The main target population in this group
project will be women with postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a
medical condition largely associated with women who have given birth in the
last twelve months (Miller, 2002). Therefore, the major target of this group
activity will be women who have given birth in the last 12 months. For one to
qualify as participants in this study, she must show the following symptoms
associated with postpartum depression. One of the characteristic that the
participant should have is feeling overwhelmed. The women to participate in the
study should be those who feel they cannot manage to handle responsibilities associated
with being a new mother, as they are too much for them. Secondly, they should
be feeling guilty of how they handle their motherhood responsibilities, as they
feel they should be doing better than there are doing presently (O'Hara, 2009).
People with postpartum depression feels that their children should get the
better care they are providing them, and this is a characteristic that the
women expected to participate in the study should possess.
target women should be feeling nothing, whereby, they have feelings of numbness
and emptiness. Also, they should be feeling sad from the depth of their soul
for no apparent reason, resulting in them regularly crying (Miller, 2002). On
the other hand, they should be feeling not bonded to their babies, as they
should be as mothers. Furthermore, they should be feeling helpless, like their
situation will never change as far as taking care of their infants is
concerned. Additionally, they should be women who after giving birth feel angry
or irritated for no reason, whereby, they do not have patience with other
people around them
(O'Hara, 2009).
the other hand, there are needs that the target women will be trying to fulfill
so that they can qualify as participants in this group project. One of the
needs will be trying to overcome stress associated with being new mothers. Mothers
with postpartum depression usually show high levels of depression, and they
need support from the professionals so as to overcome stress to play their role
as mothers effectively (Field, 2010). Thus, they should be willing to get help
to enable them to live a stress-free life as mothers. They should also be
looking forward to accepting their children and having strong motherly bonds
with them. According to Miller (2002), mothers with postpartum depression
usually have problems when it comes to accepting their children, thereby; it is
difficult for them to form strong bonds with them. Hence, they need professional
help so as to overcome this challenge so as to form strong bonds with their
babies. Finally, they should be trying to avoid being angry or sad for no
reason. Field (2010) reveals that mothers with postpartum depression usually
face huge challenges when it comes to managing their anger due to them being
impatient with those around them. Hence, the target participants should be
willing to accept help so as to learn how to relate with those around them in a
healthy way.
Goals and Objectives
are various goals and objectives that will be attained by participating in this
group project. The goals and objectives are as follows;
Ø Acquiring
knowledge, attitudes and skills that contribute towards effective learning
within the skill and across life as far as the postpartum depression is
Ø Understanding
challenges encountered by mothers with postpartum depression.
Ø Provide
counseling to women with postpartum depression so that they can become
effective mothers.
Ø After
the group project, the students participating in it will be able to relate
school with life experiences.
Ø Acquire
skills needed to investigate the world of work as far as self-knowledge is
concerned, and making informed decisions in the career.
Ø Understanding
the relationship that exists between educations, training and personal
qualities, and the work of employment.
Ø Acquiring
knowledge, interpersonal skills and attitudes needed to understand as well as
respect oneself and others in the society.
Ø Understanding
some of the challenges to expect in the place of work, especially when dealing
with customers in the workplace setting.
Ø Understanding
the safety as well as survival skills in the place of work.
of Membership
main members of the group will be five students who will be responsible for
providing counseling to mothers with postpartum depression. The second set of
members of the group will be mothers who have postpartum depression. The
purposive sampling approach will be used to select the group participants,
especially the mothers with postpartum depression. One of the qualifications
for the mothers to participate in this study will be that one should have given
birth in the last twelve months. Second, the individual should show signs of
having postpartum depression. The main aim of using purposive sampling
technique will be to avoid having mothers without postpartum depression
condition taking part in this group activity as this will be a waste of time as
well as resources. Furthermore, those who will be members of the group will be
required to provide an informed consent indicating that they agree to
participate in all the group session out of their personal will, but not
through coercion. In this case, before selecting the participants, they will be
informed about their rights and allowed to make a decision on whether to
continue with group participation or not. They will be advised about the goals
of the group so as to be in a position to make an informed decision.
group of 40 women with postpartum depression will be allowed to take part in
this group activity. It is crucial to
note that the group membership will be closed, and it will not be any
participant. For anyone to qualify as a member, she should meet all the
selection criteria outlined in the selection procedures. The member should also
have the characteristics outlined about mothers with postpartum depression so
as to participate in the group activities. Finally, the member should have the
appropriate documentation to show that she is part of the group to avoid
unqualified members taking part in its activities.
of the Leader/Co-leader
The group will have a leader and co-leader who
will be responsible for playing different roles aimed at making sure the goals
and objectives of the group will be attainable. One of the roles of the group
leader will be providing leadership to the group. The leader will be
responsible for providing direction to the group member on what they are
supposed to different situations so as to attain their objectives. Second, the
leader and the co-leader will be responsible for ensuring that all group rules
are followed at all times so as to ensure that everything is carried out within
the confines of the laid down procedures and rules. Also, the group
leader/co-leader will be responsible for ensuring that there is harmony within
the group. The leader will help in resolving conflicts among the group
participants to avoid their disputes impacting negatively on the ability of the
group to accomplish its objectives and goals. Furthermore, the group leader
will be responsible for guiding the members in making major decisions affecting
the way the group is operated. Finally, it is the role of the leader to ensure
that all the participants are highly motivated so that they can manage to
participate in all the group's programs and sessions successfully.
