Tyrell W. Blake and
Bennett J. Larry. Recapturing Sophocles’ Antigone. Washington DC: Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers, 1998. Pp. 10-192.
In this book, the authors make a profound analysis of
Sophocles’ Antigone in the context of the setting that was there in Athens of
the fifth century. The authors attempt to interpret the work in a way that is
faithful to the issues and the interests of the fifth-century Athenians as
opposed to those of modern scholars and philosophers. As they take the play in
the context of the dynamics present in the ancient Athens, the authors make a
discussion of the texts on the Antigone in illumination of the contemporary
developments in the study of Greek tragedy and Antiquity. They turn to the most
modern rituals of lamentations for evocative analogies.
Tyrell and Bennett have been able to analyze the past and
the present of the texts on the topics and managed to come up with a compelling
book that opens up new insights into the text. It challenges the validity of
the old texts and eases the difficulties in their interpretation. The book is,
therefore, a significant contribution to the core projects of classical scholarship
in the recent years. It highlights the essence of social and political contexts
in the interpretation of the ancient works. One of the classic examples in the
book is the linkage of the authors between Antigone and the Athenian public
funerals and the related funeral orations as they draw on historical events
such as Samian War and other literature such as Illiad.
MacKay, L.A. "Antigone,
Coriolanus, and Hegel". Transactions and Proceedings of the American
Philological Association, Vol. 93. (1962), p. 166-174.
MacKay, L.A in this article has provided an all-inclusive
insight into the themes of revolt and conflict as demonstrated in the
sentiments and the characters of the Antigone play. It is, therefore, a
valuable source for the subject area. The article written by an author best
known for composing various analytical essay especially on Creon and published
in Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association makes
it highly credible and reliable.
According to Mackay, Sophocles presents a conflict between
family loyalty and loyalty to the state, between the demands of the state and
the will of the individual and also between politics and piety. The themes have
been highlighted in the works and also their importance estimated but for the
author and the audience at the first time, it probably was a dramatization of
the two principles of political organization that were competing for men’s
allegiance. The author presents the issue between Creon and Antigone as being
what constitutes Citizenship and not what represents piety. Creon has no
quarrel with the gods and he sincerely believes until Tireasis points out that
he is doing the gods an adequate service.
Rose. The Problem of the Second Burial in Sophocles'
Antigone. The Classical Journal
Vol. 47, No. 6, 1952. Pp. 219-221+251
In the article, the
rose can give an account of how the second burial that Antigone performs for
her brother is a problem. She states that the burial to Polynices is an issue
because the drama in the action was unmotivated. She cites the problem by
looking at what the son of the great Wilamowitz says when he states, “For the
second visit of Antigone, not the least explanation or motivation is given.â€
According to Rose, the burial is just fulfilling a demand by the demand
propriety that demands for a second burial.
“A summary of the
action of the play just before the point where Antigone is brought before Creon
by the guards so as to confess the deed will suffice to make this clear.†She
draws reference to the play to support her arguments and even makes summaries
of the play to support her claims in the works, which makes her article a
reliable and valid source of reference when analyzing the Antigone works.
Collins Churton. Sophocles' Antigone. Trans. Robert Whitelaw. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1906.
The article aims at illustrating the real complexity that
underlies the apparent simplicity of the art of Sophocles through the
illumination of the ethics of Antigone. The author relates the law that has its
sanction with the private conscience, the relations imposed on human beings as
citizens and the members of the state as well as the obligations imposed on
them at home as members of the family. In support of the major themes of the
article, Collins uses the example of Creon when he issued the ruling and
justified his brother’s denial of funeral rites although he was the head of the
state at the time. Creon also clearly demonstrated the conflict that may be
present between responsibilities to the state and those to the family.
Butler, Judith. Antigone's Claim:
Kinship Between Life and Death. New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.
Butler is a
celebrated author of Gender Trouble. In this book, she redefines the legacy of
Antigone recovering her significance and also liberating it for a progressive
feminism and sexual politics, she analyzes the incest taboo about kinship. The
book demonstrates Antigone as an insurgent in the works of Sophocles and that
she was the feminist icon of defiance.
The book further
explores the meaning of Antigone wondering what forms of kinship may have
allowed her to stay alive. She also considers the works of Hegel, Lacan, and
Irigaray. She asks, “Would psychoanalysis be different if it had taken
Antigone-the post-oedipal subject other than Oedipus as its part of departure?â€
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