Schools and Bullying | MyPaperHub

Do schools handle bullying properly? Can the way we handle bullying be handled better?

Bullying in the school has been a prime worry for most learners. Bullying in the schools occurs primarily among the students themselves where those from majority groups discriminate the students from minor groups or where the students in the upper classes treat those in the lower classes with no respect (Espilage 46). However, bullying can also be done by the teachers to students. There are divergent ways that schools have been responding to bullying as a way to end this vice and create a conducive learning environment for all students.

            Bullying in schools happens in divergent modes. Students can be physically bullied which involve pushing, fighting, hitting, shoving and tripping. It can also be done emotionally whereby the student is insulted, teased or even referred with names they do not like. It thus disturbs their emotions to an extent of getting stressed. Predominantly, the groups targeted to bullying in the schools include; students with disabilities, student from certain races and students with certain religious beliefs.

            Bullying in schools occur in divergent forms such as bullying by groups or bullying by an individual. Today, many schools have taken several measures to end bullying that had been so rampant in the schools. It has resulted to reduction in the cases of bullying in the schools and thus learners in these institutions feel more secure. Implementation of policies to end cases of bullying by different groups in the schools has been done. Students and teachers are required to adhere to the policies and doing contrary to what the policy state results in severe consequences on the said group. These policies clearly highlights the stiff measures that will be taken to those involved in cases of bullying in the schools. For example, students or teachers found bullying may lose their place in the school or even face trials against insults.

            Teachers and other stakeholders in the schools have been involved in solving several cases regarding bullying in the schools by applying the best treatment which is fair to all students. However, there are times when schools fail to handle the cases of bullying properly when they sympathize with those involved in bullying. It largely occurs when some groups of students or teachers are exempted from measures other face when involved in bullying. It has raised major concerns among different groups as it is unfair and this would stimulate cases of bullying in the schools. Such cases are, however, rare due to stiff ethical requirements for the teachers.

            Schools have set policies that enhance integration of students and teachers from divergent cultures, races and ages as a way of building harmony and equality among all groups. It has fostered fairness and equality among all students thus reducing cases of bullying among them.  Schools are thus trying to handle cases of bullying properly and thus are the chief factor that has resulted in tremendous decline in bullying cases in the schools. Establishment of various programs in the schools such as counseling sessions to inform the students on the importance of harmony within the institutions of learning have significantly assisted in minimizing the cases of bullying in the schools.

            In spite of great efforts that schools have employed to curb the cases of bullying in the schools, there is a need for all stakeholders in the schools to further their efforts so as to handle the cases of bullying better. To start with, schools should treat all cases of bullying with equal importance and urgency just as other cases of abuse. Schools administrators should not tolerate any cases of bullying either by the teacher or the students. It would help in prevention of bullying among various groups or individuals in schools.

            Schools with high cases of bullying should borrow ideas from other institutions where cases of bullying are minimal. It will help them to develop better strategies for dealing with the cases of bullying among the students and teachers. Development of co-curriculum activities alongside the normal class work in the schools can be a good way to handle bullying in schools. These may involve debates that would address the meaning of integrity in the schools, how students can enhance integrity among themselves and how students and teachers can be assertive. During such sessions, students should be taught the importance of treating others with respect. Schools should create awareness to the students that cultural, religious and gender differences should be used as basis of exchanging ideas that could benefit us in life (Rigby 36). Due to the fact that different student have the notion that certain behaviors will aid them to accomplish their goals, schools should be involved in counseling and guidance of such students.

            Schools should identify the students involved in cases of bully. Such students should be handled as people who require special help. If there is failure by the schools to help these students, there is a high chance for them to be involved in criminal activities after their school lives (Klein 24). Schools should come up with special programs for the students involved in bullying to teach them appropriate behaviors, ways to resolve their conflicts without bullying and even how they can develop compassion and tolerance. It will as a result transform such students and consequently the cases of bullying among the students in the schools.

            Parents should be involved when the schools are dealing with cases of bullying among the students. The parent and the students should be called for as conference so as to inform parents that such behaviors depicted by their child is unacceptable. Parents should be given directives on what they should do to change the behaviors of the child. It will have great impacts on the students making him or her change the code of conduct (Rigby 93). The student is most likely to change their perceptions on different issues and the manner in which they react in response to the wrongs other students do to them

            In conclusion, schools have played a great role in handling he cases of bulling among different groups. It has been through establishment of various programs that brings students and teachers together with an aim of stimulating harmony and cohesion among them. This has reduced cases of bullying. However, bullying in schools can be handled well if schools develop suitable strategies to manage the cases. Debates and other forums should be advocated in the schools to enhance creation of awareness among the students about the significance of integrity. Schools should also treat students involved in bullying in a special way by counseling them on how they could solve their disputes with others in ways that will prevent conflicts. By doing so, schools will have improved their ways of handling cases of bullying.


 Work Cited

  Klein, Jessie. The Bully Society: School Shootings and the Emergency of Bullying in America's Schools. New York: New York UP, 2012. Print.

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Rigby, Ken. Bullying Interventions in Schools Six Basic Approaches. Camberwell, Vic.: ACER, 2010. Print.

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Espelage, Dorothy L. Bullying in North American Schools. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2011. Print.

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Rigby, Ken. Bullying in Schools and What to Do about It. Rev. and Updated. ed. Camberwell, Vic.: ACER, 2007. Print. 

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