to the poem, the two neighbors meet annually to mend the wall that separates
their farms and property. The narrator is skeptical on the essence of the
tradition of repairing the wall on an annual basis. He is unable to understand
why they have to keep repeating the tradition and yet there is nothing that
either of the neighbors can destroy in either farm. The narrator says, “There
where it is we do not need the wall: He is all pine, and I am an apple orchard.
My apple trees will never get across And eat the cones under his pines, I tell
him (Frost).†The narrator does not see the essence of repeating the tradition
at all since they both pose no threat to each pother’s property. The poem was
as if Frost tried to highlight some of the traditions that exist among
societies. As if to use the poem to narrate some of the experiences he had
himself. He is trying to give a form of an autobiography of his experience in
New Hampshire where he and his neighbor named Napoleon Guay, who was a
French-Canadian has to mend the wall that separated their farms.
if to support the claim that it was counterproductive having to repair a wall
every time, the narrator in the poem highlights the fact that it as if nature
rejected the existence of the wall since it kept falling apart on its own even
after they mend it. However, the neighbor keeps saying “Good fences make good
neighbors (Frost).†Frost was able to use the example of the wall and also the
phrase to indicate and also insist on the importance of having some form of
rules, borders and boundaries among individuals in a bid to maintain a peaceful
co-existence. It is the existence of physical and also known boundaries that
maintains the discipline that ultimately translates to the discipline resulting
to a good relationship between individuals.
narrator also accuses the neighbor of being old-fashioned in the way they did
their things by abiding by the tradition. He says, “He will not go behind his
father's saying, And he likes having thought of it so well... (Frost)†It is as
if the narrator tries to discourage the following of tradition may be because
they do not feel the need or the motivation to keep mending a falling wall.
Frost can bring out the need for abiding in traditions. It is as if he uses the
wall to symbolize the relationship and co-existence that existed between the
neighbors. By mending the wall as the neighbor insisted, they were able to fix
their relationship before it fell apart. It is because, as was then case many
years ago it still is the case in the present that where individuals live
together, there is still room for possible conflict hence the need for the
existence of rules symbolized by the wall.
neighbor, as is indicated by the narrator in the poem, is adamant and does not
compromise his standpoint on the need to have the fence mended. He kept
repeating that good fences are what made good neighbors. It is as if to
highlight the good relationship that he shared with his neighbor while in New
Hampshire that Frost uses the words that Guay used o him. It is also a way to
pass the message of standing the ground since; the narrator kept complaining of
having to mend the wall every year and never indicated any form of conflict
between the two. It meant that the maintenance of the wall also maintained how
they lived together, and this was possible through the adamancy of then
neighbor to keep supporting the wall despite the persistent proposal to leave
it alone by the narrator.
existence of the wall is fundamental to maintaining the relationship between
individuals. The two parties are also able to retain their individuality as was
the case in the poem. One farmer remained a pine farmer while the other kept
their apple trees. Moreover, the activity of mending the wall also signified
the events that bring people together and hence maintaining their relationship
or building it further. It indicates on the fact that relationships are built
and sustained and do not just exist but requires some effort and input of time
as the two neighbors mended the wall every year.
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