The death penalty is the punishment of
a law breaker by death. The sentencing by a court of law to a death penalty or
what is commonly referred to as the capital punishment is called the death
sentence. The crimes leading to sentencing to death are called capital
punishments or the capital offenses. The word ‘capital’ came from a Latin word
‘capitalis’ that referred to the beheading of an individual (Bakken, 17). The
death penalty has been practiced by a large number of societies in different
societies globally as a punishment for given crimes or religious and political
rebels. Historically, the carrying out of the death sentence was often
accompanied by torture before the execution. The execution was public in most
cases with the public cheering along. Some regions used the guillotine, others
used hanging, and later some countries like the United States gave the options
of an electric chair and lethal injections. The death penalty has over time
been faced with sharp criticism and the question of its legality as at times it
led to the infringement of fundamental human rights of individuals. Some
regions of the world also have the capital punishment for minor crimes that may
seem unnecessary for such measures. There are others that have carried out the
capital punishments even on individuals that below the age of 18 years. The
research below covers the etiology and the arguments for and against the death
penalty that has faced heavy contention over its legality over time. However,
the death sentence is no justice at all and is a violation of the basic human
right to life of the victim as provided for in the Constitution and, therefore,
ought to be abolished.
Abolishing the death penalty is a
universally accepted issue with the majority of countries abolishing or
controlling it over the recent past. Globally, just over 36 countries actively
practice the capital punishment to date. However, 103 other countries have
completely abolished it for all crimes, and about six states abolished it for
simple offenses maintaining it crimes such as the war crimes. Fifty other
countries have abolished the crimes de facto in that they have not used it in
the past ten years. In the United States alone, there are 31 states with the
death penalty while 19 other states have abolished the capital punishment.
Since its reinstatement in 1976, 36 states have engaged in executions.
Historically, the death sentence has
faced abject opposition and support from some individuals. However, the
historical accounts indicate the inhumane nature of the sentence and the
possible loopholes for wastage of human life based on trivial matters if the
law allows for the penalty. Some leaders to control the people as indicated in
the history of the death penalty below also used it. Hence, emphasizing the need
to abolish the death penalty since what happened in history may happen or may
be happening to date in the contemporary society. Moreover, the brutality of
the sentence is against the laws prohibiting torture of anyone including the
capital offenders.
History of the death penalty
The first instituted laws of the
capital punishment dated back in the 18th Century B.C in the code of King
Hammurabi of Babylon. Twenty-five crimes codified the capital punishment. It
was a crucial part of the 14th Century B.C’s Hittite Code, the 7th Century B.C
Draconian Code of Athens that made the capital punishment as the only
punishment for all crimes and the 15th Century B.C Roman law of the 12 Tablets.
The death sentences were carried out by burning alive, beating someone to
death, impalement, crucifixion, and drowning an individual. In the 10th
Century, hanging became the usual method of execution in Britain (Bakken, 20).
However, later William the Conqueror strongly opposed the execution of
individuals and reserved it for times of war alone. However, the trend lasted
for a short time since with the reign of Henry VIII there were over 72, 000
people executed. At the time of Henry VIII, the methods he used for execution
were even more brutal since he used boiling, burning at the stake, beheading,
hanging, and drawing and quartering. The death sentences were given to
individuals that committed crimes such as marrying a Jew, treason and failing
to confess to a crime committed. Over 222 crimes in Britain were punishable with
death including minor crimes such as stealing and cutting down a tree. However,
due to the extent of the crime, many juries began pushing for reform leaving it
for the major offenses (Bakken, 22). It marked the early opposition to the
capital punishment.
The death penalty in America was
because of the influence of Britain and not the making of the country, which
indicates that the practice is a colonial consequence, and not founded on
American values. The colonial practice began when the European settlers invaded
America; they brought the practice of the Capital punishment. The first record
of the death penalty in the United States territory was of Captain George
Kendall in Virginia, in the colony of Jamestown in 1608. He was executed as
soon as he was found guilty for being a Spain’s spy (Stuart, 52). In 1612, the
governor of Virginia Sir Thomas Dale enacted the law that instituted the death
penalty for offenses that were minor such as stealing grapes, trading with
Indians and killing chickens. The legislation on the death penalty, however,
varied from colony to colony. Massachusetts Bay Colony carried out the first
execution in 1630 although the capital Laws were instituted until several years
later. New York Colony established the Duke’s Laws of 1665 that allowed for the
death sentence for offenses such as striking a parent or denying the true God
(Stuart, 54).
