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Ban Spanking of Children

Spanking has frequently been applied as a way of disciplining children throughout history by both parents and teachers (Davis 125). The debate relating to whether to smack children or not is a conversation that the Unite Nations rekindled when it called upon Australia to ban the spanking of children in the year 2013. Ambikapathy defines spanking as the striking of someone or something normally with the palm as a form of punishment. The statement by UN Committee on the Rights of the Child report recommended that Australia ought to abolish the parents’ right of using reasonable chastisement at the time of disciplining children.

According to Davis, “children seem to be the only people who are exposed to violence, which is tolerable in the form of physical punishment” (45). The brutal and harmful assault on children by their parents or guardians has been justified as suitable disciplinary measures. Adults have in the past used weapons like sticks to cause physical pain in children, without considering the fact that their body parts such as the head and face are vulnerable. The injustice that children are exposed to as a result of the lack of consensus regarding to the acceptable punishment towards ought to be addressed.

Definition of the Problem: Spanking children is relatively inappropriate in the 21st century society. It is rather retro for an adult to spank his or her children given that there are many other different approaches that he can make use of such as motivation and reward. This is because spanking really upsets children as well as hurts them which ends up with their relationships with parents or guardians being destroyed, harboring them from growing into their best potential. This is because a positive child-to-parent relationship is much useful in the long run as compared to any other form of violence. It is the responsibility of the legal framework of a country to protect the future leaders from physical abuse from their parents, teachers, as well as guardians. Laing (27) state that banning of spanking of children is likely to see that they are offered more protection from harm by the society.

Proposed Solution: Presently, there are many parents who regard physical punishment as the most effective form of punishing notorious children. However, with the proven inefficiency of this approach, the subsequent recommendations were made with regards to disciplining children: Offer the children with so much love; parents should set apparent simple rules for their children in terms of conduct; raise positive behavior of children regularly; and reward the good behaviour of a child through hugs, presents, or kisses.

Justification of the Solution: Adults who support the spanking of children ought to be reminded children are beings with rights and not merely objects. They are small as well as young people whose bodies prosper with respect to care, and whose minds are positively motivated by high regard along with sensitive attention. Typically reliant and susceptible, their small bodies as well as young minds are highly vulnerable to abuse by their elders. The society places the responsibility of taking care and protecting of children on their parents and guardians, and not to cause physical harm to them (Slade & Tapping 112).

In conclusion, according to the findings presented in this research, it is evident that physical punishment as a form of disciplining children is not effective, and hence the need to be banned. There is need for organizations that fight for the rights of children to push for the banning of this practice so as to ensure that every child is safe. Parents should be encourage to embrace the alternative disciplinary measures that will enhance the productivity of their children.

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