Too Fat to Fight-Article Reflection | MyPaperHub

The article ‘Too Fat to Fight' is very informative and interesting to read as it addresses on of the most important health subject in the American society today. This article talks about the high cases of young people who are obese due to eating junk food and the high number of youths aged 17 to 24 years who are obese currently standards at around 9 million, which is a threat to the national security (Chisteson, Taggart and Messner-Zidell, 2010). The main objective of this paper is to reflect on the major claims made in the article about how they affect the society.

 One of the claims made by the authors of the article is that the U.S security is under threat due to the high cases of obese people among the young people. The article indicates that one of the major reasons why most of the young people fail to qualify to join the military is because they are obese. This means that the U.S military in the future will have a hard time getting recruits if the current trend of a high number of youths being obese. I agree with the article that increased number of obesity cases among the youths is a potential national security threat, as it denies the army the much-needed service means to keep the American citizens from external threats around the globe. If, the number of possible service personnel does not reflect quality to join the military on the grounds of obesity, then, this is something that needs to be addressed before it becomes a national disaster in the next two decades to come.

 Additionally, the report indicates that junk foods in American schools are the major contributor of high cases of obesity among the youths. The authors recommend that the Congress come up with legislation aimed at controlling junk foods available to young people in schools as a way of reducing obesity in the future. I agree with the article, as most of the young people eat junk foods while at school, which has high amount of sugar and fat. As a result, the young people end up adding a lot of weight, which puts their health at risk, as well as jeopardizes the chances of the military to get the much-needed personnel in the future.

 Finally, this report recommends that Congress to increase funding so as young people in schools can manage to get a quality fund that is healthy in nature. This point indicates that the state has an instrumental role to play in addressing the causes of obesity among the youths, through increasing funding that will ensure that healthy and quality food is available to the school going children in the future. I agree with the article that increasing funding can play a central role in ensuring that quality food is available for school going children. This would reduce the incidences of obesity that have been on the rise in the recent years, so as to build a healthy young generation that can be readily available to provide services to their country's military. 









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