The fight for the abolition of capital
punishment began as early as the Colonial period. The abolitionists of the
death penalty found their support from the writings of Montesquieu, Voltaire,
and Bentham among other writers from Britain as well. An essay from Cesare
Beccaria's in 1767 is what brought massive inspiration for the abolitionist
movement of the capital punishment around the world. In the essay, Beccaria
asserted that there was no good reason to take the life of an individual in a
legal way. The piece gave those that actively opposed the death penalty an
active voice and inspired them further (Hartnett, 120). One of the notable
results of the uproar that came about was the abolition of the death penalty in
Austria and Tuscany. The works of Beccaria also influenced the American
intellectuals. Thomas Jefferson’s introduction of a bill to revise the Virginia
death penalty marked the first extraordinary step against the death sentence in
the United States. According to the draft law he presented, capital punishment
should be for crimes such as murder and treason alone. However, it failed
during the voting, losing by just a single vote (Stuart, 89).
The death penalty is inefficient, and
there are indications that it increases criminal conduct and hence leads to
loss of human life without meeting its objective of deterrence due to the
horrifying thought of dying if caught breaking certain laws. Dr. Benjamin Rush
Declaration of Independence and the founder of the Pennsylvania Prison Society
opposed the premise that the death penalty was a deterrence to committing a
crime. According to him, death penalty increased the criminal conduct of
individuals. He was one of the earliest believers of what came to be called the
‘brutalization effect’ (Hartnett, 120). With time, he gained the support of
Benjamin Franklin and an Attorney General of Philadelphia known as William
Bradford, who later became the United States attorney general. Bradford
asserted that the death penalty ought to be retained but agreed with Rush that
it was not a deterrent to certain crimes. He led Pennsylvania to become the
first State that considered the degree of murder based on culpability. By the
year 1794, Pennsylvania repealed the capital punishment for all the offenses
apart from first-degree murder (Hartnett, 132).
The penitentiaries that American
taxpayers pay so much to maintain were started as a replacement for the death
penalty. In fact, within the prisons there are sections such as solitary
confinement that is more of a deterring punishment than having someone on the
death row. In the early part of the 19th Century, many states joined
Pennsylvania in reducing the number of crimes that warranted the death sentence
and started building penitentiaries. Pennsylvania was the first state to move
the execution away from the public eye and began doing them in the correctional
facilities in 1834, In 1846, Michigan abolished the death penalty for all
crimes part from treason.
American states led by Rhode Island and
the Wisconsin States became the first states to abolish the death penalty
entirely later in the 19th Century (Death Penalty Information Center). The
American bold lawmakers took a bold step that inspired other regions in the
world to abolish the death penalty. Countries like Venezuela, Portugal, Brazil,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Netherlands followed suit by abolishing capital
punishment by the end of the 19th Century. Therefore, the United States having
led the world in abolishing the inhumane punishment should act as a model state
by abolishing it entirely especially now that it is a major leader on the
global front.
The death sentence also has some slavery
connotation of which slavery was abolished in the USA. The laws were strictly
used to retain the firm on slaves during the slavery era. However, it faced
public opposition and in 1838 to appeal to the public, some of the states
passed laws against mandatory death sentences but instead instituted some
discretionary death penalty statutes leaving exceptions of some crimes in a few
jurisdictions. By 1963, all the States in the US had abolished mandatory
capital punishment and instituted discretionary statutes. The Civil war shifted
the focus of the American public to the antislavery movement, and it is this
that gave the window for the advancement of the death penalty. At the end of
the war, several developments had emerged. For example, the electric chair was
introduced as a method of execution in New York in 1888 and was used in 1890 to
execute William Kemmler and soon other states adopted the electric chair (Death
Penalty Information Center).
