Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) technologies have been
in use over the last decades in the efforts to enhance the disaster management
platforms. Its coupling with the unmanned Aircraft systems (UAS) it has become
even cheaper, accurate and easier to use in the recent times. The two
technologies have been of great influence in the disaster management cycle with
their use being instrumental during the reduction, readiness, and response and
recovery phases of disaster management. The combination of the two technologies
has further enabled the stakeholders to achieve more efficient and accurate
geospatial information. The LIDAR mapping systems consist of
three very efficient components that make it stand out in all other remote
sensing technologies. It contains the laser ranging system, an inertial
measurement unit (IMU) and the global positioning system (GPS). Just like any
other systems and technological pieces, the LIDAR and the UAS systems are
marred with challenges and shortcomings of their own. However, the technologies
have witnessed growth in the recent times with more software and hardware
upgrade being adopted to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the system.
The effort to enhance the systems is as a result of identification of the
system as the leading technology in the survey and mapping industry
Acronyms used in the research
LIDAR- Light detection and ranging
UAS- Unmanned Aircraft systems
IMU- Inertial
measurement unit
GPS- Global
positioning system
NWS- National Weather
DEM- Digital
elevation model
USGS- United States Geological Survey
NOAA- National Oceanic and Atmospheric
USA- United States of America
In the United States alone, flooding
kills more people in the long-term than any other weather related disasters
witnessed in the country. Floods are capable of destroying buildings, roads,
schools, uproot trees, cause mudslides, destroy crops and further threaten
human life (NOAA/NWS, 2005). On a large scale floods are difficult to monitor and
have been sources of a head ache to many geological experts and disaster
management agencies around the world over the years. They are even more
sophisticated in monitoring due to their determination by some other local
conditions such as the slope of the terrain, drainage networks, protective
structures, land cover and even precipitation among other factors. There is,
therefore, the need to monitor every other coastal area and even the rivers at
different places along their course which can be difficult. Some floods happen
periodically whereas others happen on an annual basis with other happening at
random and unpredictable times (Harman et al., 2014).
According to the National Weather
Service (NWS), the flooding severity may also vary from minor flooding,
moderate flooding and major flooding (2005). The minor flooding results to
minimal damages to property but may pose a threat to the public or cause some
inconveniences. Moderate flooding causes some destruction on buildings, and
there may need to evacuate the residents in the event of its occurrence. Major
flooding, on the other hand, is very intense causing extensive damage to
infrastructure and may require major evacuate of the human population to higher
areas. In the case of seawater, the
disaster can be far more reaching (Webster et. al., 2006)
The flooding in coastal regions occurs
when the sea height exceeds the elevation of the land usually where there is a
form of a natural barrier such as dune system acting as the sea level. There
are also some human-constructed barriers such as levees may be overpowered by
swell conditions of the sea during storms or unusually high tides. The barriers
may also be breached especially on the open spaces along the coast. The steady
water flow may result in significant destruction and loss of life along the
coastal region. Horizontally, the water surge may fan out for hundreds of miles
along the coastline. The higher the intensity of a storm and the closer a
community lives to the coast, the bigger the impact of the flooding that
results from the upsurge of the waters (NOAA/NHC, 2014).
Coastal areas have always been at a
very high risk of flooding, but there is a likelihood of increased the risk of
flooding shortly due to the anticipated impacts of climate change. Such changes
may be the rise of the sea level and also the increased rainfall intensity
around the world. The changes will likely cause the areas that were previously
flooding to flood more frequently or the effects of the flooding felt more than
ever. It may also result in the witnessing of flooding in other areas that were
previously not experiencing the flooding. Hence, the need to employ more
technology and approaches that enable evaluation of the coastal flood risks in
an attempt to be prepared and also sufficiently address and manage the
inevitable disaster that comes with flooding (NOAA/NHC, 2014).
Since the acquisition of the aerial
photography from a hot air balloon in 1858 over Paris in France man has made
significant progress in the acquisition of remote sense data using platforms of
aircraft, satellite, space shuttles, model planes and the famous unmanned
aircraft systems (UAS). With the analysis of data from remote sensing data
obtained through methods such as Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), we can
now be in a position to parameterize the flood models, delineate the extent of
the floods and also estimate the damage of the flood. Coupling the UAS and the
LIDAR systems we can now not only act in a reactive manner during a flooding
event but can also is proactive through the flood risk analysis and mitigation
made possible by the technologies (NOAA/NHC, 2014). The flood hazards, exposure
as well as the vulnerability levels can be able to be motored and assesses
through remote sensing made possible by the LIDAR mounted on UAS. The flood
risk management, as well as disaster management strategies towards the flooding
menace, have been empowered and made possible through the technologies of the
drone as well as the advancement in remote sensing systems.
