Virtual Technology. | MyPaperHub

     The term virtualization refers to running a program in virtual storage to stimulate the effect on a computer including computer hardware platforms, storage devices, and computer network systems. In the early 1960’s, virtualization was initiated as a process of logically dividing the computer systems provided by mainframe computers for different applications. Since then, virtualization has been widely being used in resources like hardware where a virtual machine acts like a real computer. A software run on this virtual machines is separated from the underlying hardware resources, e.g. a computer running Mac Osx 10 or Microsoft Windows may host a virtual machine that looks like a computer with the Ubuntu Linux operating system. Virtualization is also widely used in other areas like desktop virtualization, video game console emulation, virtualization of applications among others. (Huang, G., Reynolds, R., & Candler, C. 2007).

1.    Virtualization applications to healthcare.

     Historically, health data has been storing in the paper, but due to the current trends rapid digitization of significant data, the quality of healthcare delivery has been mandatory driven to use virtualization technology reducing the costs. Virtualization has helped to hold the promises of supporting medical and healthcare in areas like surveillance of diseases, modern research, clinical decision among others functions.(Huang, G., Reynolds, R., & Candler, C. (2007)

      Application of virtualization to medical sector includes prescriptions and physician’s written notes, pharmacy, administrative data, electronic patient data, medical imaging, and machine sensor generated data such as monitoring vital signs: posts of social Medias including status updated on the Facebook, Twitter (tweets feedbacks), blogs, web pages and other posts from other social media platforms. (Huang, G., Reynolds, R., & Candler, C. (2007)

     Future applications such as detection of diseases at earlier stages, identifying and applying the correct treatments such as the use of antibiotics which would increase the weak immune system and mortality. (Huang, G., Reynolds, R., & Candler, C. 2007).

2.    Benefits of virtualization technology in healthcare.

        Significant benefits by digitizing, syndication, actually using virtualization for the healthcare organizations, potent benefits such as detection of disease in the earlier stages can be diagnosed and treated effectively, identifying healthcare fraud, census of population, management of specific individuals. A large number of questions can be raised and addressed with data analysis with the help of virtualization. (Huang, G., Reynolds, R., & Candler, C. 2007).

3.    Changes on how nurses operate/practices.

         Nurses will be able to input data in the form of biometric which is X-rays, fingerprints, others medical imaging, blood pressure, genetics, social media and web data: health plan websites, smartphone apps, transaction bill data: invoicing medical records, medical claims among others will have an impact on how the nurses will be conducting their assignments. That will enhance a lot of resources such as time management, efficient in delivering the work. (Huang, G., Reynolds, R., & Candler, C. 2007).

4.    Technology impact on the cost of healthcare.

       Advanced benefits like remote monitoring where analysis of data from in-hospital and in-home, medicines based on evidence such as predictions of patients at risk for diseases, public health will be able to deliver quality services faster such as vaccines e.g. yearly fungal strains, delivery, predictions and prevention crises for the benefit of populations. (Huang, G., Reynolds, R., & Candler, C. 2007).

Technology scenario.

1.    A person using the technology.

       Pitsillides Andreas, age 36 years old male, and engineering in the biomedical from California State, has an organization of virtual medical team for cancer treatment for home health care, which aims at helping cancer patients being based on home healthcare.

2.    Reasons for using this technology in the healthcare.

      Chronic ailments and its complication in cancer, the need of using specialized treatment protocols, monitoring, administration of a patient coordinated by medical professionals to help easy rapid and fast growth of the spread of cancer to the people.

The reason for using this method of treatment of cancer-based on the home care it because it offers patients the comforts they require, conditions, the cost of the treatment is very useful for other expenses like the fee for admission is deducted.

3.    The environment for the technology to be used.

      The treatment will be based on home healthcare treatment for the continued treatment of the patients and progress monitoring since it supports creation dynamic which deals with home healthcare treatment for needed periodic visits to places of specialized treatment.

4.    Description why there should be further training.

     Advanced training will be required where virtual technology can be introduced to the healthcare, diseases such as cancer can easily be treatable. Also, virtualization will help since modern technology will be used to help discover modern medicines for the treatments of patients. The relevant and useful cost will determine the type of research to be investigated upon, method of patients, diagnose, availability of medical tools, the efficient infrastructure required. Advancement of technology and techniques will enable to capture, storing, analysis and management of information hence more training is needed to allow active in the healthcare, which can then be applied to the vast amount of existing technology.


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