Adlerian theoretical approach will be used during the participants'
interactions with the students who will be involved in providing counseling on
their health conditions. The theory was created by Adler Alfred. Its main focus
is on creating a therapeutic relationship, which is positive, interactive, and
encouraging to the target patients
(Carlson and Sperry, 2005). The students who will be counseling
the mothers with postpartum depression will target to have therapeutic
interactions that are positive and encouraging in nature so that they can
overcome some of the major causes their prevailing health conditions. When
using this theoretical approach the counselor assists a patient to understand
and question how their past life events, as well as hidden objectives, have
lead to their prevailing lifestyle. Therefore, use of the theory will help
those who will be providing counseling to mothers with postpartum depression to
understand some of their behaviors in life that could be the cause of the
problems associated with this psychological problem, that impact negatively on
their ability to be effective mothers. The theory will help in ensuring mothers
are motivated to overcome inferiority, insecurity feelings, thereby, developing
pride and confidence for being mothers
(Carlson and Sperry, 2005). They will be able to overcome
negative mental states associated with their conditions of giving birth.
group will be made of 45 members, five of them will be students who will be
offering counseling services to the participants, while, forty of them will be
the participants’ whole will be mothers who have given birth in the last twelve
months and show signs of postpartum depression. The group sessions will be held
within five days in a week. The sessions will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays. The group
meetings will be held from 13.00 pm to 17.00pm. Thus, the meetings will be held
for about 3 hours on a daily basis. The group meetings are expected to last for
two months so that all the set objectives and goals can be attained.
are different rules established by the group members. They should be followed
by all the members in the course of undertaking all the group related
activities. The rules are as follows;
Ø All
the participants, mothers with postpartum depression will be expected to
provide documentations needed to prove that they are allowed to be part of the
group activities.
Ø All
the members, especially the students will be expected to participate in all the
group session without failure, unless due to justifiable lessons.
Ø All
members are expected to maintain high levels of discipline and should respect
the authority of the group leader.
Ø The
members will be expected to work in harmony and respect the privacy of the
Ø The
participants' rights should be respected at all times, such as confidentiality,
privacy, and others.
Ø Any
disagreement within the group should be resolved amicably by the group leader.
Ø Anyone
who is not satisfied with anything associated with the group activities or
processes is supposed to communicate about the issue during the group sessions.
Ø All
the group sessions should be conducted in a professional way and directed
towards attaining the group’s goals and objectives.
Ø All
communications in the group should be written and communicated either through
email, memo or messages to the members.
Session Plan
Introducing the participants to the concept of postpartum depression. In this
session, the students acting as counselors in the group will provide detailed
information to the participants about causes of this health conditions and
symptom associated with it. This will form the theoretical basis of the helping
the participants understand the causes the condition they have so as to start
the therapy process. This activity will suit in the group as this will be an
introduction session, where, the participants should understand why they have
postpartum depression.
and Objectives: The objective will help the participants understand the concept
of postpartum depression.
Description: A power point presentation will be provided to the participants as
well as publication on the concept of postpartum depression provided to them.
Roles and Responsibilities: The group leader will be responsible for providing
direction during the entire session.
Questionnaires will be issued to the participants to measure the success of the
Understanding behaviors and attitudes associated with postpartum depression.
The session will involve the mothers describing some of the behaviors and
attitudes they have due to postpartum depression. This will form the basis of
determining the therapy they need to overcome their conditions.
and Objectives: The objective will help the participants understand attitudes
and behaviors associated with postpartum depression.
Description: Participants will be allowed to share their experience with
others, such as to understand attitudes and behaviors related to postpartum
Roles and Responsibilities: The group leader will be responsible for guiding
the entire session.
Questionnaires will be issued to the participants to measure the success of the
Informing the participants about the dangers of having postpartum depression.
The session will involve the counselors informing the participants why they
should be weary of having postpartum depression as mothers. The theme is
appropriate as at this stage the participants will have adequate information
about the causes and symptoms and now will need to know the dangers of having
the condition. Hence, this will form the basis of preparing for a therapy
session on how to help them deal with the problem at hand.
and Objectives: The objective will help the participants comprehend the dangers
associated with postpartum depression.
Activity Description: PowerPoint presentation
will be used to help the participants understand the concept of dangers of
having postpartum depression as a mother.
Roles and Responsibilities: The group leader will be responsible for guiding
the entire session.
Discussion between counselor and participants will be used to measure the
success of the session.
Informing of the mothers about help available to them to deal with postpartum
depression. The participants will be informed how the counselors will take them
through the various group as well as individual sessions so that they can
overcome the problem associated with postpartum depression.
and Objectives: The objective will help the participants comprehend the dangers
associated with postpartum depression.
Description: PowerPoint presentation will be used to help the participants
understand the help available to them so as to deal postpartum depression as
Roles and Responsibilities: The group leader will be responsible for guiding
the entire session.
Discussion between counselor and participants will be used to measure the
success of the session.
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