The UAS is a faster method of data
collection that fits between the vast areas satellite and smaller coverage.
Mounting a LIDAR on the UAS makes it possible to take to the skies virtually at
any point the experts feel like collecting the necessarily referenced images
required without the hassle of having to wait for manned aircraft or satellite
imagery. The UAS has offered the all necessary accurate aerial data that has
been in demand especially among the disaster management agencies (Klemas,
2013). The LIDAR system deployed through the UAS incorporates its remote
sensing method that uses light in the form of pulsed laser to measure the
ranges to the Earth. It is the light pulses coupled with other data recorded by
the airborne system that generates the precise, three-dimensional information
necessary for disaster management among them the evaluation of coastal flood
risk. Therefore, the UAS deployment of LIDAR is the most effective method of
assessing the coastal flood risk making flood risk management easier and more
Usage of the UAS deployment of LIDAR to
evaluate Coastal flood Risk
The usage
of UAS deployment of LIDAR to evaluate Coastal flood risk has revolutionized
flood risk management in the world. The concept of flood risk management is
widely embraced over the past decade, and more and more nations are adopting
the idea. It has led to the deliberate changes in decision-making practice
highlighting the risk management as a potentially more complex but efficient
and dynamic model of addressing the problem of flooding. The requirements of
protection and belief in the people’s ability to control floods started
increasing in to dominate the attempts to deal with flooding. The emergence of
the flood risk management came with it the perception of the flood management
as not only an engineering pursuit but as a social endeavor (Klemas, 2015).
Throughout the 1960s, the attempts to address the flooding menace remained on
more physical flood control efforts such as the building of levees, dikes,
dams, diversion channels and other related structures. However, as the
population grew over the years, the impact of flooding continued to increase
and hence the need to do things in another approach. There was the need for an
approach to that would utilize the concept of risk management in the
decision-making process. It is this that encouraged the incorporation of
technology to the disaster management and risk management endeavor. It led to
the findings on the use of UAS and the LIDAR to be able to predict and mitigate
flooding. With the employment of the technologies, it has resulted in an
increased efficiency of risk management especially to flooding among other
disaster management endeavors (Webster et. al., 2006).
The LIDAR system as a remote sensing
method has played a significant role in the disaster management cycle.
Emergency management planning usually structured around the disaster management
cycle. The cycle is composed of 4 major stages namely the reduction, readiness,
response, and recovery. The remotely sensed data collected through the LIDAR
deployed through the UAS can provide the valuable source of information at each
stage helping one to understand the spatial phenomenon. It also provides the
scientists and the relevant authorities with the objective data sources
essential for decision making (Webster et. al., 2006). The major challenge
faced by disaster management is the inherent unpredictability and range of
hazards that does not allow for a single all-encompassing solution that needs
to be developed and also explored. However, it offers a variety of differing
remote sensing platforms and sensors employed for image acquisition.
The LIDAR remote sensing system can be
used to assist in reducing the risk through the identification of hazardous
zones associated with floods. It may also be used to verify the hazard models
by measuring the location as well as the magnitude of the actual events.
Imagery obtained through the LIDAR deployed by the UAS can be used by the
meteorologist for providing weather forecasting and also provide warnings of
potentially severe weather events providing the public and the emergency
responders with the right information that can assist in making decisions
around the short-term readiness. The imagery of disasters such as flooding is
widely shared in all forms of media as a way to offer warning and caution to
the affected persons. With the aid of the images, people that are at risk can
understand and acknowledge the severity or extremes of the lingering disaster
and therefore can take the relevant preparedness, mechanisms. For those that
respond to disasters, the images obtained may offer them the right form of
information necessary for preparing to mitigate and the impact of the disaster
including evacuation efforts if there is perceived an extensive threat to human
life. Remote sensing through the LIDAR can also be sued to provide the
indication of the rate of recovery in a given area post-disaster based on the
indicators such as vegetation re-growth and reconstruction which is crucial for
planning and emergency preparedness.
