Fulfilling Responsibilities: The Role of Families and Churches in Caring for the Needy | MyPaperHub

Fulfilling Responsibilities: Strengthening Families and Churches for the Well-being of the Needy


Jesus Christ placed the burden of caring for the needy to the people that believe in him.  He demonstrated it by feeding a hungry crowd of five thousand peoples with fish and bread. However, there is no point in the bible where the responsibility of the needy places in the hands of the state. The biblical design for taking care of the needy is very significant because it holds the family as a very important aspect. Strengthening the family is very important because a strong cohesion based on love and care would radiate to the society. The establishment of strong, loving families relates to a strong society that cares for one another and has a higher capacity for compassion for the needy. The state mobilizes funds from the community through taxing and uses the funds to develop social programs to help the needy. In this case, the church which is a great aspect of the society falls behind in its responsibility as the main source of help to the needy. In the society of today, there has developed a great disconnect in family structures. The aspects of having extended families ties are slowly reducing with many expected to take care of themselves when they become adults. Taking care of one another as a family is very important because of it creates strong family bonds and reduces the aspects of needy people. This is because there will always be someone to ready to help (Caring for the poor, 2017).

The existence of needy people shows great social probes in the society.  It shows how the society has turned back on its population. The church is a great aspect of the society is also lagging behind in its responsibility of taking care of the needy. The state has also fallen short and is developing policies that can only benefit the rich and the poor suffer. A good example is the aspect of Medicare and Medicaid. The costs of these services have for many years gone up. They are two services aimed at the elderly and the disabled but have been developed with high prices that many of these people cannot access. (Interpreting Social Problems: Aging, 2017).

Family disconnects have led to reduced love and care among family members. As a result, people fail to meet their family obligations of taking care of their own. The church plays a crucial role in helping the needy because it forms the first aspect of the community. It brings together people from different families and builds a cohesion among them. It develops relationships with a wider population, and the bond makes it easy to take care of the ones in need. The church is better placed as a community institution capable of helping many people who are needy. As a strongly developed family, the church is capable of helping out its members reach out to people in the society beginning with their own family members. Emphasis on stronger family ties beyond the nuclear family is paramount in ensuring that many people live well and reduce needy people  (Interpreting Social Problems: Aging, 2017). Making sure that people acknowledge the importance of members of their families helps tighten family bond. Extended family ties are slowly reducing because of over dependence on one another. The culture of today has forced people to turn their backs on members of their families beyond a nuclear family (Caring for the poor, 2017).



Caring for the poor. (2017). Retrieved from https://home.snu.edu/~hculbert/poor.htm

Interpreting Social Problems: Aging. (2017). Retrieved from https://www.pearsonhighered.com/assets/samplechapter/0/2/0/5/0205004164.pdf



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