The death penalty was also a used as
the tool for advancing political and economic ideologies as indicated during
the First World War. Its biases in respect for human life contradicts the
freedoms and rights of the people and hence should not be present in the
advanced society in the modern society. Between 1907 and 1917, there were six
states that had completely outlawed the death sentence, and three others had
limited it to the rare crimes of treason and first-degree murder of a law
enforcement officer. However, the reform faced a challenge following the entry
of the United States into the First World War and the frenzy of the American
public that resulted from the panic caused by the threat of revolution. It was
in the wake of the Russian Revolution, and there was an intense class conflict
as the socialists mounted a serious challenge for the capitalist system (Death
Penalty Information Center). It led to the reinstatement of the death penalty
by five states of the six that had abolished it. In 1924, attempts to make the
execution more humane resulted in the use of cyanide gas by Nevada. Gee, Jon
was the first victim executed using lethal gas. Because of writings by
criminologists in support of the death sentence arguing that it was a necessary
social measure led to an insurgency of the use of death penalty between the
1920s and the 1940s. Most Americans were suffering from Prohibition and the
Great Depression, and it resulted in more executions in the 1930s surpassing
any other decade in American history with n average of 167 executions being
carried out per year (Death Penalty Information Center). By the 1950s, the
death penalty began losing its popularity and many allied nations either
abolished or limited the use of the death sentence. The number of execution in
the United States also reduced dramatically, and even more people began opposing
its use. A Gallup poll indicated that by 1966 the support of the death penalty
was at 42% that was marginally low (Bohm, 1999).
Constitutionality of the death penalty
Constitutionally, the death penalty is
subject to a series of debate and uncertainty and, therefore, lacks the full
backing of the law to term it as constitutional or otherwise. Its
irreversibility makes it unethical since the law may sway on its abolishment,
but then those that suffered its brutality can never be redeemed. Before 1960, the
Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments were interpreted as allowing the death
penalty. However, there were altering developments that termed the death
sentence as crude and non-permissible by the Eighth Amendment. In 1958, in a
case of Trop v. Dulles (356 U.S. 86) case by the Supreme Court, the Court
stated that the Eighth Amendment contained a standard that allowed it to evolve
indecency in line with the maturing of the society. In as much as the case was
not a death penalty case, it offered a legal backing to the abolitionists who
used the court’s logic to argue that the US as a nation had progressed
indecency beyond the point of tolerating such acts as the death penalty (Bohm,
157). In the 1960s, the Supreme Court also began indulging more in the issue of
death penalty. In a case of S. v. Jackson (390 U.S. 570) in 1968, the court
heard a case of a statute that required that the death sentence could only be
imposed on the recommendation of a Jury. According to the court, such a statute
was unconstitutional since it encouraged the defendants to waive their
fundamental right to a jury to avoid the death sentence at all costs (Bedau,
It is an arbitrary law and hence needs
to be abolished. In a landmark case of landmark case Furman v. Georgia (408 U.S.
238), the arbitrariness issue of the death penalty was presented before the
Supreme Court in 1972. Furman argued that the capital cases led to the
arbitrary and erratic sentencing of individuals. The Furman case brought the
challenge under the Eighth Amendment. Then decision of the Court set the
standard that a punishment would be “cruel and unusual†as a result of its
severity as compared to the crime committed, if it was found to be arbitrary,
offended the sense of justice of the society or if it was more efficient than a
less severe penalty (Bessler, 102). The court, therefore, stated that in
Georgia’s death penalty statute that gave the Jury complete discretion for
sentencing left room for arbitrary sentencing. Therefore, the scheme of the
punishment under such a statute was cruel and unusual leading to a violation of
the Eighth Amendment. It marked the suspension of the death penalty in the
United States leading to and commuting 629 death row inmates. It was because;
the statutes on death penalty held by 40 states were no longer valid at the
time (Bessler, 102).
Controversy and Debate on death penalty
Capital punishment has been a
controversial issue not just to the United States but also at the international
stage. It is the controversy pf the death penalty that require for its
replacement by other forms of punishment as allowed for in the law such as life
imprisonment. Furthermore, the aim of the punishment is to avoid the criminal
from harming those in society and so cannot harm anyone while in prison. In the
United States, it has been subject to debate, and there are organizations such
as American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) dedicated to advocating for the
abolition of the death sentence (Bedau, 120). At the international front, there
are organizations such as Amnesty International devoted to fighting then
capital punishment at the global front. It is an issue challenged regarding its
constitutionality in line with the United States; Eighth Amendment but the
court held that it was constitutional in 1976. There are sections for and
against the practice and countries around the world have with time abolished
the practice altogether completely others are still practicing it with
The majority of civilized societies has
abolished the punishment and. Therefore, its continued enforcement in America
is a backward practice. The US is one of the five industrialized democracies
that us yet to abolish the death penalty. The others are Japan, Singapore, and
Taiwan that have engaged in executions in the recent past. South Korea has a
moratorium effect. By 2011, the United States was the only country that had
executions in the western hemisphere and the G8 countries (Garland, 49).