The LIDAR systems deployed by the UAS
can be very instrumental in the 4 phases of the disaster management cycle as
Phase 1: Reduction
Disasters have been proven to be social
constructs in that social driver have a role to play in the happening of such
catastrophes. Some of the social constructs include migration, conflict,
modification of natural systems, and overreliance on scarce resources, urban
pressure, artificial protection structures as well as economic and political
vulnerability. All these constructs are contributors to the people’s
vulnerability to the hazards. LIDAR as a remote sensing technology can be very
instrumental in addressing some of the disaster drivers through the proviso of
data required to assist the planners, and others tasked with emergency
management. The reduction or risk leads to the reduction of the probability of
a disaster to happen a very crucial part of disaster management cycle. The
LIDAR system can be paramount at a reduction of risk through identification and
the understanding of the hazards. It is the knowledge obtained that is used to
put in place some mitigation measures such as engineering structures, planning
and analyzing the consequences of the risks which is fundamental to reducing
vulnerability to such disasters (Webster et. al., 2006).
Understanding the magnitude, frequency,
duration, location, manifestation and range of a hazard is essential for all
disaster management endeavors. In as much as the social factors amplify the
occurrence of a catastrophe, improved knowledge of such hazards and their
potential consequences are essential to shaping up decision making about the
modification of hazardous characteristics. It can also be sued to derive
hazard-independent information that is critical to disaster reduction such as
baseline building and topographic mapping (Webster & Forbes, 2006). LIDAR
mapping for active fault location has been in use over time effectively.
Conventionally, fault location was conducted with stereo aerial photography
interpretation that was followed by intensive field survey. However, with the
use of LIDAR, there is horizontal and vertical resolution provided by the
airborne LIDAR imagery through its deployment in a UAS that provides the
capability for identifying the faulty traces and also extracting elevation
offsets with digital data in a very objective manner. The LIDAR technology has
been used over the course of time in useful ways. Such examples may range from
the Bridgewater Town LIDAR survey to assess the flood risk of the town in 2012
among other cities such as Lunenburg County in 2009. It is this evidence that
echoes the efficiency of the model (Webster & Forbes, 2006).
Phase 2: Readiness
With the realization that residual risk
from hazards has the potential to create emergencies and in some cases
disasters, some readiness planning and activities are embarked on. Readiness is
the process of the identification and also the development of the necessary
systems, resources and skills before the happening of a hazardous event. The
aim of readiness is to ensure that the response to the hazard is more
coordinated and efficient to make sure that the community experience lesser
trauma and recover on time (Webster & Forbes, 2006). Some of the readiness
attempt employed by a community or disaster preparedness agency are public
education, training and exercising, evacuation planning, developing hazard
monitoring strategies and public alerting systems as well as instituting state
and international plans and agreements for aid and assistance. It is such
readiness resulting that leads to the reduction of the impact of a disaster on
the community.
The information provided by the LIDAR
systems is essential and acts as asset information that makes the possibility
of readiness to the hazard attainable. Gaining familiarity with the most up to
date spatial information such as imagery as is provided for by the UAS deployed
LIDAR is crucial at assessing the damage during the response and recovery
phases. LIDAR is used to produce high-resolution hazard and risk maps to the
communities. It is the information provided by the remote sensing system that
enables individuals as well as disaster management agencies to have the
information about the location and range of hazards. If communities have the
crucial information on the risks, then readiness is possible hence mitigating
the impact and danger of such a happening.
Phase 3: Response
The response endeavors majorly focus on
protecting property as well as the lives of the people in case of a disaster.
Such activities include evacuations, sandbagging along the coastal lines,
search and rescue operations, evaluating the safety of buildings in the event
of flooding, establishing immediate emergency shelters as well as setting up
command post among other quick responses that come with response phase. LIDAR a
remote sensing technology may be very crucial in this phase at providing the
immediate damage assessment if the data is provided promptly. Incorporating the
UAS technology with the LIDAR system makes the assessment faster than ever
before since it is easier and quicker. The LIDAR systems contain information
and data that is crucial to enabling the making of evacuation plans through the
combination of observing the weather patterns and the hazard behavior.
