Literature is dynamic meaning
that it is always changing. The development of different forms of literature is
based on changes in political society. Religious and economic factors in the
world. These are factors that changed the perspectives of people in relation to
their view of themselves the society and the world. Changes in the political,
social and religious aspects have led to the development of literary movements.
These are movements characterized by unique techniques used to develop
literature. Literature is considered a form of art. It is characterized by the
use of words for the expression of thought truth and imaginations. These are
features that change based on the different movements. Literature as a form of
human expression associated with offering information to readers. Examples of
literature movements include the modernist movement that was prominent in the
19th and the 20th century and the symbolism movement which was prominent in the
19th century. These are two distinct movements that are unique from one another
based on the techniques used and some of the main themes they portrayed through
their literal expressions. They are also linked with various important writers
who are well known for their contribution to literature based on their use of features
of the movement. Gertrude Stein and Edgar Allan Poe are two writers that
respectively represent the two movements. This paper with, therefore, explore
each of the two writers based on their contribution to literature in relation
to the literal movements they represented. It will explore some of the
important themes that they expressed through their writing and how they were
influential to the world.
Gertrude Stein was a writer
form America. She is considered as one of the main figures associated with
modernism. She used her literature in the form of poems, novels and played to
explore themes brought about by the aspect of modernism. Literal modernism
dates between the 19th and the 20th century.
It was a movement that was popular especially in \north America and in
Europe. Modernism in literature is characterized by a shift in traditional ways
of writing. One main aspect of modernism in literature is the reduction in
limits associated with expression by writers. Writers such as Gertrude Stein
used modernism to express their true feelings and attitudes about the world
around them (Wilson, 2004).
The aspects of modernism in
literature are mainly based on the events of the First World War when the world
needed to reassess traditional modes of expression and representation. It was
focused on the rationality based on the human mind. Modernisms in literature is
characterized by the use of themes associated with aspects of globalization and
industrialization. They explore the aspects of the industry, poor working
conditions for workers and the horrifying nature of new technologies from
warfare that were highly used during the first world war. Modernist writers
such as Gertrude Stein focused on the inner self and factors associated with
consciousness based on the world around. Stein used modernism to explain
aspects of decline in civilization an asks the questions of what is it to be an
American based on the deteriorated nature of standards of living brought about
by industrialization and globalization. She also questions what it is to be a
woman in the American society in such a time. She uses the technique of
observation to depict daily aspects of her life and what she observes. She uses
her life and growth to explore various perceptions people have of life, their
society and the world based on the modernist perspective (Clayton, 2015).
Symbolism movement is also
another era. It began in in the 19th century. The movement was established as a
reaction to realism and naturalism. These were considered as anti- idealistic
because they did not take advantage of the ability of the mind to use
imagination during the development of different forms of art. Edgar Alan Poe is
one of the writers that are considered to have made great contributions to the
moment of symbolism the main feature of the symbolism movement was based on the
notion that art ought to be used for the representation of truths but in an
indirect manner. This led to the development of metaphoric and suggestive ways
of writing. Edgar Allan Poe used symbolism in almost all his poems and short
stories (Porter, 1984).
He used symbolism as a
technique to express hidden meaning. The technique is effective in expanding
the boundaries of imagination for readers to enable them to explore various
avenues associated with attitude, beliefs, and ideas. The technique is also
effective in developing a strong connection between readers and the author.
Edgar Allan Poe used symbolism as a technique to express his views on religion,
life, death love and many other aspects that revolved around his life. The poem
The Raven is a great example of how Poe used symbolism to explore the theme of
life, death, and mental problems. He uses symbolism in the poem to stretch the
boundaries of the story and using it to hide multiple perspectives of the
story. The use of symbols and metaphors help in the development of mental
images that explore reader’s imagination which is very important in expanding
their ideas in relation to the work of literature. Symbolism is, therefore, a
literal technique that popularized the symbolist movement (Porter, 1984).
Stein and Poe are therefore
good representatives of two of the most popular literal movements. Modernism
and symbolisms have had great impacts and influences to the modern world.
Modernism helped express the various problems associated with industrialization
and globalization. It highlighted how technological advancement could be used
for evil instead of good. On the other hand, the symbolism movement helped in
the expansion of human imagination. Stein explores aspects of the human
condition in the world termed as advanced. She also explored aspects of
feminism (Wilson, 2004). These are all features of self-expression which are
common aspects of modernism. On the other hand, Poe explores the themes of
life, love, and death. He expressed these themes through the help of symbolism.
Symbolism helped him hide meaning in his poems to allow readers to broaden
their imagination. The two also explored the use of different techniques. Stein
used aspects of her daily life to create a picture of her perspective of life.
On the other hand, Poe explored the use of imagery and metaphors to develop
meaning in his poems (Clayton, 2015).
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