The Holocaust | MyPaperHub

Movies have for a long time documented facts that have happened in the past and they have an aspect of getting their audience to get a better understanding of events that transpired in the past. One such historical event that would be captured well in a movie is The Holocaust which took place during the 1930’s in Germany. This is an event that involved the mass murder of Jews in Germany by the Nazi regime in the year 1933[1]. As a result, putting this historical event will remind people of a bad mistake that the Nazi regime made, and also avert the chance of such an event taking place in the future.

The Holocaust can be better adapted into a screenplay by including all the events that led to the massacre of the Jewish community [2]by the Nazis. This will include getting the actual historical timeline of the events and using it to write the script to be utilized in making the movie to be outstanding. The events of the Holocaust are all recorded in various historical books, which will be very resourceful in writing the movie’s script.

The adaptation of the 1933 holocaust occurrence is important in a number of ways. Firstly, it will help people who are acquainted or not acquainted with the occurrence to have a real feeling of the events that eventually led to the massacre. Secondly, adapting the Holocaust happenings into a movie will be imperative in making sure that people learn the essence of valuing human life, which is regarded as sacred. Had the perpetrators of the Holocaust been appreciating this aspect of the sacredness of human life, such a tragic event should never have taken place. [3]

The shooting of the movie should commence on December, 2015 so as to give the team responsible for it to prepare adequately. In preparing for shooting the movie, there will be auditions to be carried out for different roles that are to be played by people. This time period will help in getting the best pool of actors as well as actresses so as to make the movie become popular and unique at the same time. The directors of the movie will as well have ample time to look for the best shoot locations in Germany since this is the place where the event took place.

In the selection of the actors to play the major roles, Christoph Waltz, a German actor, will be able to perfectly fit the role of Hitler. The selection of Waltz to play the role of Hitler, who was a major mastermind in the Holocaust, emanates from the fact that he (Waltz) is German and would act in a manner that represents the German culture. In addition, he has a serious-looking face, which would go well with a role that requires one to act as a massacre mastermind. Other actors such as Klaus Kinski and Til Shweiger will as well be featured because of their exemplary acting prowess.

In conclusion, the movie Holocaust will be successful given the preparations that have been laid down. This includes exemplary actors/actresses, great shoot locations, and a pool of professional directors who are determined to produce the movie of the century. In addition, the movie represents an event that actually took place at one point in time, hence making it to be popular

[1] Arad, Yitzhak, Yisrael Gutman, and Abraham Margaliot. 1999. Documents on the Holocaust: selected sources on the destruction of the Jews of Germany and Austria, Poland, and the Soviet Union. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press.

[2] Bodden, Valerie. 2007. The Holocaust. Mankato, MN: Creative Education.

[3] Spielberg, Steven, et al. Schindler's list. Universal City, CA: Universal, 2004.

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