The excuse by supporters of the death
penalty that some of the capital crimes such as murder have a high recidivism
rate is invalid (Death Penalty Information Center). The supporters argue that a
person who commits murder is bound to commit it again even if they go through
the correctional facilities citing the various cases of serial killers even
after they have served long periods in prisons. However, the law allows other
measures to stop such an individual from committing such crimes through
sentencing to life imprisonment. The courts can ensure that those with a
violent history or proven not to have changed should be incarcerated without
the possibility of parole to ensure that they are kept off the streets and
protect the public.
Supporting the capital punishment, some
individuals argue that the it is a form of restitution and is therefore morally
justified for those that commit aggravating elements of crime such a multiple
homicide, child murderers, mass killing, terrorism, massacre, genocide, killing
law enforcers and children murderers. The argument is strongly supported by
Professor Robert Becker from New York Law School, who argues that the
punishment ought to be as painful as the crime that the individual committed
(Death Penalty Information Center). However, the abolitionists of the capital
punishment argue that retribution of this form is no different from a case of
revenge and hence cannot be condoned (Garland, 49). Life in prison without
parole is usually enough justice for any form of crime. Moreover, by the state
engaging in killing a person just because they killed as well makes it seem
like jungle justice where there is revenge. Additionally, it would mean that if
the state murders those that murder then they should also engage in the same
acts to those that commit other crimes such as rape. Would it mean that those
who rape should be punished with sexual assault?
The death penalty is the worst form of
violation of the human rights. It is because; the right to life for every
individual is the most important right that they hold. Capital punishment,
therefore, violates the fundamental right and inflicts psychological torture.
The human rights activists strongly oppose the death penalty calling it cruel,
degrading and inhuman form of punishment. The Amnesty International considers
it as a constant denial of human rights. In contrast, those in support of the
capital, punishment cite the classic doctrine of natural rights (Death Penalty
Information Center). As was expanded by Locke and Blackstone, it is important
that ban individual can forfeit the right to life. John Stuart Mill argued that
the deterrence of a person from inflicting suffering on others was possible
through causing similar pain to them. According to him, it is the whole purpose
of the justice system just as a person is fined or jailed for a wrong, they may
also be executed for more aggravated crimes.
The death penalty is an irreversible
case in case a mistake is made. Once a person is executed, even with the
emergence of evidence that they were guilty, then it would be too late, and
that would not be justice to them. In fact, in the United States, there are
several cases of individuals that have been recalled from the death row
following surfacing evidence of their innocence (Death Penalty Information
Center). It means that several others are wrongfully sentenced and murdered
before they can prove their innocence that beats the whole logic of the serving
justice. Those who support the death penalty may be fast to note that the
number of wrong sentences is negligible as compared to the right ones
There are indications of discrimination
in the implementation of the death penalty statutes. Prof. K. Beckett, Univ. of
Washington stated that jurors in Washington were three times more likely to
recommend the death sentence for a black defendant than for a white defendant
in a similar case. Moreover, there are studies in California indicating that
those who kill a white person were three times more likely to get the death
sentence if they are black and four times likely if they are Latino (Death
Penalty Information Center).
In conclusion, the death penalty has
been an issue that has sparked massive controversy over the years. The issue
has faced extensive reforms since it started and has always faced debate with
some people opposing it and others supporting it strongly. It also brings out
huge controversies and misunderstandings with other statutes of the law and
hence has been subjected to interpretations in the course of time. In the United
States, the Eighth Amendment has protected the fundamental rights to life for
individuals and hence having the death penalty a contradiction to the death
penalty. Because of the inhumane nature of its methods and the process, many
countries around the world have completely abolished the death penalty.
However, the United States remain divided on the issue with some states
supporting capital punishment while others are opposing it strongly. Therefore,
it is a matter has a long history of controversy and continues to spark
division on its eligibility. However, the arbitrariness of the laws governing
the capital punishment penalty is still evident. There are indications of
discrimination based on race and has, therefore, been subject to biases by the
jury. The discrimination and lack of sound systems for ascertaining who should
be sentenced to death as well as the controversies on the legality of the death
penalty make no justice at all. Therefore, the death penalty should be
abolished at all costs in every democratic and civilized society.
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