Ideally, the recovery activities all
commence with the beginning of the response phase that is made possible by the
imagery and other data collected by the UAS deployment of LIDAR to evaluate the
flood risk. It is at this point that process of recovery is kick-started in a
holistic manner. It means that the assessment of damages undertaken through the
remote sensing during the response phase is integral to the recovery phase as
well. At the stage of recovery, the temporal relevancy of the LIDAR provided
information is very critical to allowing disaster managers to make effective
plans for mitigation on the dynamic solutions readily available to them. The
near real-time information from the system offers the coastal risk management
to plan how to address the flooding menace and as a result leads to the saving
of resources and time ultimately saving lives as well. The information that is
usually of sufficient spatial resolution also allows the detailed tactical
assessments and decision-making ion the flooding condition.
Phase 4: Recovery
The use of the remote sensing
technology such as LIDAR in the recovery efforts is the least developed
technology in this area. However, the remote sensing can make critical
contributions to the provision of objective time series over a large area that
have both high and medium levels of spatial detail. In other specialization,
the time series analysis of the remotely sensed data is a well-established
practice. In the disaster management and primarily the recovery phase, some
very clear indicators can be easily measured and also monitored with LIDAR
imaging made possible by its deployment by the use of a UAS. Some of the indicators
may include the construction and the following removal of the medium and
long-term emergency shelters, removal of debris, starting and-and completion of
construction or reconstruction of infrastructure such as buildings, roads and
bridges, re-growth of vegetation and also the reduction of siltation from the
waterways following a flooding event.
By the use of spatial resolution
provided b y the LIDAR systems, the amount of housing reconstruction can, at
least, be visually identified in the presence and also the absence of blue
tarpaulins covering the roofs following the devastating Hurricane Katrina event
(Webster & Forbes, 2006). The development of the UAS to deploy the LIDAR is
a step in the right direction at enabling an automated detection method that is
less time consuming to identify quickly and repeatedly in a series of data and
time set. Moreover, the analysis if time series imagery could also be crucial
at monitoring the efficiency of the various strategies. By extracting the
recovery rates from the data gathered at time intervals could help in
assessment and also assist in guiding future events of similar nature, it could
also contribute to identifying some of the areas of residual risk that may
require further monitoring until the physical recovery process is completed.
Advantages of UAS deployment of LIDAR
to disaster management
has the spatial density and also the vertical precision that is required to map
coastal areas at risk of flooding and other disasters. The high resolution of
the of the LIDAR digital elevation model (DEM) can easily be in a good position
to capture embankments such as raised roadbeds that could prevent flooding
towards inland causing risk to the population settling along the coastal lines.
The use of the UAS makes it easy and even efficient at nothing the DEM across
roadbeds to stimulate the connection between the oceans and the upstream low
lying areas especially in sections where connectivity was present due to
culverts or bridges (Sayers et. al., 2013). The LIDAR data is also used to
evaluate the potential for overtopping and also dune erosion on a large coastal
spit since the UAS has enhanced the coverage of such areas with ease and speed.
It can also derive maps that could be crucial to the communities living in a
disaster-prone area as well as the regional planners for use in the planning
process and also assist them in the development of long-term adaptation
strategies that are informed and updated.
combination and use of the UAS and LIDAR technologies had made it easy and also
possible to conduct topographic surveys for area impact assessment as well as
reconstruction in the case of any disaster. The USGS has taken advantage of the
LIDAR technology to carry out studies. Using the remote sensing technology that
is remotely deployed using the UAS can be in a position to collect very
high-resolution elevation data that support scientific studies related to
hurricane impact, flooding impact and other disasters that may be glaring the
country. It has also made it possible for recovery and rebuilding process,
emergency response assessment as well as planning, post-disaster documentation
as well as other resource management activities. The USGS has over the year
taken advantage of the technology at collecting and compiling data for the
coastal and inland areas as the basis of the extent of Hurricane Katrina and
also the age and quality of the valuable data. The LIDAR has also been an
instrumental tool at the USGS-led multiagency initiative to systematically
acquire improved, high-resolution data across the United States.
aerial data demand is on the rise in all areas of disaster management as well
as response. The use of the UAS technology came to solve the problems that
previously faced scientists and risk managers in all field. The unmanned
aircraft system (UAS) offers numerous advantages especially when it has a LIDAR
attached to it while taking up to the skies. The UAS is capable of delivery in
that it allows the experts to take up to the skies virtually at any time that
they plan to collect geo-referenced images one requires. It is hustle free
since it eliminates the bureaucracy of having to book and wait for the manned
aircraft or even satellite imagery that may be time-consuming in some instances.
