learning concerning research was very useful and effective. I found the
learning experience on concepts related to research very informative and useful
in understanding how one can carry out successful business research. The
learning experience on the subject of business research exposed me to a wide
range of knowledge and information concerning various concepts of research and
where appropriate to apply them. For example, I learned how to use qualitative
methods, especially their advantages over quantitative methods when carrying
out research. Hence, I was able to learn how to make use of qualitative
research methodology, while carrying out any form of accounting research. I
learned issues that make the findings of the study useful, such as data validity,
accuracy and enhancing reliability through avoiding any form of bias.
Therefore, through participating in this learning process, I have been able to
understand the concept of improving research credibility, which I plan to use
in the future in the course of completing my research in the field of
accounting. For example, I learned that personal bias can impact negatively on
the validity and reliability of the study findings and can be avoided using the
services of other researchers during the data analysis process. Hence, I will
make use of this knowledge while carrying out any study in the future to
enhance credibility.
Additionally, I find the learning experience
being of great value to my future as a researcher. First, it has added new
knowledge concerning steps that one should follow in conducting an effective
and successful research. For example, I have learned the importance of carrying
out literature review as it aids in ensuring that one understands the current
knowledge on the subject of the research and any possible research gap that can
be filled about the study issue at hand.
Second, this learning experience has added value in my research life
through exposing me to critical information on important components of a
successful study, such as literature review, methodology, and others.
of the Learning Process
There are some ways through which this
learning process concerning business research will be useful to me in the
future. One of the ways in which the learning experience will be useful to me
is about my course; whereby, it will aid in successfully completing any
research related projects that I will be expected to complete as part of my
course requirements. Second, the knowledge obtained from this learning
experience will be useful in enhancing my research program, whereby, I will be
able to apply various concepts successfully so as to come up with a thesis
which is appealing to the readers and of high quality.
the knowledge gained from the learning experience will be vital when it comes
to enhancing my future career, whereby, I will apply when assigned research
projects on issues connected to accounting with an organization. For example,
while carrying out career-related research, I will apply data collection concepts,
such as sampling approaches and collection methods to conduct successful
studies, which are reliable and credible in nature. In general, I plan to apply
the concept learned to conduct comprehensive and informative studies on
different subjects that are of interest to me, especially from the secondary
sources. For example, the knowledge on literature review can be useful in
future, while reviewing multiple secondary sources related to subjects that are
of interest to me, such as health and others.
that Happened in the Learning Process
There are several things that happened during
the learning process with an objective of gaining knowledge, skills, and
competencies required to successfully conduct any types of research. First, I
participated in class lectures as part of the learning process, whereby, I
listened to the lecturer responsible for teaching concepts related to business
research, discuss various issues and concepts associated with research, such as
methodology, data analysis, and presentation of study findings. I also, read
widely various journals, books, articles associated with the concepts of
research, for instance, sampling techniques, data analysis approaches and
others. I heard during the discussions that qualitative methods are best
applicable in scenarios where one wants the participants during the data
collection to give individual accounts of experience or attitude they have
towards the subject of the study. Also, I completed some assignments aimed at
enhancing my research skills, such as one of literature review, proposal
writing so as to gain comprehension on matters related to research methodology.
During the learning process, I was able to see how to enhance the data
collection process, particularly through the selection of the appropriate
methods to use in collecting data from the field.
what I learned
business research course was useful to me in different ways. First, I have
learned how to write a research proposal, which a useful information that I
will use while writing future related research project, in the process of
completing my accounting course. I have also learned about the concept of
methodologies, such as data collection tools, sampling, research design,
validity, and reliability. This knowledge from the concept will be useful in
conducting future related studies on business subjects. For example, I will use
the knowledge on sampling and sample size to select the appropriate research
participants when carrying out a study on a particular issue from the study
population. Besides, the learning process is useful to me regarding gaining
skills and competencies of conducting a successful business research. The
knowledge and information I have obtained from participating in this learning
process will be useful when it comes to enhancing my skills and competencies of
carrying out research in a manner that is professional.
of My Learning Process
engaged in the business of reading various books and journals on business
research with the aim of gaining insights on various concepts, such as sampling
techniques from different perspectives as written by some authors. In doing so,
I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the business research using
different perspectives; unlike it would be the case of studying a subject from
a single perspective. Second, in
completing assignment one, whereby, I reviewed literature review on the
advantages and disadvantages of the social network as a tool of advertising in
business, I aimed at gaining knowledge and experience on how to conduct a
successful literature review on a particular subject of interest. I was able to
successfully carry out the literature review on the topic of discussion,
whereby, I reviewed the prevailing secondary information from different sources
on the issue of discussion and then identified the current research gap on the
topic of interest, based on the information obtained from the literature review
process. On the other hand, completion of the activity of research methodology
in assignment three was aimed at gaining a deeper understanding on how to
select the appropriate research method to use during the data collection and
analysis process based on a given topic of study.
The knowledge I have acquired from this
learning experience will be applied in my future life in different ways. First,
I will use the information to carry out the research project related to my
course. The information will be used to select the best researchable topic of
interest, research methods to use, data presentation and others. For example,
if I choose to make use of qualitative research methods, I will understand that
I will have to use data collection methods that are in line with this
methodology. Also, I will use the knowledge gained from this study as the basis
of completing any research in my life on topics of interest. For example,
skills that I acquired on literature review will be vital in reviewing various
studies associated with a particular topic of interest, as gaining a deeper
understanding of the concept of research. In conclusion, this learning
experience will transform the way I conduct any research in the future, as it
has made me a better research.
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