that requires being
addressed since it is to a great extent on the rise. The European Union, as
well as the other international conventions and bodies such as the United Nations,
recognizes the need to combat the crime in society. However, poverty,
corruption among the law enforcers, risen organized crimes and ineffective
trafficking countermeasures continue to encourage the thriving of the trade in
the region and also globally. It is imperative that the governments of the
member states, the general public and also the non-governmental organization t
join forces and play their role in combating the crime. It is the only way to
fight the deeply-rooted crime against humanity. Therefore, human trafficking is
a very assorted practice that needs the attention of every member in society,
the governments and other stakeholders locally and globally to accord it the
necessary attention so as it can be effectively combated.
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