The UAS is as easy as planning, fly and download the images and process the
data immediately (Klemas, 2015). Moreover, the resolution of the UAS is
significantly higher and even accurate than any other satellite and even than
that of the manned aircraft can achieve. Also, the altitudes that the UAS can
fly the issue of cloud cover is eliminated meaning that there are fewer weather
delays it experienced and as a result there is less unusual imagery. Whatever
the field that any experts may be concerned with, whether in forestry, asset
management, agriculture, environmental protection, humanitarian, oil and gas,
remote sensing and any other that may require risk management and disaster
mitigation, the UAS offer the real benefits. It provides the most accurate data
in a quick and cost-effective way.
LIDAR mapping systems consist of three very efficient components that make it
stand out in all other remote sensing technologies. It contains the laser
ranging system, an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and the global positioning
system (GPS) (Er. Rahul, 2016). The three systems are integrated to offer the
horizontal coordinates as well as the elevation of each laser return. The
earlier LIDAR systems were capable of recording a single return that was either
the first or last pulse that was reflected by the target. The latest LIDAR
sensors that are in sued in the current society are capable of recording
multiple returns, typically, at least, the first and last pulse, with some
sensors recording up to four immediate returns and even in some cases can
record the intensity of the reflected pulses (Er. Rahul, 2016). The combination
of the UAS and the LIDAR technologies has made the technology even more
efficient and effective at the disaster and emergency management making it
possible to accurately and efficiently, map out threats and also plan and
execute recovery and emergency responses in cases of a catastrophe.
remote sensing technology in the form of LIDAR systems incorporated in a UAS
can be used to inform many aspects of the disaster management cycle. It is
fundamental to consider all the aspects of disaster management as well as
emergency management rather than focusing in emergency response alone. The
LIDAR system can provide such comprehensive data and information that is
crucial at going through the four cycles of disaster management. By
incorporating the LIDAR system as into the reduction and readiness activities,
it can also educate both the emergency management staff and the community about
the type of information so that they are familiar with its use under response.
The fundamental element of the usefulness of remote sensing data obtained by
the LIDAR systems in support of the disaster management entities can provide
the appropriate information in a manner that is spectral, temporality and
spatially relevant. Also, there is a need to be aware of the information
requirements of the disaster management community and also to tailor the remote
sensing information to meet the needs (Sayers et. al., 2013). The achievement
of this can only be done through the incorporation and collaboration of the
disaster management community and the remote sensing or the geospatial
community. The information gathered is fundamental to creating the readiness to
the inherent hazards, reduction of the intensity as well as the impact of the
disaster or risk, response to the dangers once they occur and also to the
recovery process. By taking advantage of the information provided by the
geospatial community that may be using the LIDAR systems the intensity and
adversity of hazards can be reduced and also lead to sufficient planning and
execution of plans to mitigate and also recovery from a disaster. Therefore,
the technology has led to a massive saving of lives, property and even resulted
in the creation of sufficient and efficient plans to address emergency
management (Harman et al., 2014).
significant advantage of the LIDAR systems especially when coupled with the UAS
technologies is that it is unobtrusive and environmentally friendly. Unlike
other ground survey techniques that may be employed the airborne LIDAR can fly
over the areas where access is limited undesirable or even impossible. It can
avoid unnecessary tree cutting and other activities that may result in harming
the environment all in an attempt to get the work done. It also has flexibility
since the data obtained through the system can be used for anything. It is due
to the immense point density that it achieves from LIDAR its accuracy and also
its ability to penetrate the ground through foliage even in vegetated areas. As
a result of its versatility and speed at collecting data, it can save clients a
lot of money and time. It can be sued for many projects where DEMs are required
and hence reduce the survey time and efforts directly translating to saving the
clients the costs as well (Sayers et. al., 2013).
