1.0 Introduction
The unsustainable agricultural practices are the
source of food problems. It is significant to consider both the
food policies and practices so as to make sure that there is a sustainable food
system. According to Curran, April, Abigail & Andrew (12), unsustainable
food practices are the result of escalating food prices as well as food
shortage. This paper will detail the unsustainable food practices that exist in
the United States.
Research Objectives
i.          Â
examine the food practices that are unsustainable.
      ii.          Â
find out the ways in which food sustainability may be enhanced.
The Research entailed
the application of qualitative research design in determining the unsustainable
food practices that exist in the American society. The qualitative approach was
selected as it recognizes less the subjectivity of the researcher in the study
and it focuses on the relationships that exist between dissimilar variables as
well as it can create a cause and effect in circumstances that are very
controlled. In addition, the qualitative research design is more reliable,
objective and makes the assumption that the sample represents the entire
Over the last few decades, there has been an increasing
concern over the issue of food security in different parts of the world. Morawicki
(130) asserts that unsustainable food practices are the key source of food
insecurity. With the increasing population of the world, making sure that there
is an adequate food supply for all people poses a serious challenge presently,
as well as in the future (Curran, April, Abigail & Andrew 12). Most of the
existing food practices are conceptualized as ‘coping strategies’ that do not
solve the food concern for good. The challenges that are currently facing
agriculture are massive. The global rise in the prices of foods is of immediate
concern, which has led to emergence of food riots as well as food shortage in many
Unsustainable Food Practices in the United States
1.     Unsustainable Technologies
There are various food practices that are adopted by
different countries which are not sustainable. New technologies have been used
for the purpose of boosting agricultural production globally. Despite the
effectiveness of these technologies in producing food for human beings
consumption, some of them have detrimental consequences which must be
 “GM foods†refers to
the crop plants that are manufactured by means of the newest molecular biology
technologies for the purpose of animal or human consumption. Genetic
engineering has been used in the production of foods that have certain
characteristics such as drought resistance. Even though GM foods can be effective
and efficient in addressing the concern of food insecurity as well as address the
food needs of the increasing population, there has been a lot of criticism in
relation to these foods.
Groups such as environment activists and public interest
groups have raised concern regarding the GM foods. Most of these foods are
concentrated with pesticides, and their consumption is associated to various
illnesses. In this paper, sustainable refers to the environmental and social characteristics
of goods.
Biological consequences of human activities have led to
changing weather patterns. Agricultural practices that employ the use of pesticides
and fungicides in the control of pests has a number of consequences. Food
security has approached a critical proportion for a lot of people. According to
the article (Mary 18), in both Chicago and Paris cities, the residents spend
about half of their incomes on food. The hiking of food prices in addition to food
insecurity are currently leading to political instability. There was an
outbreak of food riots in Uganda as well as in Burkina Faso.
2.    Â
Farming practices
(2090) describes the present agricultural system as simply unsustainable. He
refers it to as a "rape the
planet" representation that cuts down forests so as to grow GMO soybeans
which are used to feed cattle which are then turned into meet that is
processed. In addition, the use of chemical pesticides
is destroying the capacity of soils which results in the pollution of farms,
rivers, as well as oceans. The system is simply unsustainable. It is evident
that organic agriculture is not able to meet the demands of food for the
ever-increasing world population as a result of the low yields which are
3.     Climate Change
change is a major concern in the origin of unsustainable food practices in the
United States. Climate change occurs as a result of a change in factors that
exist in the natural environment. Land
has also been cleared in many parts of the United States so as to provide lands
that can be used for the purpose of producing food by means of agricultural
practices. This is because clearing natural forests for the purpose of growing
food crops result to negative effects on the climate of an area. It also leads
to destruction of water sources. Even though the clearing of land for
agricultural purposes addresses the immediate need of food supply, it does not
address the future needs of food for the increasing population, and it is
therefore not sustainable.
the fossil fuels industry its well-oiled and well-funded campaign to sustain an
opposition to cries regarding climate change, the effects of climate change are
apparent, which results into food insecurity (Morawicki 35).
The way in which food production takes place can have a
negative health risk to those who consume it. However, there are many people
who continue to feed people even in hospitals with GM foods, which are
saturated with pesticides, and which are as well related with various diseases
such as cancer. This poses a severe health risk to patients and the staff.
conclusion, according to the findings presented in this research, it is evident that people ought to adopt practices
that will lead to sustainable production of foods. There is need for both the
government as well as different organizations to fight for the sustainable
production of food to the increasing world population.
i.          Â
Environmental conservation: Steps
must be taken so as to conserve the water resources that are found in the U.S.
ii.          Â
agriculture decreases the harm that happens to the environment. For example,
elimination of polluting substances like pesticides help in conserving the
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