'Could It Be Magic': Barry Manilow's Symphony of Melody and Chopin's Prelude 20
song is called could it be magic and was
composed by Barry Manilow. It was released in the year 1971 and was a major
hit. It was initially developed by a group called Featherbed in which Barry was
a member and was produced by Tony Orlando. However, this group release was not
received well by the public and was not successful in the charts. It was later on redeveloped as a solo whereby
Barry Manilow recorded it. It became of
Barry’s first hits. The song is based on
a melodic as well as a chord progression by Fredric Chopin. It was a prelude in
C minor. It was known as the Prelude Op. 28, No. 20 (Manilow, 2011).
prelude 20 by Chopin is one of the most common preludes by Chopin, and this is because it is very easy to
learn. It is also slow and shorts and thus ads to the ease in which a person
can learn and master it. It is a prelude made up of big chords which sometimes
can be made up of more five notes. It is as a result of the use of big chords
that the prelude has a slow and dramatic feel. The dramatic fell coupled with
its slowness makes it have a marching like sound. It is most of the time referred
to as the funeral march and this credited to its feel (Allysia, 2017).
The harmonies within the prelude are quite
straightforward. It is for this reason that this prelude appeals to many people than the other preludes. The prelude
is commonly known as the chord prelude,
and this is credited by how
it is straightforward
(Allysia, 2017).
video represents the song could it be magic by Barry Manilow. The song begins
with the prelude in the key of C major. The use of the prelude to this song is very effective in capturing
people’s attention. The prelude is straightforward and has a dramatic feel
which appeals to many people and can attract the attention of people. It has
been effectively used in the song to captivating listeners into hearing the
song (Manilow, 2011).
Chopin wrote all the preludes. They are twenty of them because there are twelve
keys in a piano and each has both a major and a minor. They were developed for the solo piano, and the pieces are short. They were
originally published in the year 1938. They are preludes meaning that
they are described as pieces used for the
introduction. However, Chopin developed
them in a manner that they are units that are self-contained. Each of the preludes is different from each other regarding arrangement and are each meant to
elicit a different feel, emotion or the time the term improvisation was
very popular, but he gave it new meaning
by providing the aspect of preluding. Chopin u8sed is single opus to challenge
the perception of the world associated with small forms of music (Allysia, 2017).
The prelude 20 has a largo tempo marking and was developed in the key of C minor. It is
commonly known as the chord prelude and has been used by many such as Barry Manilow as introductions to their songs. Barry,
as used this prelude effectively to introduce his song and it is effective in
attracting the attention of listeners (Manilow,
Allysia. Chopin, PRELUDE 20-. 2017.
Manilow, Barry. Could it be Magic? 2011.
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