Disadvantages and opportunities for
improvement for the UAS deployed LIDAR systems
The expected accuracies of the airborne LIDAR may be
affected due to the shortcomings that the system components that is the GPS,
IMU, and laser face they all have accuracy limitations which for the most part
are understandable and in some cases predictable. Other factors affect the
product accuracy of the LIDAR that arises from flight planning and flying
conditions of the UAS, the atmospheric effects, the terrain undulation as well
as the vegetation cover. As a result of the possible shortcomings of the system,
there is need to hire and engage LIDAR practitioners that are careful and
experienced at assessing the factors that may affect the system. There is also
the necessity of incorporating and contracting agencies that can establish
quality controls plans with contractors to include the sufficient ground survey
checks. Having to contract and also engage some of these experts may increase
the cost of using the system further than if the system was accurate at its
work. The quality control experts are the ones that have to validate data
obtained from the project area by the LIDAR system which also may lead to
consuming of more time. Bearing in mind that disasters at times come at
unplanned or unanticipated moments, the time was taken to validate such data may
mean that it may leave the emergency management agencies limited time to
respond or at times are caught up while still in the process of verifying and
analyzing the data (Klemas, 2015).
Some of the other factors that may affect the
accuracy of the LIDAR may include:
The quality of the hardware and the software that is in use is a major
factor that could have an impact on accuracy of the LIDAR system. There is,
therefore, the need for the experts to enhance and also accurately monitor such
hardware and software. The experts should also engage in trying to improve the
quality and the reliability of such hardware and software used by the LIDAR
system (Harman et al., 2014).
The knowledge of the planners, office staff and the operators are also a
factor that may affect the accuracy of the data obtained in an airborne LIDAR.
It is because some of the errors of the LIDAR system are ascertainable and
therefore those involved in analyzing and assessing such data need to be very
qualified and experienced in the field. There is a need to enhance the system
to offer higher accuracy so that it cannot be reliant on the judgment and the
knowledge of individuals who are in some cases bound to make mistakes due to
other external factors and may lead to very costly errors in the disaster
management cycle.
The flying height may also be a factor. With the UAS, the flying height
is not limited but with areas densely populated with very tall buildings or
forest cover, it may necessitate the device to fly higher which may leave room
for errors.
The scan angle may also affect the accuracy of the data obtained. It is
important in the penetration of vegetation and therefore those that operate and
use the LIDAR system ought to be useful at the choice of the scan angles.
The UAS also experiences shortcomings ion that it
has limited abilities. They cannot communicate with the civilians or the
experts for more detailed intelligence or information other t6han what they are
programmed to focus on at a given time. The UAS cannot also be used to map out
a particular thing since they concentrate on assigned areas and not the
specific details. They are also not in a position to make informed choices or
decisions that may be a manned aircraft would in cases of unforeseen
circumstances. They totally rely on the judgment and the decisions made by the
operators that may not have the clarity of the situation as the manned aircraft
would have if they can see the situation firsthand (Harman et al., 2014). They
are also a very expensive technological advancement and therefore, a majority
of the developing countries may not be in a position typo afford such
technologies coupled with the LIDAR systems to engage in disaster management.
Is the UAS deployed LIDAR technology
growing or not?
The LIDAR system has revolutionized the survey and
mapping world over the course of time with its increased advancements over
time. The hydrographic LIDAR has been a viable survey tool since the 1980s.
With the initiation of a full constellation of GPS in the early 1990s, the
LIDAR system took a giant leap forward in being able to provide accurate data
even for tough survey operations (Yadav et. al., 2013). The LIDAR systems have
also evolved from relative physics experiment to a useable and reliable survey
tool. More people are buying the LIDAR for mapping and survey, and the
inclusion of the UAS technology to the LIDAR has made the system even more
appellate growth over time increasing its efficiency and accuracy of data
collection in all disaster management efforts. It has further grown due to its
ability to acquire, process and quality control data within a very short time
frame while at the same time minimizing costs, saving time and efforts of the
users. It has further empowered clients and its users due to the speed at which
data is collected making it ideal for use in disaster management, and it is
this that has led to the growth of the technology further.
There are also ongoing initiatives in a direct
effort to identify the areas that the technology allows for value added
products to be generated or where it offer marginal cost reductions over
traditional survey methods. In conclusion, the LIDAR technology coupled with
the UAS has led to significant impact on the survey and mapping industry. There
are also significant societal and economic benefits that accrue to the users
through its use. Therefore, the UAS deployment of LIDAR is the most effective
method of assessing the coastal flood risk making flood risk management easier
and more efficient.
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