The American civil war happened because of the
emancipation of slavery in the country. It is a war that was also fought for
the unification of the country. The fight over slavery by the states of the
south created tension in the country, and southern states created the
Confederate states that demanded secession from the country. Slavery was a
great economic activity in the south, but abolitionist movements, especially
from the north, fought for freedom from slavery and complete abolishment of the
economic activity. The war was fought and become the bloodiest the country has
ever experienced. It had many casualties from both sides of the war. The end of
the war saw great changes in the economic, social and political aspects of the
war. African Americans who previously were slaves were now free, the economy of
the south was now at risk because of the abolishment of slavery, and the
country was in turmoil because of ravages of the war. The completion of the war
gave rise to the beginning of reconstruction that was an error expected with
the rebuilding process of the nation. Confederacy had the collapse, and more
than four million slaves were now free. The completion of the war saw a great
opportunity for the country regarding the restoration of unity, the establishment
of civil rights for the freed slaves and the strengthening of the government
after the unification. It also saw the rise of the American industrial
revolution (Hirschman & Mogford, 2009).
This is the period that precedes the end of the war
and is mostly characterized by the efforts established for the rebuilding
process of the states of the south. It is an era between the years 1865 to
1877. This is a period that had enormous implications for the economic
political and social life of African Americans. The whites of the south were
angered by the emancipation which now placed African Americans as equals to
them. This era was therefore characterized by terror, violence, and killings of
African Americans in the hands of white supremacists, especially of the south.
This is the period that saw the rise of the Ku Klux Klan that was a racist
group against African Americans. The reconstruction is considered as a failure (Christensen,
Industrial expansion
The end of the war also saw great developments in
industry and agriculture. It saw the rise of the population and the spreading
of settlements across the country. African Americans in the south were now free
and migrated to the north to look for more economic opportunities. The North
developed its economy into an industry based and thus attracted migration from
all over the country as well as from nations from abroad especially Europe. The
south was still agricultural based, and its economy grew slowly (Hirschman &
Mogford, 2009).
Rapid rates of urbanization caused by great
industrialization attracted great levels of immigration, especially from
European nations. They came mostly from southern, central and eastern Europe
and all cape to seek better economic opportunities in America. Between the
years 1880 and 1920, the nation received more than twenty million immigrants
from all over the world. However, the start of the First World War saw a
reduction of immigration especially after the introduction of quotas. The
immigration process into the United States brought with it great levels of
diversity as these immigrants were integrated into the American society (Christensen,
The American civil war was very devastating because
of the degree of destruction and death. However, it brought to great levels of
change. The northern states had established great economic policies that were
hindered by the rebellious nature of the south however after the war; great
economic expansion occurred in the northern states. The social, political,
economic aspect of African Americans did not seem to change and as a matter of
fact worsened especially during reconstruction. Immigration rates went high
especially from Europe and led to the development of a highly diverse nation.
The period after the civil war also saw the great industrial revolution in the
United States(Christensen, 2017).
B. The Dawn of Innovation: The First American Industrial Revolution. Booklist
[serial online]. October 15, 2012;109(4):4. Available from: Academic Search
Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed July 24, 2017.
C., & Mogford, E. (2009). Immigration and the American industrial
revolution from 1880 to 1920. Social
Science Research, 38(4), 897-920. doi:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2009.04.001
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