Mothers- Effect on Children
through history women have been viewed as the weaker gender, physically as well
as intellectually. Therefore, the roles delegated to women have a tendency to
revolve around the home along with the raising of children. Meanwhile, many
women have steadily entered the working force, increasingly picking up
significant positions within the work environment. With more women presently in
the workforce than at any other time, few children are raised by mothers who
stay at home. Making the decision as to whether to join the workforce or to
stay at home with one’s children is a difficult process for women. This is a choice that concerns many
contemporary mothers, as compared to their mothers, who did not face such
choices. A working mother is a woman who works for at least 40 hours in one
week in a career-oriented profession, such as a lawyer (Paré & Heather,
2005). In the past, women mostly were pushed by society to stay home but now
things have changed. There is a general belief amongst most people that there
will be problems behaviorally or mentally for the children if their mothers
worked. This paper will look into the effect that working women have on their
Women Work: In numerous families today, mothers keep on living up to
expectations because they have careers that they have invested many years
developing. Some women go back to work not long after they have given birth in
light of the fact that they realize that most of the employers in this nation
are not thoughtful to working mothers who wish to require significant
investment off to be with their young children. In the case where these women
quit working for a few months, and they may lose on the benefits they have
earned or danger losing certain career opportunities. They have the capacity of
bringing in more finance into the family, which may then be used to provide
their children with a quality education that will ensure that they succeed
later in life.
mothers enhances the independence of their children. Children with working
mothers can benefits from the mother experience and educations. Children can
learn really fast they will know to survive as well as supplement their activities
up to the time when they can do themby themselves. Stay at home Mothers with
children who is attached to their mothers, those children will have a trust
issues trusting other people in the future for example, having difficulties in
school, work, marriage and social behavior problems. Because spending all the
time with the mother or caring for the child can cause the overriding
importance. A balanced time of spending it with the child and letting the child
trust other people like friend's babysitting or another family member will help
the child trusting other people.
(Brotherson P1)
mothers instill certain important attributes such as independence, ambition, as
well as curiosity in the lives of their children. The life of a working mother
teaches the children on how valuable independence is, and encourages them to
reach for more responsibilities when they grow up. Independence in children is amongst the
biggest challenges that children of working mother face, but when it is
eventually instilled into their lives, it brings about a lot of
accomplishments. One example of independence that the children acquire is
social independence. The ambition of a working mother is as well contagious to
the children. Curiosity enables the children to see the accomplishments that
are made by their working mother outside the home.
who are going back to work may also have a positive influence on their children
(DeJong, 2005, p.76), “. In families where the mother works along with her
husband, their earning capacity is high as is able to offer their children a
better lifestyle as such. In the present day society, money is the license for
a good life, and, therefore, additional income from a working mother is of much
importance to the family. Money plays a big part in covering the expenses of
the family. With the rise in financial opportunities for these women, also
comes the enhancement of health and educational opportunities. There have been
numerous positive results from women who are working. As Wilson (90) asserts
“most working women asserted that they worked for the reason that they ‘needed’
the money. They needed money to acquire
materials furniture, owning a home, as well as clothes, which would better
their standards of living (Poduval & Murali, 2009). Most of them felt that
they were providing assistance in meeting their family’s needs in financial
terms. Staying at home is not a solution
since financial distress in a family is a potential origin of marital sorrow
and disagreement. They have the capacity of bringing in more finance into the
family, which may then be used to provide their children with a quality
education that will ensure that they succeed later in life. Furthermore, in a
single parent family, single mothers are the only source of living for their
children and, therefore, it is imperative to consider working seriously. In
this instance, the woman becomes the only bread winner of the single parent
family, and despite the financial difficulties in the United States, the woman
has to provide both food and other necessities to the child. Financial
stability is a pre-requisite that improves the general quality of a child’s
woman has the freedom to, in fact, make a decision between work and motherhood
(Poduval & Murali, 2009). Our social conditioning dictates that the woman
ought to place the home before career although there is no expense that has
been kept aside for her education as well as upbringing in the direction of
being independent. One of the key issues that mothers consider while reflecting
on whether to join the workforce is how this will affect their children. In
contrast to the popular belief, a working mom is capable of having a positive
effect on her children, but several variables should be well thought-out. The
most imperative is clearly the accessibility of child-care services. This is
one of the ways that working mothers utilize in order to make sure that their
children develop in an environment that is conducive. Women might consider
going back to work after their children have developed to an extent where they
can be left under the care of another third party. Nevertheless, there have
been a lot of instances where the mother, who is considering to return to work
solely for the purposes of maintaining as well as progressing a career that
gratifies her and makes her autonomous, she comes under criticism. It is,
therefore, important to support working moms as this helps in bettering the
family’s status.
