concept of “Life After Death†is incoherent (Van 76). For many years, humankind
has been beleaguered by the matters that surround life after death since the
only way of being acquainted with what
takes place is to experience it essentially, through dying. This implies that
people can only theorize probable results as well as talk about key matters
such as individual identity or the soul’s immortality. Many theories in
relation to life after death are concerned in if or not there exists a
component of the human body that can survive the death of the entire physical
parts as well as wherever or whenever it goes.
After- life is a field of human consciousness that all people enter after
departing from the physical world by means of the physical death. According to
Toynbee “all through the history, people have questioned whether there is a
life someone dies†(54). Religion and philosophy have provided beliefs as well
as opinions to respond to this frequently asked question. Nonetheless, most of
the responses disagree with each other, making it difficult to figure out. The
idea of life after death acts as a basis for personal security, confidence, as
well as spiritual betterment. There is nothing that provides more confidence as
compared to self-belief that there exist a superior life for the people who
utilize the present as a way of preparing for eternity. Whereas some suppose
that it is not possible for one to know whether life exists after death, the
idea of immortality is an eternal phenomenon.
a long time, many philosophers who do not accept life after death as true
(Skloot 110). One of the philosophers is David Hume, who was an extremist
British imperialist. His belief only existed in what he could observe. David
Hume had a feeling that if one cannot see his or her soul or then one must not
exist. The same applies for the afterlife. He suggested that when one dies,
one’s life was over and nothing more existed. Buddhist’s as well do not have a
belief in life after death that implies the heaven. They belief that when a
person dies, and he or she is reborn and then this carries on up to the time
when a person achieves Nirvana (Chopra 54). “The appropriately critical
objective for man is to break away from the world process totally in eternal,
spaceless, difference less Nirvana.†Amongst the great philosophers who
believed in the concept of life after death was Spinoza. He believed that a
heaven and a hell existed as well as the realm life. Spinoza also believed that
a person is a fleeting occurrence in a never-ending as well as the eternal
asserts that there is a difference between the body and the actual self,
normally known as our soul. The soul is perceived as immortal in dualism, and,
as a result, the existence of human beings in the afterlife is described by
their soul (Benton 112). In materialism, it is quite the contrary, as it holds
that human beings are their bodies and nothing more. Whereas it appears natural
to suppose that it is not possible therefore for any afterlife -we apparently
perceive that our bodies decay further than repair following death- we ought to
reflect on the full resurrection of the body as a possible alternative. For if
people are their bodies, as well as by some means the body was rebuilt after
occurrence of death, then it would be possible for people to efficiently live
again, within an afterlife.
was the founder of dualism, as he incorporated it in many of his works. Plato
had a belief that the soul is eternal both prior to and after occurrence of
death, and also that the body is mortal in addition ceased to work after death
(Echols 43). He also believed that the human soul has at all times existed and
it forever will and that one’s embodied life as a human is merely a small
component of one’s existence. Plato considered that the soul that was
disembodied was the highest type of survival since the immaterial area of
interest is the highest form of life. In other words, the argument by Plato
suggests that one’s embodied life is not nearly as idyllic as one’s disembodied
existence. Whereas one may not entirely agree with Plato concept of Forms, one
would be in agreement with the notion that the human bodies are limited to the
world. It would not seem sensible for the bodies of human beings to continue
living with then into eternity.
conclusion, throughout the history, there have been a lot of different religion
and philosophies with a lot of different outlooks on the afterlife as well as
what it involves. What people do when they depart the physical world is
difficult to be known with total certainty up to when one’s time to die comes.
Until that time, people must take into account that all the possibilities and
take the one that is most sensible.
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