Relying on reviews in the decision-making process | MyPaperHub

In the current era where technology is at its epitome, with vast information available, it was difficult to make decisions at times, but the same technology has become useful for shaping up the decision-making processes of individuals through reliance on reviews. Whenever I make a decision on a product, service or even on anything that I want to satisfy a given need, more often than not I will turn to online reviews before making the decision. Searching all the online platforms such as Google, Jumia and other sites with classified health tips and more in search of what I am interested in at a given time. The reviews are what offer not just me but others the confidence to decide on what to do, when, with who and also supporting ideas mostly from the experiences of others. Reviews also create a sense of trust and also moral support from other that have been having similar needs and have satisfied them through given avenues and therefore, is critical to know who one can trust or what to take in. It is also very critical especially in this period of fake products and even phony businesses all present and saving every dollar is paramount for me as a student.  It also offers me an opportunity to seek and get the best service or product available in the market. The online reviews have become imperative for my decision-making process.

At one time I intended to buy a new phone, I was torn between an Apple, an Android phone or even a windows phone. Listening to my friends, they all had various views on the type of phone IO needed to buy and where to buy it to avoid the many counterfeit and imitations of mobile phones available in the market. I also had to look for the best stores that I could access since there are some that offer quality gadgets at a very subsidized fee. It is this that prompted me to take to the online reviewers of mobile phones having my lost of phones that I had; I was able to comfortably access the experience that other consumers had with the different products. I heavily relied on the information that I got from the reviewers on the gadgets to settle for the phone that I bought.

In another case that I relied on reviews to make my decisions was when I had the idea of getting a tattoo. I had to get more information on the experience of my parents and friends did not sound so resourceful as they were mostly against the idea of tattooing myself while so young citing the painful ordeal and the dangers that come with the experience. I, therefore, had to take to the online reviews on their experiences with tattooing and also the effects it had on them. Moreover, I was able to get recommendations on some of the best tattooing agents in my town making it easy to make the decision of whether to have a tattoo or not and who to tattoo me.

At one time I had a broken tooth that needed a root canal procedure and had heard of stories of people that had nasty experiences with the procedure from errors made by some dentists. I, therefore, had to be very careful as I decided which dentist I had to visit. I, therefore, listed all the reputable dentists in my city and then took to the internet before deciding the best one to visit. I based my decision making on the track record as judged by other patients that had gone through similar procedures. I made the decision based on the reviews we got on a particular dentist in my town. The past experiences of other patients in the hands of the dentist and the hospital was critical in shaping my decision.

Therefore, the reviews significantly shape the decision-making process of the majority of young people. It is because; the reviews are essential first-hand experiences and information from other that had to make a similar decision and the outcome. At times, it is better to learn from the experiences of others. One can never be too careful or cautious when making a decision.

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