mothers generally lays down an excellent work ethic for their children, which
in turn helps them to turn out to be productive members within the society. The
mothers set a perfect example to their children by showing them the
significance of a “motivation to work†as well as the positive results of
working which include a sense of independence along with fulfillment. Working
mothers assist in breaching the stereotype that the home is the place for
women. A report by Ernst & Young (2011) shows that the significance of a
career orientation, as well as its positive effect on job productivity and
satisfaction at home satisfaction. Rather, they can as well be thriving and be
independent women who utilize their intelligence to the maximum.
individuals still consider a "good mother" is one who surrenders work
to stay home with her children. Notwithstanding, no experimental proof says
youngsters are hurt when their moms work. A child's advancement is impacted all
the more by the enthusiastic strength of the family, the manner in which the
family feels in relation to the mother's working as well as the nature of child
forethought. A child who is emotionally balanced, overall cherished, and
generally looked after will flourish paying little respect to whether the
mother meets expectations outside the home. A mother who effectively oversees
both an outside employment and parenthood gives a good example to her kid. In
many families with working moms, every individual assumes a more dynamic part
in the family. The children have a tendency to care for each other and help in
different ways. The father is more inclined to help with family unit errands
and child raising and also breadwinning. These positive conclusions are no
doubt when the working mother feels esteemed and upheld by family, companions
and colleagues.
provides mothers with actual significant chances and resources to reduce social
isolation and improve their social progress and welfare. It presents mothers
with the instruments, ideas, and plans while bringing up a child. While on the
job, mothers are engaged in problem-solving, struggling with diverse
viewpoints, and handling different personalities. All these skills come in
handy at home, particularly when children grow older.
are also different viewpoints regarding the negative impact of working mothers
on their children. Some of these views include the following:
decision to work outside home has its demerits both to the mother and the
child. A mother who works outside home is usually affected psychologically from
staying away from her child, especially if the child is very young. The effect
is probably because of the existence a very strong motherly instinct found in
women. Couture and Johnson in their research found that gender-based
stereotypes against women result into negative judgments towards mothers
working outside their homes. Therefore, this implies that besides the strong
bond between a mother and child, the society expects and subsequently
stereotyped that the mother should always be with their child. For the above
two reasons, mothers who work away from their homes are more likely to suffer
psychologically. Pelcovitz (2013) found that full-time mothers who are working
bears much bigger threat of suffering from depression than their stay-at-home
counterparts. He further asserts that the risk of depression among full-time
working mothers must be handled with caution since the child may be adversely
affected (Pelcovitz, 2013). However, there have been divergent opinions and
findings on this issue in the past. For instance, a past research indicated
that though all mothers are stressed out, working mothers reported less
depression and had better mental health than their stay at home counterparts.
of the idea of mothers working outside home have strongly cited that it has
serious detrimental effects to the child. Pelcovitz (2013) in his study, found
that children whose mothers began working before the age of three months showed
behavioral adjustment issues. According to his findings, even though maternal
employment showed positive results among poor families, the middle-class, and
upper-class children demonstrated negative adjustment and cognitive outcomes
(Pelcovitz, 2013). Contrary to this opinion, recent research have showed that
despite struggles young children face while, in childcare, they do not suffer
any serious mental instabilities. Pelcovitz further indicates that though the
children in child care do not suffer ill effects, they tend to develop eating
disorders. They work out less and more prone to be overweight compared to a
stay at home children. It is, therefore, evident that a child may be adversely
affected when the mother goes back to work too soon after birth.
whose mothers are working are typically placed under group childcare, which
negatively influences them in terms of lacking the one-on-one attention as well
as instruction. This might have critical cognitive impacts later in the
childhood. Behavioral impacts might likewise emerge. A longitudinal study
finished in 2001 discovered noteworthy cognitive contrasts among children who
had working mothers and those whose mothers stayed at home. The study inspected
the impact of maternal work ahead of schedule in a children's life on the
behavioral and cognitive results amid basic school. The analysts found that
maternal work in the first year of a kid's life had a negative impact on
cognitive results for the kid by age three or four. These cognitive impacts
could even now be seen by age seven or eight. Interestingly, the measure of
time that moms worked did not seem to influence cognitive results, as no
distinctions were found in offspring of mothers working low maintenance
contrasted and moms working full-time. The scientists additionally discovered a
connection between moms working amid a child's first year of life and behavioral
issues by the child later in youth.
conclusion, it is possible for a woman to be both a mother and engage in any
profession. The benefits that women who work have on their children are many in
comparison to the detrimental effects. There are many mothers who have
maintained a balance between working as well as bringing up children in a good
way. In the present world, it is equally desirable as well as incumbent for
mothers to work, similar to their spouses. The society ought to recognize the fact
that, different from the customary idea that a working mother cannot be
considered as a good mother, a working mother has the capacity to be a better
mother. Together with motherhood, a thriving career facilitates the wholeness
of being a woman (Poduval & Murali, 2009). For these reasons, it is a high
time that mothers should be encouraged to resume working so as to have a better
impact on their children and families.
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