Thesis Statement: Child sexual abuse has many negative
effects on the victims of this act.
Purpose of the Paper: The paper aims at highlighting the
consequences of child sexual abuse to the victims
of Child Sexual Abuse Social Phenomenon
Child sexual abuse is a modern social
concern that the society faces. This problem has been highlighted by the means
of advocates for the rights of children, and child abuse inquiries. Child
sexual abuse can occur at the child’s home, schools, or in the society. Lewis
defines Child sexual abuse as “a type of abuse to a child, where a grown-up
abuses a child for the purpose of sexual stimulation†(23). Conversely, Jackson
describes it as the involvement of child or children into a sexual activity
that is aimed towards either physical gratification or monetary gain of that
person who is committing the action. Whereas cases of Child Sexual Abuse can be
traced back from long time in history, it still remains to be an elusive issue
that is covered by indignity and embarrassment to the individuals who have been
through such experiences, as well as their immediate family. Child sexual abuse
has many negative effects on the victims of this act.
There are various kinds of Child Sexual
Abuse which comprise of the following: forcing a child to take part in sexual
activities, indecent exposure of an adult’s genitals to a child, showing
pornography to a child, concrete sexual contact with small children, or the
utilization of children in the production of child pornography. This paper
evaluates the consequences of Child Sexual Abuse social phenomenon to the
Child Sexual Abuse represents one of
the main concerns that confront the contemporary societies around the globe.
This social phenomenon is specifically distressful as it entails crime towards
susceptible as well as impressionably children and may seriously influence their
possibilities of maturing into normal, well-adjusted and successful adults. The
incidences of CSA may result in distressful effects and influence lives. Child
Sexual Abuse is as well the subject of great concern particularly among both
the social workers and policy-makers as a result of its extensive prevalence in
the society. It is, therefore, significant that a major emphasis must be placed
on this social problem so as to determine what its consequences are, with the
aim of addressing them.
There is indication that the survivors
of CSA have high chances of developing different kinds of emotional
inadequacies as well as mental disorders that can negatively influence their
development as balanced and accustomed people. According to Bass, & Laura
(12), there are studies that essentially indicate that adults who have been
victims of sexual abuse as children portray a higher tendency of taking part in
the Child Sexual Abuse actions. Lewis asserts “the incidences of Child Sexual
Abuse are linked with substance abuse, low self-esteem, as well as sexual
Childhood sexual abuse, according to
Jackson, is correlated with soaring levels of depression, sexual trauma,
stigmatization, betrayal, and powerlessness. Other effects of sexual abuse to
the victim (child) comprise of guilt along with self-blame, insomnia,
nightmares, self-esteem concerns, suicidal ideation, depression, post-traumatic
stress disorder, and other mental diseases.
Depression is the most typical lasting
symptom that survivors of child sexual abuse face (Winters 90). Survivor might
have trouble with externalizing the sexual abuse, therefore thinking negatively
regarding them. After a long time of negative self-thinking, the survivors of
CSA have emotions of worthlessness as well as tend to avoid other people (Lewis
113). Winters illustrate the symptoms of sexual abuse victims as feeling down
most of the time, having suicidal thoughts, accompanied by distressed sleeping
and eating patterns.
Childhood sexual abuse survivors
frequently go through guilt, shame, as well as self-blame. Bass & Laura
asserts “most of the victims of this type of abuse assume personal
responsibility for sexual abuse committed against them. In the case where
sexual abuse to a child is committed by someone that the child trusts, it is
possible for him (child) to perceive the perpetrator in a negative mannerâ€
(213). Children will tend to internalize most of the negative messages
regarding themselves.
Body issues along with eating disorders
have as well been cited as being one of the long-term consequences of childhood
sexual abuse. Winters (150) describes the signs that victims of childhood
sexual abuse experience body image issues such as feeling ugly, displeasure
with appearance and obesity. The distress that survivors possess may also lead
to somatic problems.
Stress and nervousness are frequently
long-term consequences of sexual abuse among children who have had this
dreadful experience. Lewis asserts
“sexual abuse during childhood is particularly terrifying and may result
in high-stress levels long after the encounter is over†(87).
Victims of sexual abuse during
childhood may tend to experience a hard time in establishing interpersonal
relationships. The symptoms that are correlated with sexual abuse during childhood
may hamper the development and advancement of relationships. The common
relationship problems that victims of sexual abuse during childhood face
include mistrust, fear of intimacy, and passive behaviors (Bass & Laura
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