Nuclear reactor meltdowns | MyPaperHub

A nuclear reactor meltdown refers to a severe accident that is related to nuclear reactors,
and which results in a lot of damages from overheating. Maina defines it as an accidental melting
of a nuclear reactors’ core, and it can be either a complete or a partial collapse. Nuclear energy is
a chief source of electricity. According to the International Nuclear Energy Agency, nuclear
energy produces approximately 20% of the world electricity generation. The U.S. produces most
of the nuclear energy globally. Nuclear reactor meltdowns can bring about devastating effects,
but with appropriate measures, they can be averted.

Nuclear power plants present a potential health risks to a big proportion of the
population. For instance, following the Fukushima Daiichi meltdown, many people absorbed
supplies of potassium iodide, which pose a great risk of cancer. The most severe nuclear accident
to occur in history was at Chernobyl, Ukraine in the year 1986 the Chernobyl meltdown led to 30
plant workers’ death, most of which resulted from radiation poisoning. There are at least 6,000
cases of people reported to have thyroid cancer as a result of the exposure to Chernobyl’s
radiation. The discharge of radioactive particles to the environment causes concerns because of
potential acute as well as log-term health consequences. Any uncontrolled as well as substantial
release of radiation ought to be the origin of immediate reaction as well as scientific On March
11, 2011, the earthquake as well as tsunami in Japan led to release of radioactive materials.

Nuclear reactors are basically high-tech kettles that effectively boil water which is then
utilized in the generation of electricity. They depend on harnessing nuclear fission, and that is,
the splitting of atoms into two other smaller atoms that as well generates heat and makes the


neutrons to scatter. In the case another atom absorbs a single of the neutrons, and the atom turns
out to be unstable and goes through fission itself, discharging more heat, as well as neutrons. The
self-sustainability of the chain reaction generates continuous heat supply that boils water which
then propels the steam turbines, thereby generating electricity.

The imminent risk from a nuclear power plant accident is the exposure to radioactive
radiation. This exposure may emanate from the discharge of radioactive elements from the
nuclear power plant to the environment that is characterized by a cloud-like formation of
radioactive particles. The main risks to people within the vicinity of the cloud-like formation of
radioactive particles are the exposure of their bodies to radiation from the radioactive particles
that have been deposited on the ground, along with the inhalation or ingestion of radioactive
elements. Many nuclear reactors utilize uranium fuel which has been supplemented in uranium
235, a uranium isotope that readily fissions, so as to sustain an incessant fission reaction, as well
as electricity generation. The supplemented uranium is made into fuel rods which are enclosed in
metal cladding materials that are made with alloys like zirconium. The Chernobyl incident that
occurred in 1986 is the most devastating nuclear reactor meltdown in history. On the INES scale,
this accident was rated as a 7, implying that it was a major disaster.

Minimization of Exposure to Radiation- The exposure of people to radioactive materials
from a possible nuclear reactor meltdown may be minimized by putting a number of measures to
address the situation. They include the following:

Distance- the distance that is separating a nuclear reactor plant from the residential areas
should be maintained to make sure that people will be safe in case of a nuclear reactor meltdown.


Shielding- the material that are used in manufacturing nuclear reactors ought to be dense.
The heavier the material used is, the better it is at minimizing the exposure to radiation particles.

Preparedness- in case of a release in nuclear radiation in an area, the local authorities as
well as response units must activate warning sirens or other approved approaches in instructing
people on the way in which they should protect themselves.

At the point when such an occasion happens, the World Health Organization's command,
as portrayed in the Joint Radiation Emergency Management Plan of the International
Organizations, is to survey and react to general wellbeing dangers. The basic role of this
wellbeing danger appraisal of the Fukushima Daiichi atomic mischance is to gauge its potential
general wellbeing effect with the goal that future wellbeing needs can be expected, and general
wellbeing moves can be made. This evaluation is focused around a preparatory assessment of
radiation measurements, as portrayed in a WHO report distributed in May 2012.

Taking everything into account, this wellbeing danger appraisal is focused around the
current condition of exploratory information. The evaluation models utilized were gotten from
past radiation occasions and experience, which don't precisely match the example of the
introduction seen in Fukushima; in this manner, alterations were needed. The dosage appraisals
and presumptions utilized as a part of this evaluation were deliberately decided to minimize the
likelihood of belittling consequent wellbeing dangers. The qualities introduced in the report
ought to be viewed as inductions of the extent of the wellbeing dangers, instead of as exact
forecasts. Additionally, it is likewise vital to note that the presentation information whereupon
this report is based are preparatory and incorporate just information that were accessible as of


September 2011. Since exploratory understanding of radiation impacts, especially at low
measurements, may increment later on, it is conceivable that a further examination may change
our understanding of the dangers of this radiation mishap.

Worldwide general wellbeing security is one of the key needs of WHO's motivation. The
World Health Assembly asked for the Director-General in 2005 to upgrade WHO's ability to
actualize wellbeing related crisis readiness plans and to get ready for disasters and emergencies
through opportune and solid appraisals. The way of WHO's work on crises – whether coming
about because of characteristic, purposeful or incidental occasions – re-quires an abnormal state
of coordination with a mixed bag of accomplices inside the United Nations framework, and also
with outer accomplices. One of the lessons from the 1986 Chernobyl atomic mishap was the
need to reinforce worldwide collaboration in radiation crises. The Joint Radiation Emergency
Management Plan of the International Organizations, last distributed in 2010, creates the
instruments for actualizing a composed reaction and depicts the parts of each one gathering.
Inside this joint arrangement, WHO is in charge of the coordination of general wellbeing danger
evaluation and react.

If a nuclear reactor meltdown occurs, bringing down an electric power grid, those people
who are close to the nuclear power plant are at a high risk of being affected. It is imperative for
one to know the safest distance for setting up residential areas as well as business from a nuclear
power plant, given that a nuclear reactor meltdown may lead to severe consequences in case of
an accident. Nuclear power plants ought to be set up near large water bodies for the purpose.
Nuclear power plants require electricity to maintain the working of their colossal water cooling
pumps. I the absence of these cooling pumps, there is an assurance of nuclear meltdown.


Nuclear power plants utilize the heat that is produced from nuclear fission in a setting
that is controlled to turn water into steam, which then powers generators so as to generate
electricity. In the U.S., approximately 3 million people reside within 10 miles of an operational
nuclear power plant. Even though the Nuclear Regulatory Commission closely monitors as well
as regulate nuclear power plants, there is some possibility of accidents. A nuclear power plant
accident may result in dangerous radiation levels that may affect the safety as well as health of
the public who reside near them.

Different agencies, as well as organizations such as federal agencies as well as electric
utilities, have plans for emergency response in case of a nuclear power plant accident. The plans
entail two zones of emergency; a zone covering a region that is within a radius of 10 miles from
the plant, and a zone covering a 50 miles radius from the plant. In the former zone, the
possibility of people being harmed in case of an accident is high due to exposure to direct
radiation, whereas in the latter zone, there can be contamination of water supplies, livestock, as
well as food crops.


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